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Effects of Saturn Transit on Gemini Moon Sign

Saturn is going to make its entry to the Capricorn zodiac sign from January 23, 2020. Saturn is known to be a taskmaster, the disciplinarian, and a naturally malefic planet. It takes around 30 years to pass through all the 12 zodiac signs. It is going to come back home in its own sign after paying a visit to all other signs. It will remain posited in Capricorn for around two and a half years and will transit to the Aquarius sign from April 2022.

Saturn rules the 8th and 9th house (house of fortune) of a Gemini’s chart. This time the twins would welcome Saturn in the 8th house of their birth chart. This house is the significator of longevity, unexpectedness, disgrace, and inheritance. This Saturn transit may make you well-organized in your tasks and will also put you through tests in the form of hardships. How you come out of it will be determined with the help of your efforts and understanding.

The transit of Saturn in Sagittarius from 2017 would have helped you gain momentum in terms of analyzing things and earning fame. Married individuals would have learned how to pay attention to life-partners and for singles, there were chances to improve their personality. The last phase would have brought some trust issues in your life. But if you were a good student of the strict teacher Saturn, the transit would have made you realize the values in your life. Let’s unveil the effects of Saturn transit 2020 on the Gemini sign.

You will be under the influence of Saturn’s Dhaiya as Saturn is transiting to the 8th house from the natal Moon. You will have to plan your career as the transiting Saturn will test your mettle and patience. Your sincere efforts with enough patience will help you in fulfilling your professional ambitions. You will not depend on others for any resources but will work harder to accumulate more money. Lessons learned in the past will help you sort out any difficult situation. Your previously sawn seeds will start reaping beneficial results. You may probably find it difficult to keep an equal balance between your personal and professional life. At the same time, you will be inclined towards spiritual learning that will help you in raising yourself spiritually.

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(Kindly note: the below predictions are mentioned according to moon sign.)

Saturn transit in Capricorn is going to be a bit tough phase of your life. Ganesha predicts that you will go through different ups and downs in terms of professional and personal life. It requires Geminis to be brave and have the utmost understanding while dealing with matters.

  • This phase will demand strong determination and concentration to win over the situations. You should also stay confident as situations will improve.
  • You will enjoy the successful completion of your tasks. This phase will also demand you to maintain a calm temper while dealing with superiors. However, your peers will extend their support.
  • You will witness a peaceful surrounding and will get to implement plans and work as per your desire.
  • Chances of job change or some positive change in your role & responsibilities are foreseen during the transit period. Adopt a pragmatic approach while choosing any new job.

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  • Things will pace up on the business front, and you may be able to derive positive results out of your endeavor.
  • Your gains will be satisfactory keeping in view of your initiatives and diligence. Sometimes, it might get difficult for you to cope up with the business requirements.
  • With good support from employees and the required backing of luck in important matters, you should focus on going ahead. Concentrate on finishing tasks that can otherwise be difficult.
  • People around you may start being more cooperative and may keep lending a helping hand, whenever required.
  • You are suggested to remain focused on finding the key points and challenges in your business.

Get solutions to business issues with your personalized Saturn Transit Report.

  • New avenues for financial gains are seen opening up. Tasks undertaken by you shall be successfully completed within targeted time limits.
  • You will be able to convince others with your keen perception of situations and plans. You are likely to be involved in noble deeds and financial donations.
  • Your income will increase, and your contact with senior or government authorities will improve. With the help of your skills, you would be able to handle even adverse situations.
  • You will come in various favorable situations. You may not have to worry about the inflow of money as much.
  • There are chances of spending money on a journey related to visiting places of pilgrimage.

Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report for the betterment of your finances.

  • You may want to develop an understanding with your beloved ones and family members with meaningful dialogue.
  • Your loved and close ones will be able to help you as you help them. Your spouse may need your company, sensitivity, and understanding.
  • You should maintain your harmony to create an effective balance.
  • Your outings with your beloved ones will increase happiness in your life. This way, you will be able to make your beloved ones happy due to sparing time for them.

Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report to improve your relationships.

  • You need to develop a high patience and concentration level in this duration to avoid mental stress.
  • Your health will remain good. But, you may end up scattering your energies behind lots of activities.
  • Make sure that you practice strict discipline in your diet, particularly while traveling.
  • Monitor your health closely to keep things firmly under control.

Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report to remain on the bright side of your health.

Saturn is the strict teacher not just by saying. The deity makes sure that whoever he puts under the test of life learns what he wants to teach. The struggles you go through during this period would seem to prick. But when you come out with learning, it would work wonders for your life ahead!

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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