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Effects of Sun and Ketu Conjunction in Scorpio On Your Zodiac Sign

The Sun is the king in the solar system. Sun is the brightest star that illuminates everything in our lives. In Vedic astrology, Sun represents ego, self-esteem, willpower, vitality, pride and energy giver. Weak or debilitated Sun also brings less life or early death as well. All planets revolve around the Sun as it comes into the centre stage in the solar system.

Ketu is the headless body that represents spirituality, liberation, past life, separation and isolation. In Vedic astrology, Ketu is the karaka of the “Moksha”. Ketu plays an extremely important role in all our materialistic desires: what we want and what we don’t. It is a mysterious planet, and it also shows interest in occultism or mysticism.

Scorpio is the sign ruled by fighter Mars. Scorpio is a watery sign, and it shows intensity and passion in our lives. It is the mysterious sign as in western astrology and the sign which is full of emotions, but at the same time, if disheartened, it takes revenge at its best.

Sun and Ketu will form a conjunction in Scorpio on Nov 17, 2021. Here is what it means for each Moon sign:

The conjunction of Sun and Ketu in Scorpio may give mixed results to the Aries Moon sign this time. Stay alert when you walk or drive. Minor injuries or accidents might occur. Excellent time to go in deep and analyse things. Time to investigate new things, too. Good time for researchers to find something new. Scientists are likely to get success in practicals. You might get attracted to the hidden side of life. Magic shows may make you happy. However, financial concerns are likely to bother you, and your health might get affected. Relations with in-laws are likely to suffer as a result of this conjunction. Avoid any new investments for now. It’s time for suspense story writers to create something unique. Make maximum use of it. Love life may be up and down, which might affect relationships a lot.

The conjunction of Sun and Ketu is likely to give mixed results for the Taurus Moon sign this time. Stay alert in your married life as some marital issues can be foreseen. You might feel detached from married life. Sometimes you may get hyper and aggressive. It is advisable to control those feelings and understand your partner carefully. The business may not be as per expectation and bring some stress. Some problems in partnership can also arise, but it is likely to be for the time being. Legal issues may also increase. Good time for a lawyer’s career. People from the media might not get expected business. Politicians must stay alert and avoid unnecessary controversy.

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The conjunction of Sun and Ketu is likely to give mixed results for the Gemini, too. You might be very serious in your day to day work life. Try to maintain a balance with personal life, also. You may feel very isolated from your daily work, and disinterest might increase. You may need to be cautious in health-related matters as well. A diet change may surprise family members, and it’s an excellent time to start doing yoga and meditation. Enemies are likely to not harm you, and your approach may be very balanced this time with them as well. Avoid legal issues and don’t apply for loans for now. The restaurant business is likely to be average, and changes in decor may be there for you. Not a good time for love birds, and chances are their love life might be affected.

The conjunction of Sun and Ketu in Scorpio may give mixed results for the Cancer moon sign this time. You might feel very isolated from your family life. You are likely to be extra cautious in small things. Frustration might increase, and relations with others might be affected because of that. Children’s problems may arise. They might need you, but you may not be able to provide support. You may be more spiritual and religious under the effect of Sun and Ketu conjunction in Scorpio. People related to politics are advised to be alert. Things can break, and relations might suffer. Love life is not likely to be good, and love birds must handle this time very carefully. Not a good time for speculative activities and the stock market. Invest carefully, or you might lose money as well.

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The conjunction of Sun and Ketu in Scorpio may give mixed results for the Leo natives. Stay alert in health-related matters as problems may arise. Carefully handle your relations with in-laws, or it might break. Marriage may not interest you, and if you are already married, marriage related problems may arise. Take care of your spouse. Career might be a concern for you. Job change might surprise others. Not a good time to buy property or land, however. Good time for the people who are into the law. Love birds must be careful as this is the time for breakups. Those who are single should also avoid a commitment, or it may lead to heartbreak.

The conjunction of Sun and Ketu in Scorpio is likely to give good results for the Virgo Moon sign this time. You might feel less interested in a materialistic world. You might travel to any hill station and try mediation. Isolation may make you happy. This time you might evaluate your desires and make changes in them as well. Writers are likely to have a good time, and in-depth writing can be expected. Life’s true identity and soulfulness of art can be seen by Scorpio natives this time. People in the media might have to face problems regarding communications. On the other hand, those who are working in post offices with traditional mail may have a good time.

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This time, your family life is likely to be dull, and Libra might not celebrate any special events with them. There may not be enough time on your hands for anniversaries and birthdays. Therefore, the family might be a concern, and you might make extra efforts to protect them. You may need to evaluate your moral compass on occasions, and you might need to compromise with it. You are likely to become aggressive, and relations might break because of that aggression. Stay alert and safe, control anger. Sudden financial problems may also arise. It is advisable for you to avoid any new investments. This is also not a good time for an artist.

The Sun and Ketu conjunction in Scorpio may give mixed results for the Scorpio Moon sign this time. You might feel very isolated, and it’s time for your introspection. You might feel like changing many things, but you are likely to get to know the reality of life. You may be more relaxed. Meditation is likely to help you a lot. Materialistic desires may be less. You might feel very concerned about children. Your married life may go through some ups and downs, so try to balance it. Your partner might be surprised by your behaviour. Love life may also be dull for those who are not married, and love birds must give some time to each other for things to get better.

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The Sun and Ketu conjunction in Scorpio is likely to give good results for the Sagittarius Moon sign. You may be extremely spiritual and might even visit a new ashram. You are likely to meet a new guru and start following his philosophy. Expenses may be controlled, and you are likely to save money. Your desire levels are likely to be very low. Avoid new loans and legal issues. You might change your diet and might turn to vegetarianism. Yoga and meditation practices are likely to be best. Health problems may also start reducing. You might be extra cautious about your health this time. This may not be a good time for travelling. Foreign related matters might be delayed.

The Sun and Ketu conjunction in Scorpio may give mixed results for the Capricorn Moon sign. Business can be slow, and gains are likely to not be as per your expectation. Your social life may not be as good as before. Try to maintain cordial relations with everyone. Your older brother might not be happy with you. Try to be as calm as possible. Avoid venturing into any new businesses. If you are into one, handle your partnership carefully. Large organizations may not get desired results in terms of monetary gains. Any new launch of technology or app gets delayed. You might feel hopeless. Love life may not be as per your expectation, and you might feel like breaking it.

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The Sun and Ketu conjunction in Scorpio may give mixed results for the Aquarius Moon sign. You might feel very disinterested in your workplace and detached from your job. You are likely to go to find something new and may also relocate because of your work. Try to maintain good relations with colleagues; otherwise, it can create problems. Government servants may have a good time under the influence of Sun and Ketu conjunction in Scorpio. Relations with your father might get affected. Energy levels are also likely to be low.

The conjunction of Sun and Ketu in Scorpio may give good results for the Pisces Moon sign this time. This may be an excellent time to do spiritual practises. You might feel very isolated from all the materialistic things and might visit pilgrimage places. You are likely to visit any specific temple which is far away from you. Gains through the Government may be helpful to you this time. Politics are likely to be good, and less controversy can be expected. Changes from the government may work in our favour. Father’s health might be a concern for you. Take care of him. You might take admission for post-graduation. Puja and Homam at home are likely to make you happy.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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