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How will Mercury Transit in Capricorn Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

As we usher in the new year 2022 and make way for changes to happen, the planetary transits are also getting ready to make little tweaks in your life. Mercury starts to shift from Sagittarius and is transiting into the last earth sign, Aquarius. The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will start from March 6, 2022, and will continue to stay there until March 24, 2022. Be sure to check out the effects of this transit as Sun is also transiting in Capricorn on . With the transit of Saturn in Capricorn , the stellium of three planets will be formed.

The transit of Mercury in Capricorn will roll around changes for all zodiac signs. Mercury, the representative of one’s intellect, knowledge, expressions and communication skills is ushering in a host of changes. However, according to astrological positioning, the upcoming Mercury transit in Capricorn will have an impact on your business, career, education, love, and marital life. Take a look if you are one of the lucky ones to reap favorable results from this transit!

(Kindly note: the below predictions are mentioned according to Moon sign.)

Mercury Transit 2022 Date
  • Mercury transit in Aquarius: March 6, 2022
  • Mercury transit in Pisces: March 24, 2022
  • Mercury transit in Aries: April 8, 2022
  • Mercury transit in Taurus: April 25, 2022
  • Mercury transit in Gemini: July 2, 2022
  • Mercury transit in Cancer: July 17, 2022
  • Mercury transit in Leo: August 1, 2022
  • Mercury transit in Virgo: August 21, 2022
  • Mercury transit in Libra: October 26, 2022
  • Mercury transit in Scorpio: November 13, 2022
  • Mercury transit in Sagittarius: December 3, 2022
  • Mercury transit in Capricorn: December 28, 2022
  • Mercury transit in Sagittarius: December 30, 2022

Mercury will transit in the 10th house in the horoscope of Aries natives. The house is a significator of professional matters. Professionals are likely to find new ways and can stabilize their careers. The new opportunities may help you fulfill your career goals. Your workload is likely to increase during this phase and you may face some difficulty in convincing people.

Your financial position will remain balanced. However, due to this financial ease, you may execute your pre-plans of business expansion. You may also purchase some valuables for your close ones. Your love life is likely to sail smooth and you may be highly enthusiastic in fulfilling the demands of your beloved and pleasing them. You will put more effort and spend more quality time with your partner in order to make him/her happy.

Health will remain sound and also previous restlessness will ease out during this period. Students will excel in studies and are likely to get appreciation from their mentors. Your sharpness of mind and success in an examination will be marked by the people around you.

Mercury will transit in the 9th house in the horoscope of Taurus natives. On the career front, you may face some obstacles and disturbances which may result in frustration. It would help for you not to believe anyone blindly and be careful while following the advice of colleagues. It is wise to be focused while planning any task. You are advised to postpone important decisions for some time or take an opinion of experts before making any decisions.

It would be best for you to compromise on your demand to earn and spend more money. Chances of sudden unexpected expenditures can be foreseen and this will affect your financial planning. It would be helpful for you to make a backup plan for financial arrangements. Mercury will not back you in financial matters so it is better to avoid shortcuts in earning money and also avoid direct investment in the stock market. The transition time is the testing time for your romantic life and temperament. It is best for you to consolidate your thoughts while conversing with your close ones. Hence, it is wise to maintain a cool temperament with those you love. In order to maintain harmonious relationships, it is better not to carry professional stress at home and speak only if required.

You are advised to be cautious about your eating habits as there chances of some ailments like biles and acidity. There are chances of accidents and injuries during this period so it would be safe for you to drive slowly and carefully. You are likely to spend money on medical check-ups and diagnosing health ailments. Students will lack concentration and face disturbance in studies. It would help to stay determined and focused during this phase.

Mercury will transit in the 8th house in the horoscope of Gemini natives. The transit period is favorable for you in terms of receiving gains from varied sources. During this period, you will be more focused and determined and this will help you do all tasks successfully. Your ideas and guidance will help your colleagues accomplish tasks successfully aswell. You are likely to get appreciation at the work front.

During this period, you are likely to gain from more than one source. The transit will help you enhance your earnings easily and probably get success with little effort. Your financial status is likely to be high. Due to available resources, you will be able to execute easily, smoothly and according to your expectations. You will feel inner pleasure in your romantic life. Your desires may be fulfilled. You are likely to attend parties with your beloved. Co-operation and support from the beloved will help you work with more dedication along with spending quality time with him/her. Happiness in personal life will be the reason for success in the workplace. It would be best for you to be a little diplomatic in your personal life. It will be helpful for you to be tactful and watch your words while dealing with your close ones. You will be able to maintain peace and harmony in a relationship by not forcing your thoughts and decisions on your close ones.

