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Effects of Saturn Transit on Libra Moon Sign

It takes approximately 30 years for the taskmaster Saturn to pass all the 12 zodiac signs. Now it’s time that it will be entering its own sign, Capricorn. It is going to enter the Capricorn moon on January 23, 2020, and will stay there for approximately two and a half years. After April 2022, it will enter the Aquarius zodiac sign. Saturn is said to be the strict teacher according to Vedic astrology. This transit in its own sign will be like coming back home after a long journey. It would have an enduring effect on the individuals in various areas of their life.

Saturn is the Lord of the fourth and fifth house in the chart of the Librans. Its grand entry is going to be in the fourth house of your birth chart. This house is the signifier of near and dear ones, lands and houses, mother and domestic life. You are likely to get attracted to luxurious items and might end up spending more. The transit might make you lose patience in business matters. However, your positive approach to take the lessons taught by Saturn will give you fruitful results in the phase.

In the 2017 transit of Saturn in Sagittarius, your financial problems might have set you free. This is because the Sade Sati effects on Librans might have ended with the previous transit. The past phase might have made you focus on something new and better in life. You could have seen a positive change as the dark clouds had gradually vanished from your head. Your communication skills may also have got affected by the influence of transit. Let’s find out in detail what the upcoming transit of Saturn has in store for you.

Also read: How will Sun transit in Sagittarius affect your zodiac sign?

You will be under the influence of Dhaiya as Saturn is transiting to the 4th house from the natal Moon. Saturn is the planet of limitations due to which you may feel that you are restricted. But you should keep moving forward and not let dissatisfaction affect your peace. You will become more goal-oriented. This will help you in achieving higher elevation in your professional life. Your mother’s health may be a concern for you. You may be successful professionally but you may be a little unhappy internally. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report to lead a happy life.

This Saturn transit is going to show some challenging situations in your life. However, you should not get demotivated. The problems you face during this phase should be taken as positive challenges and you will come out with flying colors.

  • You are likely to face a slow down in your career during the transit of Saturn.
  • This would be the ideal time to explore your strengths and abilities. You can discover the untapped potential that will help you move ahead in your professional life.
  • There are chances of friction with the higher authorities in your organization. You may face an increase in workload.
  • But, you would be able to push yourself out of the comfort zone and put in the required efforts to achieve results.
  • Do not get disappointed if you do not get the results instantly. Be patient enough and you will be able to reap the benefits of your hard work. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report to grow in your career

  • There are chances of disagreements with your business associates.
  • But, you will be able to devise smarter strategies that will help you in your business.
  • There are chances of new business opportunities during this transit. However, you should think about the pros and cons before investing in it.
  • You are likely to face hardships in dealing with your business projects. But you should give your best and go the extra mile to finish your tasks.
  • Being practical and taking calculated decisions will help you in consolidating your business.
  • You need to coordinate with your team about the key areas to drive more business. Get solutions to business issues with your personalized Saturn Transit Report.

  • During this transit of Saturn, you will be drawn towards spending money on luxurious items. However, overspending may cause disbalance in your budget, hence you need to be careful about your requirements.
  • This period will be good for you to invest in property. Also, your old investments in property might bring some good rewards.
  • Saturn will also demand discipline in maintaining your finances throughout the phase. This is for your own good as it would lead to financial stability in the long run.
  • With your dedicated and focused approach, you will be able to make your financial status stronger.
  • Eventually, the ripe fruits of karma would come to you. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report for the betterment of your finances.

  • The Saturn transit will make your love life demand more of your attention than usual. You would also be asked to avoid any type of discussion that might lead to arguments.
  • Understanding your partner’s emotions will help you in making your love life better.
  • The relations in your personal life may also demand your attention. If you had some issues in the past, they are likely to resurface and add to your frustration. This may also result in uneasiness in your relationship.
  • Take the help of the elderly people to resolve conflicts in your marital life and you will see some positive results of that. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report to improve your relationships.

  • Mental stress is likely to affect your health. Meditation and pranayama will help you to improve your health status.
  • You may also be bothered about your mother’s health during the Saturn transit period.
  • There are chances of blood pressure and heart-related issues. Hence, you need to get your and your mother’s medical checkup done from time to time.
  • Your eating habits also need to be taken care of. This will be helpful to bring improvement in health-related situations. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report to remain on the bright side of your health.

Taking the notes of Saturn’s lecture will help you turn your future to a positive destination. Utilize the phase in the best manner and you will be surprised to see the positive changes in yourself.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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