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Effects of Saturn Transit on Scorpio Moon Sign

It takes around 30 long years for the tough teacher Saturn to cross all the 12 zodiac signs. Now it’s time that it will be making a transit to its own sign, Capricorn. Saturn is said to be a disciplinary taskmaster in Vedic astrology. This transit in its own sign will be like coming back home after a long journey. It is going to enter the Capricorn moon sign on January 23, 2020, and will stay there for about two and a half years. It will enter the Aquarius zodiac sign from April 2022 onwards.

Saturn is the Lord of the 3rd and 4th house in the chart of Scorpions. The planet will make its entry to the 3rd house of birth chart. This house represents courage, physical fitness, talent and communication skills, education, siblings, dreams, nearby relations, and short journeys. Your consistent efforts at the professional front will pay you back with success.

Read about the remedies to nullify the negative effects of Saturn in your life.

With the Saturn Transit in 2017 in Sagittarius, your focus might have shifted to different matters. You have been passing through the last phase of Saturn’s Sade Sati since last 2.5 years. Hence, you might have experienced some constraints at your personal as well as financial fronts. You would have set financial targets more seriously and realized that money does matter a lot. The past transit phase would have taught you to make sensible expenses.

From the period starting January 23, 2020, your Sade Sati is going to end. Hence, you might feel more enthusiastic and feel a bit more sense of freedom. This may bring clarity about how to proceed further. However, some commitment pressure may still bother you. This will force you to make some changes in your financial goals. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report and know how to strengthen your financial plans.

(Kindly note: the below predictions are mentioned according to moon sign.)

You can say that the best time of your life is here with the entry of Saturn in Capricorn. This is going to be a beneficial time of your life. However, you need to be extra vigilant in your personal circle and relationship matters with your partner.

  • The transit of Saturn is going to be profitable in terms of your career life. Your dreams may come true and you can look forward to a higher ambition in life.
  • Your sincere work will pave the way for success in the future. Your efforts will bring glory to your reputation in the office.
  • You will help the company grow successfully. This will make your seniors happy with your work and appreciate you for your sincerity.
  • You are likely to get promoted during this transit phase.
  • The increase in your professional graph will make you happy and contented. Your hopes will also rise to new levels. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report and unlock the treasures for your career growth.

  • This transit will stabilize your business and make it a smooth ride.
  • There are chances of business trips during the transit phase and they may prove to be beneficial. You are likely to get positive results in the tender or proposal you put forth in front of your clients.
  • There are chances that you will complete new tasks and increase the production capacity or acquire an office, godown or a new building for your work. This Saturn transit is hinting at expanding your business as this is a good time for that.
  • The workers or associates in your organization will also cooperate with you and help you in taking it to the next level.
  • Your hard work with a focused approach will help you in climbing the ladder in your business life. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report and boost your business profits.

Also read: How theSun transit in Sagittarius will affect your zodiac sign?

  • You are going to be blessed in terms of finances.
  • Your career growth will directly affect your financial conditions positively.
  • You may receive an appraisal in your workplace.
  • Your business projects will start giving you good returns.
  • Your past investments will yield good results. The profits you get from your investments can be used for the betterment of your life.
  • The financial condition is likely to improve during the transit period. You are suggested to start planning for long term investment.
  • These plans to invest longer will add to your financial stability. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report and strengthen your financial conditions.

  • At times due to the busy work schedule, you may not be able to spend quality time with your partner. This is likely to create frustration in your love or marital life.
  • Planning short trips with your beloved ones will help you in strengthening your bond with them.
  • At times the situations in your personal life may get difficult and you will have to deal with them delicately.
  • The relations you have with other people or your close friends may create some confusion in your marital or love life. You may have to make significant efforts to clarify the situation with your partner.
  • As Saturn will be aspecting the 5th house of relationship, some distance will be felt in your relationship. You will have to bridge the gap in order to live a good love life.
  • You will attain a good place with respect and dominance in your social life. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report and improve your relationships.

Saturn showers great boons on the individuals whom it lays its positive eyes on. You are the lucky one to get those blessed showers and improve your career and financial conditions. Remaining careful about your relationships and health will make it the best time of your life!

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The GaneshaSpeaks.com Team

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