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Effects of the Sun transit in Libra on Leo Individuals

Effects of the Sun transit in Libra on Leo Individuals

The brightening and almighty Sun would complete zodiac circle in a year that means the planet Sun stays in each zodiac for around a month and then transits to another zodiac sign. On October 18, 2019, the planet Sun is transiting in Libra sign. Libra sign is not a friendly sign for the planet Sun and the transit would give distinct results in different houses. The planet Venus is the lord of the air sign, Venus.

The transit of the Sun in the Libra sign is going to take place in the third house of your Janampatri and this house is ruled by Gemini. The third house in a horoscope is a significator of younger siblings, cousins, relatives, courage, achievements, firmness, short journeys, and relationship status with siblings. The transit of the Sun in a malefic sign would be beneficial for you and you would be energetic, enthusiastic and highly positive during this transit period.

The almighty and brightening Sun would bring a strong impact on Leo individuals. Let us see if the transit of Sun in Libra sign is going to be a blessing or a curse for Leo individuals.

Your positivity would enhance during this transit period leading to a better outlook towards things.

Your gears are in top notch during this period. You would be energetic and enthusiastic at your workplace. You would do most of the tasks assigned to you at your workplace with creativity and in an innovative way.

The sincere efforts you put in the workplace would get recognition from your immediate boss, superior and senior officials. The efforts you put in the past would reap beneficial results in this transit period.

There are chances of some changes in your position internally within the company. You would see job enlargement or change in a department in your workplace. There are chances of achieving new positions with new responsibilities at your workplace.

You are likely to travel short journeys related to a job or career. There are chances of getting desired results from these journeys. You should take care of your health while doing short journeys as there are chances that your health would get affected during that time. If your health gets affected during the travel time, it may obstruct your work.

You may enhance new skills that would be helpful to you in your respective industry or profession.

You are likely to spend money on buying new electronic gadgets.

Your personal life will be full of happiness.

Business deals and deals that are done at your workplace would get fruitful and desired results.

Students need to be more attentive in class. The transit would impact your focus and you may be out of focus while studying and sitting in the classroom.

Your love-life would be moderate. Your social life would be good and your logical intelligence would give you name and fame in the society.

You take care of your health and keep a watch on your diet. You should follow a balanced diet chart, avoid laziness and exercise daily to stay fit and healthy. Adopt a healthy lifestyle to avoid the occurrence of major health ailments in the future. If you are suffering from any chronic diseases, then you are likely to get rid of it.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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