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Effects of Saturn Transit on Pisces Moon Sign

Saturn is going to make its grand entry in Capricorn sign from January 23, 2020. It takes around 30 years for this taskmaster to pass through the 12 zodiac signs. In Vedic astrology, it is called a disciplinarian, and a naturally malefic planet. Saturn will remain in Capricorn for around two and a half years and then transit to Aquarius from April 2022. After paying a visit to all signs of the zodiac, it is going to come home in its own sign. This phenomenon will leave an enduring impact on the individuals depending on the house it enters.

Saturn is the Lord of the 11th and 12th house for Pisces. This time, it will transit through the 11th house in your birth chart. This house represents gains of all nature – wealth, fulfillment of desires, rewards, recognition, profits, and returns. These areas will be majorly impacted during the transit. You will get the love of Saturn in terms of achievements of goals and working towards a better future. This transit will teach you that nothing is constant, neither happiness nor sadness. Hence, you can get ready to broaden your smile and enrich your happiness.

Saturn’s transit to Sagittarius in 2017 would have made you focused on your career. Your goals and view-points would have changed. You may have realized that there is no substitute for hard work. Rather than just showing that you are busy, you would have been actually working meticulously towards your goals. Relations with your father might have become sour a bit, but you might have learned to maintain them. You would also have been concerned about long term career stability. Now, let’s open the pages of the book that the upcoming Saturn transit has written for you. Get your personalized descriptive and handwritten Saturn Transit Report to know what surprises are planned by the planet for you.

(Kindly note: the below predictions are mentioned according to moon sign.)

You can now have a relaxed time and treat everyone around as Saturn is going to shower gifts on you. However, how you open the gifts will make a lot of difference to your personality and sense of understanding things deeply.

  • The phase of Saturn transit is going to make your workplace more desirable to work at.
  • You will have a new level of energy and enthusiasm. This will give a boost to your growth.
  • Your superiors will be impressed with your dedicated and organized approach to work.
  • The dreams that you had in mind may come true and your hard work will pay off as promotion. You may even get your own team of people working under you.
  • Your relations with subordinates and seniors are likely to get better.
  • The recognition and rewards at work will make you work even harder and sincerely for the company. Get your personalized handwritten Saturn Transit Report and know how to climb up the ladder in your career.

  • Your import-export related business might expand during the phase.
  • You can think about venturing into new opportunities to grow your business. It may be a plan you had in your mind for a long time.
  • The business goals and targets you had planned will start to materialize in the transit phase. However, your hard work and efforts will play a major role in this.
  • Saturn will help you develop more social and professional contacts. This will be beneficial for your business growth and expansion. Get your personalized handwritten Saturn Transit Report and enhance your business growth.

  • The transit of Saturn in the house of gains and wealth will bring more luck.
  • This phase is favorable from the financial front as the deity is going to shower wealth on you.
  • Your past investments are likely to give beneficial results during this period. This will make you invest wisely for your better future.
  • You are likely to receive money from other sources as well. You may get an incentive from work or advance payment for your business project.
  • You will remain happy with the inflow of money during the transit phase. You might even plan a fun trip or buy the thing that you wanted for a long time. Get your personalized handwritten Saturn Transit Report to get guidelines to improve your finances.

  • You will be more outgoing and friendly in your approach. You will want to share your feelings that will help to strengthen your relationship with loved ones.
  • You are suggested to be soft-spoken with your partner and develop a more caring attitude.
  • In your marital life, you are suggested to remain calm and avoid unnecessary debates.
  • Taking extra responsibility in relationship will help you in creating a better rapport with your partner.
  • You will be able to spend quality time with your spouse. Hence, you should make use of this time to generate that spark and make your spouse feel valued.
  • This will make the bond of your relationship stronger. Get your personalized handwritten Saturn Transit Report to strengthen your personal relationships.

  • This can be a favorable phase for you to improve your health with some extra care and regular exercise. This will help you enjoy this phase fully.
  • You can do yoga or meditation to ease your stress level. Good and regular eating habits will help you maintain your energy.
  • There are chances of some old health issues to resurface. Hence, you need to take care of your health and get regular medical checkups done.
  • To avoid stomach ailments, you can have a healthy liquid diet. Get your personalized handwritten Saturn Transit Report to know guidelines for your health improvement.

The deity Saturn will shower the flowers on you with a hidden message. It can make you the best version of yourself if you choose the right path it is pointing at. Hence, make the best use of this phase.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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