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Jupiter Transit 2021 Effects on Virgo Moon Sign

Jupiter is progressive in Capricorn and will enter the last air sign on April 6, 2021. Jupiter transiting in Aquarius for the first time after almost 13 years will expand the awareness of our place in the community and the needs of all. With the energy of Aquarius, it will encourage fairness, impartiality, individuality, and humanitarianism to the Virgin. This time, Jupiter will pass through the 6th house of Virgo Moon, and it gives a sense of life purpose.

The transiting Jupiter in the 6th house will bestow the quality of hospitality and a greater goal to serve humanity. You will have high standards in your business dealings with others. Also, you usually take great pleasure in the work you do and in being useful to others. However, it will affect your health, finance, career, love and relationship. So Virgo, hold on your seat to have insights into the impacts of Jupiter Transit 2021 on all areas of your life.

  • When Jupiter is transiting through 6th house, adults are advised to pay proper attention to their health. You may face acid reflux, gas-related troubles, common cold, or intestine-related issues from 14th April to 15th June.
  • So, acting according to doctor’s advice may help to get relief from such concerns soon. Otherwise, it may turn into major ailments or get virus infection.
  • Also, a proper diet and Surya Namaskar will help to keep fit during the transit of Jupiter in Aquarius. Especially, the natives dealing with diabetes and other similar health concerns may be beneficial from this practice.
  • However, watch your diet to stay away from health ailments.
  • There may be a deficiency of Vitamin D in this phase.
  • The period between 3rd June and 7th July is challenging as you are likely to face blood pressure issues or acidity.
  • Virgo children may fall sick due to vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, or flu. So if you foresee any symptoms, check with your family doctor ASAP. Also, keep your diet light and healthy.
  • Also, Virgo children may complain about body pain, back pain, or knee pain. They may not get proper sleep due to all these aches.
  • Virgin male may gain weight during this transit phase. The gain in body fat may lead to pains in legs. Also, the improper diet may result in stomach ache or headache.
  • All in all, your sleeping schedule may get disturbed.
  • However, routine exercise and casual walking can help you a lot.

All Leo females and would-be moms are suggested to perform yoga and Surya Namaskar to stay fit. Also, you can recite Omkar mantra to overcome health concerns. Chanting Hanuman Chalisa before sleeping can be beneficial for Virgin children. You can perform Hanuman Puja on Tuesday or Saturday to get relief from health issues.

For personalised insights of Jupiter transit impacts on the health front, Uncover Handwritten Jupiter Transit Report Now!

  • On the career front, Virgo can rest easy as the influence of Jupiter is favourable for you.
  • However, professional workers are advised to be careful between 17th April and 11th May. There are chances of arguments with your seniors. Also, from 16th July to 10th August, the relationship with superiors may not remain cordial.
  • Keep patience with the struggles on the career front and avoid quitting the job in haste. It is because you may not find new working opportunities during the transit of Jupiter in the 6th house.
  • Students are suggested not to lose self-confidence even if you have not achieved the desired results in the exams. Also, cheer up if your attempts fail multiple times.
  • Instead of losing hope, continue to focus on your subject matters. There are more exams to come, and you can come out with flying colours when celestial bodies’ influences are in your favour.
  • Those having education-related queries may seek advice from experienced people and get their answers after 2nd June 2021.
  • Virgo natives will be inclined towards accounting, marketing, and economic fields during Jupiter transit in Aquarius. This is why they will love to work in these fields.
  • Experienced workers may get unfavourable results in regards to the change in job. Despite good knowledge and skills in your field, you may not be the right choice for other companies.
  • It would be challenging for you to find the desired job, and therefore, it will boost your mental stress.
  • Those who have target-based work or commission-based business are suggested to think twice before communicating with your seniors from 2nd June to 7th July.
  • Also, be cautious when you are dealing with your clients.
  • Otherwise, your challenges may increase, and you may have to stay away from promotion and salary hike.
  • Making proper work strategies can only help you to meet the deadlines and accomplish all-important work efficiently.
  • In case you are seeking government jobs, it is a suitable time to prepare for entrance exams. Book your dates between 17th August and 10th September to get favourable outcomes. However, the natives who have already appeared for exams and are unable to clear the cut off are advised to keep up good efforts.
  • Also, it is a suitable time for small-medium sized business owners. But, if you are planning to develop a new business, then the period between 1st May and 2nd June seems favourable.
  • Natives associated with partnership business can introduce new work strategies during this transition. But be careful between 16th July and 10th August while making decisions.
  • However, it is a favourable time for commission-based business. Also, you may develop new contacts in this phase. So make the most in this transit period. Hurrah! After 1st August everything is fine and dandy for commission business.
  • Also, it is a favourable time for import & export as well as a trading business.