You are likely to have mood swings during this period. Due to constant travel related to work and an increase in workload at the workplace, you will feel tired often. Hence, it would help to rest for some time and bring some improvement in the workstyle and also try to manage time properly to remain fit and healthy. Students are likely to be more inclined towards in-depth studies in the subject of your interest. Also, you may develop the feeling of research over any of the subjects you are dealing with.

Mercury will transit in the 7th house in the horoscope of Cancer natives. The transit may be less favorable for you. You may lack interest in official matters during this period. Your mind may remain a bit suspicious and doubtful in this phase. So it would be best for you to consolidate your energy and try to overcome the situations. However, you may feel frustrated due to the lack of resources in the workplace.

You may feel dissatisfied and frustrated as your earnings will not be enough to match the expenditure. It is best for you to be optimistic as this period is temporary and there are other transits as well which will influence your financial position. It is better to be careful about your belongings and watch your spending pattern during the transitory period. Your life will be more relaxed and joyful on the whole. The transit will demand deep faith in your relationships. Cancer individuals who are married may feel frustrated due to disputes in family related to property and assets. It wouldn’t be wise for you to get involved in such matters. Also, you are advised to avoid getting into any family-related legal matters.

The transition of Mercury in Capricorn will keep students motivated to study for extra hours. There are high chances of clearing major and important competitive exams. You will not feel much distracted and hence, you may be able to improve your results. Make the best use of this period as there are high chances to excel in studies.

Mercury will transit in the 6th house in the horoscope of Leo natives. The transit is favorable for you as it brings the appreciation of your sincere efforts at your workplace. You will feel more comfortable in the workplace due to co-operation and support from colleagues and superiors. It is an auspicious time to win over opponents and competitors.

The influence of Mercury in the 6th house is likely to give you opportunities to increase your earnings. So you may enjoy more luxuries and comforts in life. In addition to this, you may come up with solutions to your prolonged financial problems. Also, extra earnings or profits will be saved in the bank for future uncertainties. Chances of investing money in property or other fixed assets are foreseen.

It is an auspicious time to enjoy the company of your beloved and close ones. You are likely to feel happy by spending more quality time with them. You will be more matured and optimistic in your approach so your love life will sail smoothly. Happiness in your personal life will manifest confidence in you and are likely to perform better in the workplace. It is best for married individuals to be more attentive towards your marital life. Your life partner may have mood swings during this phase which may disturb you. At one moment you would feel very optimistic and on the other hand, you may feel disappointed and uneasy to deal with the situations due to your relatives.

There are chances of you suffering from stomach ailments and digestive issues. So, would be better for you to restrain yourself from eating junk food and too much spicy food. You are advised to drive safely as there are chances of facing some issues while driving. Students are likely to score better results because of this auspicious transit of Mercury in Capricorn. You are likely to find yourself immersed in books and the energy of Mercury may develop your inclination towards life science.

Mercury will transit in the 5th house in the horoscope of Virgo natives. The transition period is likely to bring some difficulties and pressure at the work front. You may not be able to execute tasks your way. However, it would help to continue working hard despite not getting the desired results. Taking proper guidance from subject experts or superiors will help you deal with the situation in a better way.

On the financial side, you may not feel satisfied. Your earnings and new career opportunities in hand are likely to get affected due to your mood swings. It would be best for you to take advice from senior members of your family and watch your spending pattern. There are strong chances of a difference of opinion with your beloved due to your mood swings. Also, it may strain your relationship with your spouse and other family members. It will be helpful for you to be polite and avoid hot discussions with everyone. Try to have a proper work-life balance so that you can give more quality time to your loved ones.

Your irregular routine could cause an ill effect on your health. It would be best for you to organize your routine properly and take out time for exercise and meditation. Also, be cautious while driving. Students are likely to feel diverted, hence, there will be a lack of concentration in studies. It is best for you to indulge in some brainstorming and solve all your misunderstandings with your guide or mentor.

Mercury will transit in the 4th house in the horoscope of Libra natives. The transit of Mercury in Capricorn will be favorable for your professional life. During this period, there are chances that your reputation gets enhanced at the work front. All the issues of past with colleagues, seniors or subordinates are likely to be sorted out now. Also, you may get opportunities to work in a better way.

The transit is likely to bless you with prosperity and wealth. Your simple and little efforts will help you enhance your earnings. During this time, your loved ones will also support you. You would find increased popularity among your close ones. This is the time when you are likely to feel a strong inclination to spend quality time and enjoy outings with your family members and close ones. The family atmosphere is likely to remain soothing and this will give you happiness and relaxation.

