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Valentine’s Day Special – Venus transit in Pisces, the natural lord of love and married life

Valentine’s Day Special – Venus transit in Pisces, the natural lord of love and married life

Venus, known as Venus or Sister Planet of Earth in Western countries, has got the name of a very powerful and effective planet in Vedic astrology. Venus rules one of the seven metals of the human body. Shukra Kaal, being a symbol of beauty of man, provides natural happiness of love and married life. Under the auspicious effect of Venus, the person is kind, friendly, beautiful, seductive, face, expert in fine arts, peace-loving, successful, generous, guest-loving and always happy-go-lucky. On the other hand, under the inauspicious effect of Venus, one may have to face problems like discord in home life, doubts in love, dogmatism, financial crisis, skin, sore throat, reproductive organs, genitals, disorders of nerves.

Being the second planet from the Sun in the solar system, Venus takes about 23 days to travel through one zodiac sign. In the current situation, Venus is transiting in Aquarius, but on February 3, it will change its zodiac and enter Pisces. Pisces is the sign of the water element, and it is number twelfth in the order of the zodiac. Jupiter is the lord of Pisces, and is equal to Venus. Pisces Transit 2020 of Venus is going to have auspicious and inauspicious effects on all the zodiac signs from February 3 to February 29. Let us try to know in detail according to the zodiac signs, how is Venus transit in Pisces 2020 affecting the zodiac signs?

Pisces transit of Venus is visible as soon as it has a positive effect on the life of the Moon sign Aries horoscope. However, during this time you are also advised to take some precautions. The Pisces transit of Venus is happening in the twelfth house of the horoscope, during which Venus is also the lord of the second and seventh house of the horoscope. The twelfth house of the horoscope is called the place of expenditure, and it is related to such areas as expenses of life, expenditure, luxuries, fear of the state, prison, foreign travel, sleeping pleasure and loss and loss.

During the Pisces transit of Venus, very positive changes will be seen in the relationship of Aries people. Relationships of love, marriage and personal life will improve during this time. During this time you are going to be happy with the harmony of your relationships. However, during this time your expenses may work to put you under stress. During the Pisces transit of Venus, coincidences are also seen for some long distance travels for Aries people. During this time you should take special care of your health, because you may have to face some health-related problems during Venus transit 2020. Try to improve your eating and sleeping habits, stop eating outside fast food and include nutritious things in your diet.

The transit of Venus, the lord of Taurus and Libra, is happening in Pisces, the sign of water element, all-round positive effects of this Venus transit will be seen on Taurus. During this transit, Venus is going to transit from the tenth house to the eleventh house of the Moon sign Taurus. Along with this, Venus is also the lord of the sixth and eleventh house of the horoscope. The eleventh house of the horoscope being a benefic house is related to important areas like day to day profit, willpower, auspicious work, fame, fame, public life, more profit, ambition, and development.

Venus is transiting in the eleventh house of the horoscope as the ascendant of Taurus ascendant. The transit of Venus at this place is going to be very fruitful and beneficial for the Taurus natives. During the Pisces transit of Venus 2020, you see the possibility of financial gains. Along with this, those ambitions of yours are also expected to get land, which you have made your goal. During this time you will be able to balance better in your personal and personal life. During this time you can enjoy a trip with family or life partner. During this time you are going to get promotion or salary increase in your career, possibly both. During this time, both professional or employed people are seen getting proper results of their hard work. During this time your relations with family and friends will be better and you can spend some fun time with them. Your health is also going to support you during the Pisces transit of Venus, because during this time there will be no adverse effects on the health of Venus.

Venus transiting in the tenth house of the Moon sign Gemini Kundli is going to have a mixed effect in all the areas of the horoscope. In the tenth house of the horoscope, the transit of Venus is going to happen in the water element sign Pisces. The tenth house of the horoscope, being the place of karma, deals with karma, business, career, position, glory, prosperity, position of supreme authority, public life and honor. Venus is also the lord of the fifth and twelfth house of the horoscope.

