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Sun is outstanding at opposition: Good and bad effects of Sun transit in Libra

According to Indian Vedic astrology, Sun is a planet; in fact the king of all planets. The Sun is worshipped as a deity and offered water in Hinduism. It is a belief in Hindu culture that by offering water to the lord Sun would eradicate all doshas in the horoscope and will lead to good fortune. Not only this, even physical strength and confidence are enhanced by praying to Lord Sun daily.

The movement of the Sun is one degree and daily and it stays in a zodiac sign for about a month and again transit to the new zodiac sign. This transit that happens every month is also called Sankranti.

According to astrology, the Sun is the soul and a significator of father, ancestor and government jobs. Leo zodiac sign is ruled by the Sun, it remains exalted in Aries zodiac sign and debilitated in Libra zodiac sign. The sun is the lord of Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, and Uttara Ashadha constellations.

Our Expert Astrologers recommend you to wear Ruby after your horoscope analysis if you are facing problems due to the Sun. The Ruby will give strength to the weak Sun in your horoscope and you can also avail positive results during the transit of the Sun in Virgo sign. You can buy Ruby gemstone online to accelerate your will power and get benefits from the government during this transit.

If the planet Sun is positively placed in your Janampatri then it would give you beneficial and desired results. You would have an inspiration to do good things and complete control over yourself due to positively placed Sun. Positive thoughts would travel in your mind and have a positive approach to your life if the sun is placed in the exalted sign. You would have mental disturbance if the sun is debilitated and giving you malefic results. You should follow the Remedial Solutions given by Indian Astrologer to neutralize the malefic effects of the Sun.

The position of the Sun in your horoscope is in the favorable house but still, your health is not keeping well, you are recommended to have Surya Yantra and worship it regularly to get beneficial results from the Sun.

The planet Sun is moving out from the Virgo zodiac sign and entering in the Libra zodiac sign on October 18, 2019. Libra sign is governed by the planet Venus. The Sun is likely to stay in this zodiac sign of around a month till November 17, 2019. This transit would have a great impact on all zodiac signs.

Transit phase: October 18, 2019, to November 17, 2019.
Time: 00:41 on September 18 up to 00:30 on October 18.

The brilliant Sun is a planet that represents success in career, power, influence, authority, your relations with your seniors and people in authority.


The Sun transit in Libra would affect your married life and family life and differences would create with your family members. You are like to get unfavorable results from this transit. You should control your anger while dealing with your spouse. If you fail to do so then it would result in a straining relationship with him/her. There are chances of marital discord due to your hot head. The transit would affect your children and you should give proper attention to their health and eating habits. To know the exclusive and in-depth prediction of the Sun transit in Libra sign on you Click here …..


The transit of Sun in debilitated sign, Libra would amass you good results. You would remain focused and put your sincere efforts to reach your goal. You would engage in completing your task and participate in competitive exams or shows due to the high competitive spirit inside you. You are advised being cautious while driving. Your responsibilities at the workplace will be enhanced and it is the best time to accept it. You should put your best at the workplace as it is the best time for attaining desired results at the workplace. To know the exclusive and in-depth prediction of the Sun transit in Libra sign on you Click here …..


The transit of the Sun in Libra sign is highly beneficial for the employees. You are going to get fruitful results in the workplace. Otherwise, it is likely to give you mixed results. The transit of the Sun in the opposite signs, Libra would affect your health adversely. So you should keep a watch on your diet and exercise regularly to remain fit. You may have the risk of stomach inflammation, gastric problems and food poisoning so eat a balanced diet. There are chances of some issues with your younger siblings but you act wisely and make them understand in a polite manner. To know the exclusive and in-depth prediction of the Sun transit in Libra sign on you Click here …..


The transit of the almighty Sun in an air sign, Libra may give an adverse effect on your and your mother’s health. The transit would give mixed results to the Cancer natives but might be beneficial to the students belonging to this zodiac sign. There are chances of accidents so you should be cautious in driving and doing your daily activities. You should avoid driving if you can or should drive with the utmost care and caution and also follow the safety rules. You should take the utmost care of your mother so there are chances of health ailments to her. To know the exclusive and in-depth prediction of the Sun transit in Libra sign on you Click here …..