There are chances of throat infection or cough issues. You may have to spend some money on medical checkups. It would be best for you to take care while driving. Students are likely to get good support from friends and mentors. It would be helpful for you to watch your words and be more thoughtful as harshness may strain your relationship with your close friends.

Mercury will transit in the 3rd house in the horoscope of Scorpio natives. During this period, you are likely to be in a confused state of mind and get mixed results on the career front. So you may not be able to make the right decisions. It would be best for you to take advice from close acquaintances and senior family members.

Your financial position may not be satisfactory. It would be better for you to have a practical approach. Your confused state of mind at the work front may also have an impact on the financial sector. However, the support from close ones may ease out your financial situation. It would be helpful for you to pay more attention to your loved ones. It would be better to control your temperament as it could cause some disturbances in your relationship. There are chances of differences in opinion with your beloved which may affect your mental peace. So it would be best for you to be cool-headed and avoid hot discussions with them. Also, your marital life is likely to get affected due to your stubbornness and a fluctuating temperament. Work and financial pressure may also cause some disturbances in your personal life.

Your emotional health is also likely to get affected due to the same. It would be best for you to meditate and be more thoughtful to control your temperament and enhance emotional health. With respect to education, students are advised to be more focused. It would be better for you to take help from friends and take the opinion of your close ones. This will help you boost your confidence and gain moral support.

Mercury will transit in the 2nd house in the horoscope of Sagittarius natives. During the phase of the transition, you are likely to enjoy success on the career front. Your performance will leave a long-lasting effect on your superiors and your colleagues. This will boost your energy, confidence, and gain moral support. Also, you can reach new heights of success at the career front.

Your little and simple efforts may give expected gains and earnings during this period. Your personal life may foresee some disturbances and you may not be able to match up to the expectations of your loved ones. It may mainly be due to overindulgence in your professional life. It would be best for you to be patient in your personal life. You may not get the desired co-operation from your partner. Also, there are chances of some misunderstanding between you and your close ones.

On the health front, you are likely to feel more energized but may have some issues related to the eyes. During this period, students may enhance their learning and knowledge. This may become a major tool for your success and also boost your confidence to a new height.

Mercury will transit in the 1st house in the horoscope of Capricorn natives. During the transit of Mercury in Capricorn, it would be better for you to work hard to get the desired results. You are advised to be more thoughtful while dealing with superiors and stay away from hot discussions and arguments.

You may face some disturbance in your financial budget due to improper planning and an increase in unexpected expenditure. Your sincere efforts may not give you the desired return and this may result in dissatisfaction and irritation. In marital life, there are chances of some misunderstanding with your spouse. You may not get desired support from close ones. It would be best for you to take a lead in family matters and try to sort out all problems patiently.

With respect to health, there are chances of gastric and cough issues. It would be helpful for you to take proper medication and rest. It would be best to stay optimistic and avoid taking stress.

Mercury will transit in the 12th house in the horoscope of Aquarius natives. You are likely to get mixed results and may not get mental peace on the career front during this phase. This is likely to impact your working capacity. Also, you may not get the required support at the work front.

The energy of Mercury is not likely to disturb your financial position. Your expenditure may increase but it will not exceed your income. There are chances of unexpected financial gains and if your money has been stuck somewhere, then there are chances of getting it back. On the personal front, it would be best for you to remain calm. It would be better for you to keep work pressure in the office and not carry it home. You are advised to avoid unnecessary arguments with your spouse.

Uneasiness and restlessness in the work front may affect your mental health. You are advised to be more cautious while traveling. It would be better for students to be strong-willed, avoid mental worries, and stay focused on studies.

Mercury will transit in the 11th house in the horoscope of Pisces natives. This transit of Mercury in Capricorn is likely to bring happiness and a good performance from your side at your professional front. You may have a good hold on your work and may receive appreciation from superiors for your ideas. Due to the continuous inflow of money during this period, you will be able to fulfill all your wishes of spending lavishly.

This is the time of enjoying happiness and harmony in the family front. You may enjoy some social gathering and there is an indication of traveling. You can also expect good support from family members. This transition of Mercury would create physical tiredness so it would be better to be cautious about it. The ailments of the past may resurface and hence, it will be helpful to undergo routine check-ups.

Students are likely to perform better under the energy of Mercury in the 11th house. Your ambitions may be fulfilled and you may get good results for your sincere efforts. Your approach may also be sharpened now. You are likely to get solutions to all your problems. Support of friends may solve all issues related to studies.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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