Pisces transit of Venus is going to have a mixed effect on Gemini natives, during this time you may have to face some challenges in your field of work. This will increase your stress and you will not be able to spend quality time with your family due to work pressure. It is advised to take some precautions on the economic front as well, because the Pisces transit of Venus also indicates any financial loss. During this time you are going to face some problems in your personal life as well. During the Pisces transit of Venus, you have to take special care not to let minor disputes in family or marital relations turn into big disputes. During Venus transit, it is advised to be careful on the health front.

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During the transit of Venus in Pisces, the lord of the fourth and eleventh house of the Moon sign Cancer horoscope is Venus. Venus transit in Pisces 2020 is going to happen in the ninth house of Cancer horoscope. The ninth house of the horoscope is considered as the place of fortune, religion, guru, spiritual house, foreign travel, splendor, renunciation and in South India it is recognized as the place of father, whereas in North India the place of father is considered as tenth.

Pisces transit of Venus is going to bring only positive changes in the life of Cancer natives. During this transit of Venus at the fateful place of the horoscope is going to attract you towards religion and spirituality. During this time you can attend a religious trip or any family function with your family or life partner. During this time love and affection will also increase in your married life, due to which your mutual relations appear to be better. You will also see growth in professional life. During this time you are going to get full support of your luck. During the Pisces transit of Venus, people trying to get education are likely to get better results. Along with this, those students are also seen to benefit, who are trying to get education abroad.

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Venus transiting in the eighth house of Moon sign Leo horoscope is going to give average results for Leo people. The eighth house of the horoscope is known as the house of Ayush, it is related to death, inheritance, accident, terrible loss, detachment, suicide, unexpected death, land wealth, unaccounted wealth gain, mystery, long illness and for women. It is related to the age of the husband. Venus is also the lord of the third and tenth house of Leo horoscope, so the effects related to these places will also be seen on Leo during the transit of Venus in Pisces.

With Venus transiting Pisces, you may have to face some career-related difficulties. During this time, you may also deviate from your goals, due to which you may have to face trouble in achieving the expected results. During this time, dissatisfaction may also emerge in your married life. There is a possibility of dullness and tension in your love relationship. During this time you are also going to face problems in spending good time with your partner. During the Aquarius transit of Venus, you should face the situations that come up with patience and perseverance.

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The Pisces transit of Venus is going to have a mixed effect on the people of Virgo. During this, Venus is going to transit in the seventh house of the Moon sign Virgo, and Venus is also the lord of the second and ninth houses. The seventh house of the horoscope is very important and effective place, it is also known as Kalatra place. The seventh house is related to husband, wife, partner, partner, marital happiness, public and social life, reproductive organs, divorce and sea travel.

The transit of Venus in Pisces, the water element sign, is going to have mixed auspicious and inauspicious effects on the Virgo horoscope. During this time, Virgo natives will be the beneficiary of love and affection in their relationships, although expecting more than this can create confusion for you. During this time you will move towards advancement in the field of career, your relations with your colleagues and colleagues will also improve. During this time period, opportunities for profit are also visible for the business class. However health is one aspect where you need to focus your attention. Because during the Pisces transit of Venus, the Virgo native may face some health-related problems.

The lord of the first and eighth house of the Moon sign Libra horoscope is Venus, and the transit of Venus is happening in the water element sign Pisces in the sixth house of the horoscope. The sixth house of the horoscope, being an enemy place, deals with sensitive areas like pain, duration of disease, enemy, daily work, illness, debt, loan transaction and operation. Venus is also the lord of the first and eighth house of Libra horoscope, so the effect of transit of Venus will be seen on the areas related to this place.

The transit of Venus in the water element Pisces will work to give average results to the Libra people. During this time, the Libra native is going to face competition and other difficulties in his business-business and career. During this time, there is a possibility of increasing your enemies in your work area, due to which your mental stress is also likely to increase. During this time you will also face trouble in your business deals. There is also a possibility of some difficulties in love and married life. But the most important and important thing is your health because Venus transit in Pisces is going to have adverse effects on your health in many ways. So take care of your health and try to improve your eating habits.

Venus, transiting in the fifth house of the Moon sign Scorpio, is also the lord of the twelfth and seventh houses of the horoscope. The fifth house of the horoscope is known as the child and education house, it is related to the behavior, birth and happiness of the child, as well as this house is mantra-tantra, knowledge, esoteric knowledge, worship, speculation, gambling, lottery, spiritual knowledge. Belongs to important areas like pregnancy, memory power.

