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Effects of the Sun transit in Libra on Capricorn Individuals

Effects of the Sun transit in Libra on Capricorn Individuals

The Sun enters Libra on October 18, 2019, and favors all collective activities. It has a very social impact that encourages diplomacy, feelings, friendly exchanges, and encounters. It is a time that encourages associations, including signing contacts, marriages, taking new steps ahead; but also a certain superficiality, difficulties and indecision for some in taking initiative or responsibility but getting to know oneself better is a huge step towards being in harmony with others.

For Capricorns, Sun is transiting into the tenth house which is the significator of karma. The tenth house in the birth chart of Janampatri also indicates your status in society and your relationship with your father. The passage of the sun in the opposite sign, Libra enables you to earn name and fame in the society, political success and also government jobs.

Work as a team and you are likely to get rewarded in the near future. It would be wise to undertake business-related travels as it will yield the desired fruits to you. Also, there are chances you get promotion and increment at the workplace and can get success in your efforts. Read on to know the impacts of the Sun transit in Libra for you.

Effects of the Sun transit in Libra on Capricorn Individuals

(Kindly note: the below predictions are mentioned according to Moon sign.)

Planet Sun is the significator of valor and intellect and is known as the representative of respect, honor in one’s life and employment in the government sector. So in case, you’re working in a government organization, then you may gain government benefits and might get a special gift from the government.

This will be a period of glory as your efforts will be appreciated. You will be able to perform well at your job and will make good financial gains with your hard work and efforts. Thus put your best effort at work and you will get the desired results.

Your work relations will improve during Sun transits in Libra and you would be able to share a good rapport with your boss, managers, seniors, and colleagues. And yes if you are planning for a job switch then wait as this is not the right time to do so and also not advisable.

Try to build up teamwork within your office mates as teamwork activities will help you to get the desired success. Thus you need to be grounded and work as a team.

Relations with spouse and family will be happy and enjoyable. Harmony and peace will prevail at home. A good time for networking and improving your social contacts. Socially you will enjoy a more respectable position.

You may also have to undertake small business trips which will be successful. So official travels taken up during the transit will prove rewarding for you.

No major health issue is to trouble you. You are likely to enjoy good general health here. But still, it is advisable to be cautious specially related to joint pains.

If you are a student then you might lose your focus in your studies and feel dejected by not getting academic results as per their expectations. Thus, students need to focus on studies and do not let their minds wander away from their priorities in order to get desired results.

This friendly and artistic environment will allow you to integrate socially, establish new connections, gain momentum. This period is also perfect for opening yourself up to new groups or travel.

Overall It’s All Positive!

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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