The transit of the brightening Sun in Libra sign would give favorable and excellent results to the Lions. You are likely to shine in all areas of life. Your powerful and courageous ideas, thoughts, and actions would be outstanding. This is an excellent period to establish your command over your skills and concepts as the results of it would wave in your favor. You would enjoy doing innovative things at home and workplace. You would get the desired results of your innovative ideas and things. The short business trip might prove beneficial. To know the exclusive and in-depth prediction of the Sun transit in Libra sign on you Click here …..


The entry of the king of planets, Sun in Libra sign would probably give unfavorable results to Virgos. You should think twice before speaking anything and keep control over your speech. There are chances that your closed one may get affected because of your way of talking or using harsh words while talking. Your speech would put you in some serious trouble. There chances of straining relationships with your relatives. You should keep a watch on your spending pattern. You should avoid spending impulsively and delay your capital expenditure. You should safeguard yourself from involvement in illegal activities and respect the law. Investment should not be done in haste. To know the exclusive and in-depth prediction of the Sun transit in Libra sign on you Click here …..


The transit of almighty and divine Sun in Libra is likely to give you unfavorable results. People would irritate and distract you which you lead to losing your focus. Your image and reputation may be hampered due to distraction in attaining goals. You should control your temper and think twice before you speak while communicating with others. You should not argue with senior professionals and try to concentrate on your task sincerely. You should maintain a harmonious relationship with your loved ones. To know the exclusive and in-depth prediction of the Sun transit in Libra sign on you Click here …..


The transit of lord Sun in Libra would probably give you mixed results. If you are planning for a job change then you should avoid it for time-being. You should continue giving your sincere efforts though you may not get reward and recognition of it. You should maintain a cordial relationship with your immediate boss. You should avoid taking more stress as it would hamper your work. You should keep a watch on your spending pattern. You eat healthy food and exercise regularly to remain fit. To know the exclusive and in-depth prediction of the Sun transit in Libra sign on you Click here …..


The transit of lord Sun in Libra would probably give you mixed results. You have put extra effort to attain your goals. Your efforts would be recognized and appreciated by superiors. You should maintain a cordial relationship with your immediate boss as it will be beneficial for you. Your superior would be supportive of you. You would get a chance to travel on business trips. You should remain positive and unbiased while solving personal and professional issues. You would be active and enthusiastic. You would be spiritual and plan to go holy places. To know the exclusive and in-depth prediction of the Sun transit in Libra sign on you Click here …..


The arrival of the Sun in Libra would give you favorable results and create the opportunity to get a promotion if you are associated with a government job. This period is ideal to go out for a trip or vacation, offer greetings, listen to others and find compromises for cordial relationship and teamwork activities for achieving desired results. This transit sharpens your sociability which in result will improve your relations with your seniors. Your health will improve but still some cautions are required in regards to joint pains. Students need to be wary though not be too shallow and focus on what is really worth it to get desired results in upcoming exams. To know the exclusive and in-depth prediction of the Sun transit in Libra sign on you Click here …..


For Aquarius moon sign people, the Sun transit in Libra would probably convey blended results. From the perspective of a career, you need to be cautious during the transit of the Sun. You would have a rational approach towards career since the Sun is transiting in the ninth house of your Kundli. You may remain stressed with any ongoing court or legal case. If not properly planned and executed, your official tours might not give you fruitful results. Pay proper attention while taking business and work-related decisions. In order to strengthen your bond of love, you need to plan an outing and spend some quality romantic time. During this transit, you are advised to take care of your health. To know the exclusive and in-depth prediction of the Sun transit in Libra sign on you Click here …..


The transit of the Sun in Libra is likely to deliver unfavorable results for Pisceans. You may not feel satisfied with your professional life as this transit will not be beneficial for professional growth. There are chances of unexpected hurdles in your career, so make yourself ready to overcome and face these career challenges. Your seniors will demand a lot of extra effort to complete your task. The only way to achieve success for you at this time for you is through hard work. You might have some health-related issues due to which you won’t be able to concentrate on your work. Differences may arise between married couples, so try to keep calm and solve the problems. To know the exclusive and in-depth prediction of the Sun transit in Libra sign on you Click here …..

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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