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What are the effects of Stellium Mars-Saturn-Jupiter in Capricorn on all Zodiac Signs?

What are the effects of Stellium Mars-Saturn-Jupiter in Capricorn on all Zodiac Signs?

The year 2020 is all about pretty planetary grouping or conjunction. After too many stelliums in Sagittarius, the focus of the solar system has shifted to Capricorn. The spacecraft of Jupiter and Mars is transiting out of Sagittarius and entering Capricorn. What a great financial year, to begin with! Jupiter and Mars are transiting in the house of Saturn, Capricorn. Saturn in Capricorn from January 24, 2020, is waiting and planning the welcome party for Jupiter and Mars. Mars will enter Capricorn on March 22, 2020, so Capricorn will boast the malefic energy until Jupiter joins them on March 30, 2020. The meeting of three stalwarts (planets) will continue for 35 days until May 4, 2020. Generally, the combination of two malefic planets is never good for the benefic planet. However, the powerful conjunction in Capricorn is unusual as Jupiter in Capricorn is very strong to handle or resist the malefic energy of Saturn and Mars. The rare thing that is going to happen during this transit is Jupiter and Saturn are going to come very close to each other that too after almost 20 years. Not only will they be close to each other, but they also will be retrograding together in Capricorn in the month of May.

According to Vedic Astrology, three planetary conjunctions are going to activate the signs of Cancer and Capricorn by being together in Capricorn. Karma (Saturn), divine (Jupiter), and action (Mars) will trigger both Cancer and Capricorn and hence, the house in which these signs are placed will get activated. The natives will find the massive changes or transformation in the areas of life which are represented by the activated houses. You can explore which house is going to get activated by this super transit of 35 days by availing Free Janam Kundali Analysis. The powerful conjunction of Mars-Jupiter-Saturn in Capricorn may lead to a massive transformation and may either reward you or crush your hopes and goals. Find out what is in store for you!

For Aries natives, the super stellium of Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 10th house, the house of career.

Professional life

  • You may face some hurdles in your professional life. However, you can succeed with your hard work and sincere efforts. Get the key to open the lock of success and overcome all the hurdles in its path by exploring Personalized Saturn Transit Report.
  • You may get a chance to work on overseas projects.


  • Your father’s health may get affected so you are likely to spend after his recovery. You may also spend money on learning mystical subjects.
  • Overall, you may face some financial obstacles during this period.


  • This period will expand your awareness of association, commitments and the need to engage yourself with others.
  • The period seems to be sensitive and tricky. Due to impatience and restlessness, you may face some problems. You can overcome all your problems and challenges in personal relationships by getting insights into Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.


  • You are likely to handle your health in a better way. Stress levels are likely to be under control which may remain positive for your health.
  • You would remain more focused on your health which can be a positive signal to stay healthy.

For Taurus natives, the super conjunction of three planets, Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 9th house, the house of destiny.

Professional life

  • You are advised to control your aggression during this phase. Keeping the high-headed tendencies at bay would help you do well in your chosen path.
  • You are likely to face unusual circumstances that may force you to change the job. You can overcome all unusual circumstances in your professional life by exploring your Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.


  • You would be inclined towards courses which may add to your qualifications which in turn may provide you financial benefits.
  • You would be associated with good people which may provide you some earning opportunities. You may also have an inclination to spend after creative things


  • You would be inclined to fantasize rather than concentrating on practical matters. You may have a positive flow of warmth and friendliness during this phase.
  • On the positive side, you would be very sharp and mentally clear, which may help you understand the dynamics of your relationship. Get insights into Personalized Saturn Transit Report to sail smoothly in personal relationships.


  • You are advised not to ignore minor health issues as the transit period does not look comprehensively favorable for your health.
  • Instability in health is possible due to some worry and emotional draining. Thus, you are advised to monitor your health closely to keep things firmly under control.

For Gemini natives, the super stellium of Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 8th house, the house of adversities.

Professional life

  • The period is likely to remain more hectic and busy with your professional matters. Frictions with the senior officials and peers may likely be on the cards. Overcome all the frictions and get the gateway of progress in your field by inspecting Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.
  • You may experience a lack of support in your professional life. So the work environment may become more stressful.


  • You may face some financial issues during this period. You are likely to make the wrong financial decisions.
  • You may face difficulties in implementing financial plans.


  • You are advised to act with caution and precautions in matters related to love. The transit period may test your commitments and patience.
  • On the relationship front, you may face some challenging situations. Stressful and challenging situations in personal and professional life are due to the transit of Saturn in the fourth house which is also called Dhaiya. Explore Personalized Saturn Transit Report and get a handful of solutions for all challenges.


