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Effects of Lunar Eclipse, August 2008, on Business

Effects of Lunar Eclipse, August 2008,  on Business

On the night of August 16, 2008 at 2:53 hrs, a Lunar eclipse will occur. The eclipse will be viewed on the full moon day of the month of Shravan. It will occur in the Aquarius sign.

As this eclipse will take place in an airy sign, there will be a famine inspite of a good harvest.

Epidemics, heavy changes in the atmosphere, political upheavals, misunderstandings in relations, etc. may develop.

Commodities like wheat, metals, jewellery, gold, pearls, iron and steel, nuclear products and leather and foundries will be in news in the press and other media of mass communication.

In the stock market from November 04, 2008 to November 23, 2008 there may be a suppressed undertone and from November 24, 2008 to December 09, 2008 undertone may be buyoant. i

The following will be the effects of the Lunar Eclipse on the companies according to their Sun Signs:


The company may not get benefits from the government and may have to face internal chaos. Read more about Aries.


The production may go down and new competitors may try to take away the existing business. The owner of the company may have to face troubles. Read more about Taurus.


Legal problems may arise. Trade related exports and imports may get affected. Read more about Gemini.


Internal incidents may harm the company’s reputation. Read more about Cancer.


The ability of the management level staff of the sister companies of the company of this sign, may be affected. The reputation of the company may also be damaged. Read more about Leo.


New competitors may enter the field. Problems related to labour may arise. Get to know more about Virgo.


The company may face a sudden loss and its share price may go down. Read more about Libra.


Company’s assets may get depreciated, new research may get halted, the brand name may be affected, company’s further development may stop for sometime, relations with workers may also get affected. Read more about Scorpio.


The company’s relation with its sub-ordinate companies and co-operative companies may be strained. Due to this, other branches of the company may also be affected. Read more about Sagittarius.


The financial position of the company may become unstable. Revenues may not be generated. Cash flow may get stuck. The company may also face problems related to the income tax. Read more about Capricorn.


Number of share holders may get reduced due to damaged reputation. The stress of managing director may increase and the stock price may decrease. Read more about Aquarius.


The company may have to pay heavy taxes. They may have to face heavy losses, products may get rejected and there may be strikes by the workers. Read more about Pisces.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,

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