The Pisces transit of Venus will have very beneficial and auspicious effects on Scorpio people. Your creativity will emerge more clearly during the Pisces transit of Venus. Your financial condition is also going to improve during this period. Although some long journeys have been written in your destiny during this time, but these trips are going to help you in business expansion as well as financial benefits. You will take advantage of the improvement in financial condition in raising your standard of living and you can buy some luxurious means for yourself. During this time, you will see continuity in your love-relationship, and your relationship will reach a new level as your relationship becomes more emotional. Married Taurus natives will also get happiness and joy in their married life. During this time your health will be better and you can get some good news from your children.

Venus is the lord of the sixth and eleventh house of the moon sign Sagittarius, and Venus is transiting in Pisces in the fourth house of the horoscope. The fourth house of the horoscope is related to happiness, intelligence, house, vehicle, land, property, craving, longing, ambition and immovable property. The sixth house of the horoscope is known as the enemy house and the eleventh house is known as the benefic house and is related to the areas related to them.

The transit of Venus in the water element Pisces is going to give many benefits to the people of Sagittarius. During this time, the people of Sagittarius birth chart will get benefits and progress in both business and career fields. There will be financial benefits from business and will work to touch new heights in career. During this time you are going to spend a good and memorable time with your family. During this time your social circle will increase and you will get more honor, respect and prestige. There is a possibility of promotion or salary increase in the job. There will be success in business-related travels and health will also remain favorable.

Also Read – Venus Transit In Aquarius – Detailed Description And Solution Of Effects On Signs

The water element of Venus, the lord of Taurus and Libra, is transiting in Pisces. Venus is transiting in the third house of the horoscope during this period, being the lord of the fifth and tenth houses of the Moon sign Capricorn. Being the place of might, the third house of the horoscope is related to areas like might, courage, friends, short stay, music, important changes, brokerage and bravery.

Pisces transit of Venus is going to be beneficial and beneficial for Capricorn people. During this time, Capricorn people will get to see its positive benefits in their career. You will witness promotion and salary increase during this time period. Success in career will fill you with confidence and enthusiasm. During this time, you are going to do your work with more care and cleanliness, which seems to be getting more benefits. During this, you will also get benefits through your life partner or they can get some big success in their life. During this time your married life will also be happy and full of love and affection and you will enjoy life.

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The lord of the fourth and ninth house of the Moon sign Aquarius horoscope is Venus and in the second house of the horoscope, the water element is transiting in Pisces. This transit will bring benefits and progress for Aquarius natives. Venus is transiting in the second house of the horoscope, the second house of the horoscope is known as wealth/family house and it is related to the person’s wealth, movable and immovable property, frustration, speech, accumulation of wealth, addiction, gold, gems. It is caused by gems and profit and loss.

Pisces transit of Venus is going to bring benefits and happiness in the life of Aquarius natives. You will see progress in career and business. Both employed and professional Aquarius natives are likely to benefit from the position of Venus. During this time, there is a possibility of getting good economic benefits from business. The people of business class can do some good and profitable business deals during this period. The Aquarius transit of Venus will work to attract you towards music and entertainment. During this time you will buy some new clothes and will be attracted towards delicious food.

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Venus, the lord of Taurus and Libra, is the lord of the third and eighth houses of the Moon sign Pisces horoscope and their transit is going to happen in the first house of the horoscope. In Vedic astrology, the first house of the horoscope has a very important place, and we know it as the lagna house. The first house or the Ascendant is related to the person’s body, structure, character, ambition, structure, self-effort, nature, attitude, head, contentment, strength, fame and morale.

Venus transit in Pisces is going to bring beneficial and positive changes for the people of Pisces. The transit of Venus in the water element Pisces is going to make the people of Pisces socially active as well as enhance your relations in the society. During this, happiness will remain in your relationships with balance, coordination. Health will improve and better health is a reward for positive thinking and happiness during this period. There is every possibility of getting success in career. During this, you are going to achieve success with more benefits due to the efforts made by you. The business class is also likely to get economic benefits along with the increase in business. During this time you are going to spend some money in buying things related to business.

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With the blessings of Ganeshji,

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