  • You may face some gastric issues. You may have pain in the back and shoulders.
  • You may confront some health issues due to laziness or overindulgence. You would not be able to take undue care of your health.

For Cancer natives, the super conjunction of three planets, Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 7th house, the house of partnerships.

Professional life

  • During this period, your stress level or anxiety levels may be heightened. You are advised to take some time out to channelize your energy into an active and energy-consuming sport.
  • You are also advised to watch your words before uttering them at the workplace. Your hard work and tough efforts may help you improve your performance.


  • It would be a favorable time to make investments as they are likely to give you a good return in the future. Get the timeline of investing money for optimum return by delving into Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.
  • You may experience an explicit growth of affluence along with increased materialistic rewards. Excellent earning opportunities would knock your door during this phase.


  • You may develop a strong attraction and attachment towards someone special.
  • Your desire to find a loving partner would manifest strongly during this time. You may also have a soothing impact on your relationship.


  • You are advised to avoid undertaking physically heavy or difficult tasks that may affect your health. It would be better for you to take up light activities that are likely to reduce your mental stress.
  • You may end up utilizing all your energy in accomplishing various tasks and hence, your health may be overlooked. Get a guide for fighting fit from Personalized Saturn Transit Report.

For Leo natives, the super stellium of Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 6th house, the house of enemies.

Professional life

  • Chances are that you may face some trouble due to misinterpretation or miscommunication with senior officials and bosses.
  • Your sincere dedication would help you manage all problems. It would help to maintain your personal organizational behavior. Only hard work is the key to success during this phase.


  • You may not get worthy results for your sincere efforts which may frustrate you. It would be better to avoid hasty financial commitments. Get an acumen for an appropriate portfolio and the timeline to make investments for maximum return from Personalized Saturn Transit Report.
  • Also, you may need to review your old investments during this period. You can diversify your funds.


  • It would be better to avoid unnecessary arguments with your partner. You would be more hasty and impatient which can affect your relationships.
  • There would be some conflicts and clashes which may strain and cause misunderstandings with your partner.


  • Regular work out, dieting, may help you recover and maintain good health during this phase. Some stressful situations are likely to be on the cards which may result in digestive troubles. Get insights into possible health concerns and precautions required by availing Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.
  • At times, there may be a temptation to practice some new techniques to register major improvements or build up strength and stamina.

For Virgo natives, the super conjunction of three planets, Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 5th house, the house of love and progeny.

Professional life

  • You are likely to be very optimistic at your workplace. The people around will not only notice your optimism but will also acknowledge it.
  • You are advised to try and foresee the situations that may turn unpleasant or may have unsuitable consequences. At a later phase, you would be pushed into situations that may lead to a conflict with your superiors.


  • You are likely to receive good gains, and so on the financial front, you would feel satisfied. Know the timeline of maximum financial gains from the Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.
  • Also, you would recover all your pending dues. Overall, you would receive good affluence and materialistic wealth.


  • Attaining good harmony with your partner would be challenging during this period. Cooperation, compromise, and adjustments may help you nurture your relationship better.
  • You may be somewhat uncertain about the future of your love life during this phase. Delve into the future of your love life and avail tips for cordial relationships by exploring Personalized Saturn Transit Report.


  • You are advised to try and maintain your energy so that you can properly channelize and invest it in the right way.
  • You may experience a drop in your energy level or may invest your energy in unwanted things. You are likely to experience tiredness due to a lot of verbal communication with others or traveling.

For Libra natives, the super stellium of Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 4th house, the house of happiness.

Professional life

  • There are chances of transfer but it would be favorable and positive for your growth. Favorable and positive results are likely to be the outcomes of the transit of Saturn in the fourth house which forms Laghu Kalyani. Explore other favorable or challenging results of Laghu Kalyani from Personalized Saturn Transit Report.
  • You may be able to maintain your position and high rapport during this phase. Your logical and clear thinking abilities would help you serve your purpose.


  • Money management skills may enhance. You are advised to make long term investments. Manage your financial investments effectively by pursuing Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.
  • There are chances of financial benefits coming your way that may make you feel happy.


  • This phase may remain favorable for your romantic life. You are likely to move towards a positive direction.
  • You would enjoy most of the pleasures with your loved ones.


  • You are advised to take extra care of your health. Also, you are advised to drive carefully as there are chances of injury during this period.
  • You may be focusing on enhancing your efficiency and fitness level.

  • For Scorpio natives, the super conjunction of three planets, Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 3rd house, the house of enterprise.Professional life
    • You may find the ease of working and have a good fortune. So you are advised to use this time to contemplate the mistakes that have been holding you back from achieving your 100% productivity at the workplace.
    • Your self-confidence and communication skills may increase. Stability in professional life is foreseen.


