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Effects of Venus Transit in Aquarius on 12 Moon Signs

Venus is a beautiful planet and it blesses one with charm and grace. It is the planet of love, romance, arts, and literature. After completing its transitory motion in Capricorn sign, it’s going to move to the Aquarius moon sign from January 09, 2020. In astrology, Venus is said to rule our values and sentimental side. It is the Lord of Taurus and Libra signs, and showers one with immense wealth. It is also a significator of conjugal affairs, marital bliss, materialistic things, automobiles, electronic gadgets, and lifestyle.

Venus has Saturn as its friendly planet. With the transit of Saturn in Capricorn moon sign, there can be some more added benefits that you can enjoy. If you are facing any negative effects of transits, consult our expert astrologers who will guide you to get positive results.

Venus is transiting in Aquarius sign on January 09, 2020 (around 04:23 AM). The planet will remain in this sign until February 03, 2020 (at 02:18 AM), and then transit to Pisces moon sign.

The signifier of love and luxury, Venus gives one a creative inclination and a poetic spirit. It showers immense wealth and prosperity on individuals. Let’s know more about the effects of Venus transit on all zodiac signs.

(Kindly note: the below predictions are mentioned as per Moon signs.)

The transiting Venus will be passing through the 11th house of gains and benefits for Aries sign.

There are chances of receiving appreciation with rewards and recognition in your office. Individuals who are trying to get desired job opportunities will get fruitful results. Business individuals will be able to fulfill their goals. Your professional tours and meetings will remain profitable in the approaching time. You will be able to accelerate your earning capabilities. You might also get an increment in salary. The past investments will fetch you financial rewards during this phase. Business individuals will earn better profits.

Singles will find someone special with whom they can share deep feelings. You will enjoy an outing with your love partner. Married individuals will have peaceful relations with their spouse. You will spend quality time with your partner which will help you strengthen your bond.

Students will be able to focus on their studies via self-efforts. You will perform well at the academic fronts. Ganesha predicts that you will maintain average health during this period. Past health issues will start getting resolved gradually. Also read how the Saturn transit in Capricorn will affect Aries sign.

The transiting Venus will be passing through the 10th house for Taurus sign. This house represents career and profession.

You will require sincere efforts and dedication to achieve your targets at work. You need to work with superiors or colleagues in a practical and professional manner. This will avoid straining your relations with them. You will face more competition than usual in your business path. A lot of travel related to business is there on the cards for you. Your earnings will improve but you might face some financial commitment pressure during the transit phase. You need to be careful while investing a huge amount or taking hasty steps at the financial front.

Love life will remain average for you. You need to make efforts for your relationship to move smoothly. For married people, your spouse will expect more from you. You will need to ensure that you spend quality time or add value with small efforts to make them feel good.

Students will need to focus on routine studies following a strict time table. Those making efforts for studies abroad will get success on their path. Health issues may disturb your schedule, hence you should take proper medications. Yoga and meditative exercise will help you release stress. Get your personalized handwritten 2023 Yearly Report for detailed analysis about your health.

For the Geminis, Venus will be transiting to the 9th house in your horoscope. This is the house of destiny and fortune.

This is a favorable time to get desired success in finding job opportunities abroad. You will be able to maintain cordial relations with your subordinates at work. Superiors will be helpful in your tasks at the office. People involved in Import-Export business will earn good profits. Your business trips will also remain fruitful. Financially, you will be able to increase your sources of income. This is a beneficial time for investment-related decisions. For more guidance on your finances and planning something big, get your personalized Finance Report.

This Venus transit phase is a good time to enter into a meaningful relationship. You can expect a positive response from your love interest or partner. Married couples will receive support from their spouse. This period will develop romantic relations between you and your spouse. Make use of this time to strengthen your bonding.

People making efforts in competitive exams will remain successful in their path. People looking for opportunities abroad are likely to get admission in reputed universities. Health conditions will remain good. You will focus on good eating habits and regular exercise that will be beneficial for you.

For the Cancerians, the Venus transit will happen in the 8th house of destiny and fortune.

There will be an improvement in your professional environment. Cordial relations will establish between you and your superiors. This will help you take a step forward in your career. You will develop innovative ideas and skills at the business front. People running family business will succeed and earn good profits. There are strong chances of getting unexpected gains through past investments. You will be able to create multiple sources of income via appropriate and moral ways.

This is a favorable time to take your love life to the next level. People waiting to get married will need to put sincere efforts in their path. Married couples will enjoy their relationship fully. There is a possibility of a religious trip with your spouse and family.

Students who are pursuing post-graduation will be successful. This is a favorable time to develop new learning skills. Some old health issues may resurface. Hence, you need to take care of your health and follow regular hygiene with proper medical guidance.

Venus will be passing through the 7th house of marriage and partner for the Leos.

You can expect a harmonious influence in your love life. This is a favorable time when your love life will flourish. Many individuals might think about taking it to the next level. Married couples will enjoy a memorable outing or trip. Those who are waiting to get married will get success in their path.

Your career path will remain a bit challenging. You will need to apply sincere efforts in maintaining cordial relations with your subordinates and colleagues. Business individuals who are in partnership will need to be careful. You can initiate new business with the help of your spouse during the transit period. Joint investors will require to keep patience for making huge investments. Your partner will remain fortunate for you to make better financial deals.

For students, academic success can be achieved only via self-efforts. Your sincerity and focussed view will bring the desired success. Health-related issues may disturb your focus. Hence, a strict diet plan and discipline is the key to your healthy living. Also read how the Saturn transit in Capricorn will affect Leo sign.

For Virgos, transiting Venus will be passing through the 6th house. This house represents job, enemies, and health.

