Venus is a powerful planet and apart from being the lord of beauty and love, Shukra is also the factor of Sanjeevani Vidya. Under the auspicious influence of Venus, the person becomes kind, friendly, beautiful, seductive, expert in fine arts, peace loving, successful, generous, and always happy. On the other hand, due to the contamination of Venus, there can be discord in home life, doubts in love, dogmatism, financial crisis, skin, sore throat, reproductive organs, genitals, and nerves. Under the inauspicious effects of Venus, the person takes more interest in food and drink and enjoys pleasure, drinks alcohol and attains characterlessness. Apart from this, there is a possibility of back pain, diabetes, blood disorders or kidney disease. Venus is a powerful planet and it rules over one of the seven metals of the body. Let us know what will be the effect of the Aquarius transit of Venus on Pisces.
The Aquarius transit of Venus 2020 will have a mixed effect on the Moon sign Pisces. Aquarius Transit 2020 of Venus is going to happen in the eleventh to the twelfth house of Pisces horoscope. Venus is also the lord of the third and eighth house of the horoscope. The twelfth house of the horoscope is known as the place of expenditure or the place of salvation. It is related to important aspects of life like expenses, expenses and luxuries. Venus transit in Aquarius 2020 will see positive effects on some major areas of life of Pisces natives like career, business and financial status, but some problems may have to be faced in personal areas like love, marriage and health.
Also read – Aquarius transit of Venus will bring this change in the life of Aquarius, know the auspicious and inauspicious effects!
Venus transit in Aquarius, impact on career
Venus has been transiting from Capricorn to Aquarius, and from there it is exerting auspicious and inauspicious effects on the major areas of life of its next zodiac sign, Pisces. During this time, your job responsibilities are going to increase due to the influence of Venus. During this time you should remain conscious of the issues related to your professional or career. During this, the pressure of work will increase on you and you will be pressured to complete them in a fixed time frame. In this situation, patience and balanced behaviour will work to provide you stability in your career.
Aquarius transit of Venus, effect on business
The Aquarius Transit 2020 of Venus is not that beneficial for the career of Pisces, but Venus Transit 2020 is going to be very effective and positive in terms of business and business. During this, your efforts which you are already making seem to bear fruit. During this time, the expansion of business is going to be a reward for your old efforts. During this time, according to the planetary condition of Pisces natives, some long business trips are also being made for them. Financial benefits are also seen from these business trips. As a reward for these trips, you can also do some very effective and profitable business deals. Overall, the Aquarius transit of Venus is going to leave a very positive and auspicious effect for business.
Aquarius transit of Venus, effect on the financial condition
The economic condition of a person living on limited income means depends on his job or business-business. But some people try to improve their financial condition through means like savings and investments in the hope of a better future. Aquarius Transit 2020 of Venus is going to give good results to Libra people in areas like business and business. Although some new benefits are not visible in job or professional life, but the fixed income that is there will not make any difference. There is a possibility of getting good profit through investment during this period. Also, past long-term investments are also going to give good returns during this period. Your long-term investments during this period will help you prepare for a better future. However, avoid taking any big financial decisions during this period.
Aquarius Transit of Venus, Effects on Love Relationships
During the Aquarius transit of Venus, you got to see a mixed effect on career and business business. But during this transit, you will have to deal with some emotional issues in your love relationship. However, there is also scope for a positive response from their partner for the newly married couple who are looking for their love during this period. During this time, you should make serious efforts to take your love relationship to the next level, keeping your emotional side strong. During this time, the influence of Venus will attract you emotionally to each other, but due to your ego, you can spoil your relationship. Be patient and try to understand things from your partner’s point of view while keeping yourself apart.
Venus transit in Aquarius, effect on married life
The Aquarius transit of Venus is going to affect many aspects of life, but the one area of life it will affect the most is married life! The Aquarius transit of Venus is going to affect the married life of Pisces natives in many ways. During this time, married people will have to make more serious efforts to maintain the relationship with their life partner. You will have to show more dedication to get the happiness of married life during this time period. During this time you are advised to spend more time with your life partner. Spending time with your life partner and respecting their feelings will make your relationship more comfortable and loving.
Talk to our experienced astrologers now to get solutions to marital and love-related problems!
Aquarius transit of Venus, effect on education
Aquarius transit of Venus is going to provide benefits to Pisces natives in the field of education. During this time, students trying to get an education abroad are likely to get good results. However, during this time you will not get any positive results easily, but you will have to work hard for it. During this, you will get the benefit of the positive effects of Venus, but only the hard work done by you can lead you to the desired results. So be ready and put serious effort to crack any kind of exam.
Aquarius Transit of Venus, Effects on Health
Aquarius Transit 2020 of Venus will have a mixed effect on Pisces, but during this time you are advised to control your eating habits. You may face health-related problems during this time period. Although under the influence of Venus, you are going to greatly improve your health-related lifestyle, its effect will also be visible on your health. During this time you are also going to spend some money to improve your health. But you also have to keep in mind that during this time by being careful about your health, you are trying to protect yourself from the ill effects that may come.
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With the blessings of Ganeshji,