Predictions Astrology Effects of Saturn Transit on Leo Moon Sign

Effects of Saturn Transit on Leo Moon Sign

The teacher of morals and discipline in Vedic astrology, Saturn, is going to enter the Capricorn zodiac sign starting from January 23, 2020. It will stay in Capricorn sign for around two and a half years and then transit to Aquarius sign. It is said to be a slow-moving planet in astrology as it is far away from the Earth. Yet, it has an enduring effect on all the zodiac signs. The transit of Saturn in Capricorn is like homecoming after crossing over all the other signs. This 30 years span of passing through the 12 zodiac signs is grand and impactful depending on the house it enters.

Saturn rules the 6th and 7th house of Leo’s birth chart. This time, you will welcome the deity in the 6th house of your chart. This house represents areas like enemies, oppositions, accident, loans, debts, and obstacles. So, the transit will mainly affect these areas of your life. Being under the influence of this strict teacher will make you work meticulously to achieve the goals that you desire.

Read more about the remedies to nullify the bad effects of Saturn.

You would have planned some long term financial investments during the Saturn transit 2017 in Sagittarius. It was an ideal time for you to review your past investments as well. In the last 3 years, hard work would have been your prime focus to enhance your skills in professional life. Let’s uncover how the upcoming transit of Saturn will prove to be for you.

(Kindly note: the below predictions are mentioned according to moon sign.)

This transit of Saturn in Capricorn will demand hard work and discipline from the Lions in leading their life ahead. This phase will expect you to build major qualities like patience and endurance in the next two and a half years.

  • Your opponents might get an upper hand and try to bring you down. You are likely to face challenges with your boss due to this.
  • Hence, you need to avoid annoying situations at work and handle relations with higher-ups tactfully.
  • You may find competition in your field as your colleagues might give challenging time.
  • But as this transit progresses, a gradual improvement in your overall professional condition will make you feel secure.
  • A cool, calm and composed approach will be required to manage your career.
  • If you make use of your patience and intelligence, you can cross the hurdles and reach the milestones.

Get your personalized handwritten Saturn Transit Report and know how to climb the ladder in your career.

  • For business individuals, the phase is likely to bring below average results due to Saturn’s motion. However, as the transit progresses, things will turn in your favor gradually.
  • Additional responsibility at this time will require you to accomplish the task successfully.
  • To run a business efficiently and effectively you should know where your business is lacking and the ways you can boost your sales more thoroughly.
    You may need to come up with new ways to market your product.
  • Frequent meetings should be held with people who are related to your business. You can discuss the key indicator areas that can help drive more profits.
  • You are also suggested to plan out a new approach which can provide stability to your business and grow it further.

  • Financially, you will move forward and gain as per your expectations. However, you may be worried about not being able to save money as it may be spent away soon.
  • Take care and pay attention to financial questions seriously. You will be happy as you will start fetching desired results gradually.
  • You should plan your budget well in advance to maintain stability at the monetary front.
  • Keeping all your financial liabilities in mind and practically taking decisions on spending your money will be beneficial for you in avoiding losses.

  • During this period, you will feel energetic but this energy can compel you to take wrong decisions and deteriorate your speech.
  • If you may have anger or frustration on yourself or your partner, try to change the way of showing love.
  • Dating your partner or trying to remember the old happy romantic days with your beloved will help you experience harmony.
  • As this transit progresses, Saturn will have some surprises in store for you. This will only lead you towards your ultimate destination.

  • In this period, there will be conflict between feelings and practicality. All these things – if stretched more – will affect your health.
  • However, other planetary situations will keep you in a good mood as time progresses.
  • Saturn may demand you to be in strict adherence to your fitness and hygiene regime to remain healthy. Avoiding oily and junk food is suggested for keeping health in good condition.
  • As this transit progresses, you will be in a better mental state to do many things. To do that, your enthusiasm level will also be very high.

Get guidance for improving your health from Personalized handwritten Saturn Transit Report.

Saturn, being the lord of Karma (deeds), rewards us after we break the old barriers and learn like a good student. The discipline you follow in this journey will play a major role in paving the way to a fruitful destination of life.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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