You will need to avoid clashes with colleagues in your office. This seems to be a challenging period to get desired success of efforts. However, other transits may also have a positive impact on you. Your business will grow only through hard work and practicality. You should initiate new business start-ups only after proper planning and logical approach. You will need to focus on savings this time. You are suggested to avoid unnecessary expenditures.

Love life may remain a bit challenging. It is suggested that you tackle issues with care and don’t let hurt take over your mind and heart. This phase may be a bit hectic on the marriage front. You should keep lesser expectations and try to understand your spouse’s point during conflicts. Get your personalized 2023 Yearly Report for detailed analysis of your relationships.

Individuals engaged in the medical field will get good opportunities. Students will need to develop some new learning techniques. You should not ignore any health-related matters. The tight schedule will keep you busy in your path. But you need to ensure that you take proper rest and eat healthy food.

Venus will be passing through the 5th house of love, creativity, and childbirth for Librans.

Romance will be in the air around love partners. Your partner will understand your emotions very well. Married couples who are expecting a baby will see an improvement in the possibilities. Your relations with spouse will strengthen during the phase.

You can expect a promotion in your career path. Recognition and rewards in office are on their way to you. For business individuals, this is a favorable time for growth. Business in partnership will bring fruitful outcomes. Financial rewards are likely to come through investments. Past investments will generate better outputs.

Students will be able to get success in their respective exams. People with inbuilt or artistic talents will get the right direction. Previous health issues will get resolved in this phase. There are chances of some modern health treatments. Also read how the Saturn transit in Capricorn will affect Libra sign.

The transiting Venus will be passing through the 4th house in Scorpions chart. This is the house of happiness, property, and mother.

Relations at the workplace will enhance during this phase. Job prospects will improve for those who are in search of it. This is a favorable time for business growth. The rise in networking will help you improve your social image and professional status. You may spend money on buying new gadgets, vehicles, or property. Finances may be used for decoration of interiors or exteriors in the residence.

Personal environment will change positively. Love relationships can be taken to the next level of commitment. Those who are expecting to get married, the chances will improve. Married couples will enjoy harmony in their life.

Students need to stay away from bad company. Higher studies will give favorable results. Health will be better during this period. Improvement in family happiness will help you to keep a healthy environment.

Venus transit for Sagittarians will happen in the 3rd house of enterprise and siblings.

You can expect favorable news regarding abroad related matters in career. You will have fulfillment of desires at the job front. Business individuals can enhance new professional skills. You can expect better support from business partners, vendors, or subordinates.

Love life is going to flourish in this transit phase. You will purchase valuable items like mobiles or personal belongings for gifting your beloved one. Your spouse will support you in your growth. There will be peace in your marital life. You will enjoy this phase very well due to this.

Your hard work will play an important role in your academic path. Students who are looking for admission in reputed institutions will get success in this period. Health will remain moderate and may disturb your schedule. You need to ensure that you follow a healthy regimen to enjoy the benefits of this phase fully. Also read how the Saturn transit in Capricorn will affect Sagittarius sign.

Venus will be transiting to the 2nd house of finance and family for Capricornians.

You will be able to grab better job opportunities. If you are awaiting for promotion, this is a favorable time for it. You will be able to fetch better profits on the business front. You can improve your communication or presentation skills in business dealings. You may plan a long-distance trip with enough amount of money. But, you need to be careful as expenses may increase.

You may spend more on luxurious things for your beloved one. Love life will remain good. You will spend quality time with your spouse and family members. You will also be interested in traveling to spiritual destinations with your partner. For more guidance on your married life, get your personalized Marriage Report.

Students will succeed in mid-term and oral exams. Those who are wishing for education loans will get them easily. Confidence and positivity will improve with your own efforts. You need to keep yourself fit and fine with Yoga and Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar).

The transiting Venus will be passing through the 1st house of self for Aquarians.

People seeking better job opportunities will get the desired success. You will be able to get appreciation and recognition from seniors at your workplace. Business trips will yield fruitful results during the phase. You will be able to crack better business deals. There will be an increase in income opportunities through various sources. Investments for abroad matters will produce good profits.

New relationships can be taken forward towards marriage. Singles are likely to get success in finding a partner. Married people will enjoy an outing with their spouse to a romantic destination. Those who are planning a child will have positive results.

Students can expect academic rewards in this phase. You should avoid unnecessary arguments or misunderstandings with your parents or friends. Health will remain better. Your positive attitude will keep you away from minor health issues. Also read how the Saturn transit in Capricorn will affect Aquarius sign.

For the Pisceans, Venus transit will happen in the 12th house related to delays and travelling abroad.

The responsibilities at the job front will improve. You will need to be aware of your job path. Your earlier efforts to expand your professional wings will yield desired success in business. There are strong chances of travel for cracking some more business deals. Long term investments will remain beneficial for you. You need to avoid taking hasty steps financially.

There may occur some emotional issues between you and your beloved one. You may expect some positive response from your partner. Married individuals will need sincere efforts to enjoy their conjugal bliss. You should spend quality time with your spouse and make the moments valuable for each other.

If you are looking for studies abroad, this will be a favorable time for you. Your path will be challenging, and hence, you will need dedicated efforts to get desired success in entrance exams. You need to control food intake during the transit phase. You will be able to spend money to upgrade your lifestyle health-wise.

Venus transit can be an auspicious and fortunate phase in one’s life. If you are facing any negative effects of the transit, our remedial solutions can be applied with the help of expert astrologers. This will help you neutralize the effects and be on the brighter side.

To Get Your Personalized Solutions, Talk To An Astrologer Now!

With Ganesha’s Grace,

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