For personalised insights of Jupiter transit impacts on your career, Uncover Handwritten Jupiter Transit Report Now!

  • In case your money is stuck, put your efforts from 15th May to 31st May. You may get it back in this period. Also, it is a favourable time to apply for a loan.
  • Those who are not able to resolve property or land-related work can relax. Jupiter influence in Aquarius may help you to fulfil the work between 2nd June and 25th June.
  • All the investments in BSE and NSE scripts can be made from 3rd June to 7th July if you are planning to invest in the stock market. So, explore your plan in this period as you are likely to get a good return.
  • Long term investments are suggested to be done under the guidance of experts and that too between 3rd June and 7th July only. You may get positive outcomes at this time under expert advice.

For personalised insights of Jupiter transit impacts on your financial matters, Uncover Handwritten Jupiter Transit Report Now!

Job seekers may get benefits in the transit phase of Jupiter in Aquarius by worshipping Lord Hanuman. They can recite Hanuman Chalisa every evening to get favourable results. If you are not able to execute Hanuman Puja regularly, allow our experts to perform Hanuman Puja online and achieve favourable results. Students are suggested to worship Lord Dattatreya in order to get admission to top universities or colleges. Those who want to achieve the desired profit in business are advised to offer Jaggery to Lord Ganesha and recite ‘Ganesha mantra’.

  • irgo natives will have a blast in a love relationship after 3rd June 2021.
  • The influence of Jupiter transit may help you to keep aside all the past issues with your partner. Also, you may improve your relations with them.
  • All married Virgins may build mutual relations with their spouse. Not only will they enjoy cordial relationships with their spouses but also come out of the family tensions gradually.
  • Virgo Males are likely to improve relations with their parents. Also, if there is any misunderstanding with their parents regarding the parental property, it may get resolved after 3rd June.
  • The same can’t be said for Virgo Females. They may have an unfavourable time with their parents, and therefore, they are advised to be tender with their mother.
  • You may have small fights with your sister, but you are likely to maintain good relationships with your brother.
  • But Virgo Males are suggested to take care of their relations with brothers in the month of May and June.
  • You may spoil relations with your close relatives too. So it’s better for you to be careful and watch your words when you deal with them.
  • The education of your child may bother you and due to this, you may be black mood too. This may spoil your relationship with your champ.
  • It is advisable to be careful when dealing with your elders.
  • However, you are likely to enjoy a great time with the natives who are younger than you. But, it is suggested to avoid arguments between 16th July and 10th August.
  • You are suggested to try to maintain healthy relations with your uncle and aunt.
  • With your friend circle, you may have a good time between 3rd June and 7th July 2021. Also, meeting new friends is on the cards.
  • Those who want to make religious trips can travel between 1st May and 26th May. This is a suitable time to travel.
  • All Singles guys and ladies, you may meet the desired partner soon. So be ready with the ring to propose your beloved.

For personalised insights of Jupiter transit impacts on your love & relationships, Uncover Handwritten Jupiter Transit Report Now!

Hey Virgo, are you facing a delay in marriage? Chanting the Venus mantra on Friday can be favourable for you. If you are experiencing straining relationships with your parents are advised to bow down to their parents before initiating any work. In case you have any confrontation or misunderstandings with your parents due to the parental properties, chanting ‘Vishnu’ mantra on Thursday & Saturday may help to overcome this. It is suggested to chant Surya mantra to develop a good image in society. You can perform Surya Puja online to enhance your name and fame in society.

In a Nutshell,

The impact of Jupiter transit in Aquarius on Virgo Moon Sign will be as follows:

Areas of Life

Influence of Jupiter Transit 2021

Health Challenging
Career & Finance Moderate
Love & Relationships Moderate

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Astrologers trained by Shri Bejan Daruwalla
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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