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Effects of Saturn Transit on Sagittarius Moon Sign

According to Vedic astrology, Saturn is known as the disciplinary teacher and a well-organized taskmaster. It takes around 30 years to cross all the 12 zodiac signs. Now it’s time that the powerful deity makes its grand transit to Capricorn which is its own zodiac sign. It will be as if coming back home after a journey of visiting all signs of the zodiac. This transit of Saturn will be starting from January 23, 2020, and it will continue for two and a half years. After this, it will enter Aquarius zodiac sign from April 2022.

Saturn rules the 2nd and 3rd house of the chart of Sagittarians. Saturn transit in Capricorn is very vital for the Sagittarius individuals. The reason being, this is the last phase of your Sade Sati due to Saturn’s entry in the 2nd house. This house is the significator of wealth, financial resources, speech, and earning through self-effort. Hence, the impact of Saturn will be on these areas of your life majorly. Your speech and work will matter a lot during the transit phase.

The bad effects of Saturn can be neutralized with some remedies here.

With the Saturn Transit in 2017 in Sagittarius, your focus might have shifted to different matters. You were under the influence of Saturn’s mid-phase of Sade Sati. Hence, you might have faced issues related to your relations with people in your surroundings. For married couples, this phase might have been stressful and struggle some. Those who were looking for a marriage partner would have experienced delays in their path. Despite your sincere efforts, there would have been a slow down in professional growth. But, the phase is now going to end and the 3rd phase of Sade Sati has some surprises for you.

Know what changes and challenges you can expect from Saturn in Capricorn with your personalized and comprehensive handwritten Sade Sati Report.

(Kindly note: the below predictions are mentioned according to moon sign.)

The period starting from January 23, 2020 will be comparatively better than the previous 3 years. This period being slightly opportune, each day will have something good to offer you. The transiting Saturn may create some taxing moments be it in your professional life or personal life. But, your friends and family members will stand by you whenever you will need them. If inheritance issues are there in your family then it will take some more time to be sorted out peacefully.

  • Your performance graph is likely to be lowered during the transit.
  • Maintaining a balance between your family life and professional life will help you in exceeding your professional expectations.
  • Your choice of words will be important while dealing with your superiors.
  • The seniors in your office may fail to understand the reasons behind your underperformance. You are not likely to receive their support.
  • You will have to work sincerely to exceed the expectations and maintain your reputation in the office.
  • You will have to address some important issues with patience and proper focus in your office. This will help you in stabilizing your position at the professional front.
  • The hard work that you have been doing at the professional front will start to show its results which will make you contended.

Get your personalized Saturn transit Report and get the key to unlock potential in your career.

  • Business individuals will notice an average impact of the transiting Saturn.
  • You should work with dedication and avoid any thoughts of quick gains. Any such intention will backfire and may hinder your progress.
  • Any business investments you do should be after proper contemplation and understanding the options thoroughly.
  • In this period, there will be some issues that may keep you away from achieving the goals. It is expected to increase the business and boost the sales of your business in the market.
  • This period will test your organizational and time-management abilities. Additionally, you will need to improve your business strategies to fulfill the market needs.
  • As this phase progresses, the transiting Saturn along with other planetary influences will bring positive returns. This way your business structure will improve with your creative ideas.

Get your personalized Saturn transit Report to get an in-depth analysis for your business.

  • There are chances of financial hardships during the Saturn transit.
  • As Saturn will be aspecting the 11th house of gains, financial discipline will lead towards financial growth.
  • Income may be lower than your expenses. However, you may receive your blocked money that may help you consolidate your financial position.
  • You may not receive financial support from your family members. This might create problems in your budgeting and expenses.
  • Because of Sade Sati phase, you will see some stability at the financial front and will start thinking to invest for a longer time horizon.
  • You may have to spend after the health of your family members. Hence, the saved money will help you when you are in need.

  • Individuals who are in a love relationship will have a moderate time and may not see any major change during this Saturn transit.
  • You should share your feelings with your partner in order to create a better understanding with your partner during this transit.
  • However, you will need to be careful in your marital life. There are chances of disruptions in discussions which may lead to frustration.
  • Showing empathy and care towards your spouse will help you in creating better understanding with your partner.
  • Ensure a positive approach while resolving family issues. Due to the last phase of Sade Sati, there will be sudden changes in your thinking patterns. You will now be able to understand others in a better manner and will be more sympathetic. Family values will also matter more to you.
  • You need to be soft-spoken to keep the charm of your married life intact. It will help you to have a peaceful marital life.

  • The transit of Saturn seems to be slightly challenging in terms of your health.
  • There will be a feeling of laziness during the transit of Saturn. You may feel stressed after hectic work hours.
  • Ensure proper rest between your busy working hours that will help you in maintaining your health.
  • There are chances of twisting ankles or injuring your leg. Hence, you need to pay careful attention while walking and driving.
  • Sudden health issues are likely to stem up during the transit phase. Hence, you are suggested to maintain good eating habits and do regular exercises.

Get your personalized Saturn transit Report to remain on the bright side of health.

The tough taskmaster Saturn’s transit can either make or break you given which one you choose. It can put you through various pressures and try to mold you. If you are able to go through the test and come out with courage, there will be no other victory than this!

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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