    • You are advised to play safe when it comes to money matters as chances of unexpected expenses cropping up are foreseen. You can delve into all the unexpected and challenging situations by getting Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.
    • It would be better to avoid quick money-making schemes. Your financial judgment may prove wrong.


    • This period may inspire you to get a little detached from friends and involve in something stimulating. You are advised to pay more attention to relationships.
    • You are advised to act with a balanced mind to avoid disruptions. You can avoid all disruptions by inspecting the Personalized Saturn Transit Report.


    • You are likely to maintain good health. You may feel comfortable and healthy during this period.
    • No major health issues are foreseen during this phase.

For Sagittarius natives, the super stellium of Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 2nd house, the house of finance.

Professional life

  • You are advised to work on your communication skills and try to avoid confrontations with peers and superiors. There are chances of difficulties in balancing professional and family life. The last phase of Sade Sati may affect your work-life balance. Explore how to overcome all the challenging situations from the Personalized Saturn Transit Report.
  • You may get support from the elderly people, especially women, who may play an important role in your progress.


  • This period would lead you to financial growth. You may be spending money after all the comforts and luxuries.
  • Intellectual decisions may benefit you at the financial front. Make intellectual decisions and enhance comforts and luxuries in life by exploring Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.


  • During this period, you may experience happiness and bliss. This can be the right time to take the relationship to the next level.
  • You would be very sharp and clear in thoughts which will help you understand the dynamics of your relationship.


  • You are advised to use the tried and tested or proven therapies to remain fit.
  • Overall, on the health front, you are likely to get mixed results. It would be helpful for you to practice strict discipline in your diet

For Capricorn natives, the super conjunction of three planets, Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 1st house, the house of self (ascendant).

Professional life

  • Your status in an organization may be enhanced or held high. It would be better to maintain a smooth relationship with others in the workplace.
  • Your timely actions would help you in getting success and accomplishing your goals.


  • Your financial planning may get disrupted. You are likely to spend after the health of the family members.
  • You may feel frustrated due to the non-accomplishment of the desired financial benefits. Overcome all frustrations and challenges and get ready to fulfill your dreams by inspecting Personalized Saturn Transit Report.


  • You would see betterment in your relations. During this period, you are likely to see positive impacts on romantic relationships.
  • This period may bring a harmonious impact on your love life.


  • This period would help you regain your vitality. You are likely to maintain your health. Get tips to regain your vitality and stay fit from Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.
  • You may find this phase to be pretty productive for your health and fitness.

For Aquarius natives, the super stellium of Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 12th house, the house of detachment.

Professional life

  • It seems to be a very busy and hectic phase in professional life. There are chances of visiting a foreign country with regard to professional work. Get the assurance of your chances to travel abroad and complete guide to overcome hurdles from Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.
  • You may not be able to complete tasks on time. You are advised to avoid undertaking those tasks which you are not able to fulfill.


  • You would be inclined to lavish spending. Hence, you are likely to get involved in unworthy and useless pursuits.
  • This period may negatively affect your financial status. You may also have to spend due to your health issues


  • Chances are that you may confront enmity from your loved ones. Hence, you are advised to be careful in this regard.
  • You are likely to face some uncertainties and confusion in your romantic life. The period foresees some disruptions in your relationship. Get rid of all uncertainties and confusions in your romantic life by exploring Personalized Saturn Transit Report.


  • Your internal energies may be disturbed during this phase which may result in health issues. Mental tensions may lead to health issues.
  • So you are advised to take out some time to relax which would help you in maintaining your good health.

For Pisces natives, the super conjunction of three planets, Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 11th house, the house of gains.

Professional life

  • This period is likely to remain very important for your career progression. You would be determined, dedicated and passionate in everything that you undertake.
  • You are likely to get good support from employees and luck may also favor you in important matters. So you are advised to focus on going ahead and finishing all difficult tasks during this phase. Explore Personalized Saturn Transit Report to enhance focus and determination on the right career path for achieving desired goals.


  • It seems to be a period of fortune, auspicious happenings, and fulfillment of your desire.
  • You may be able to stabilize your financial condition. Some auspicious financial gains would give you happiness.


  • You are advised to avoid unnecessary arguments or discussions with your soul mate.
  • You may face some disruptions in your relationships. Your romantic life may remain stressful.


  • This phase would help you to recover fast if you are ailing some issues related to health. Get insights into possible health concerns and easy solutions to overcome them from Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.
  • During this phase, you would have a good energy level. You are likely to get pleasure in experimenting with tips for better health.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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