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Effects of Jupiter transit in Sagittarius on all ascendants

Effects of Jupiter transit in Sagittarius on all ascendants

The Jupiter transit in Sagittarius on November 5, 2019, is important to watch as the planet is coming back to Sagittarius after retrograding to Scorpio sign. Jupiter is an outer planet and it moves slowly and stays in a zodiac sign for approximately a year and then transits to another zodiac sign. The planet Jupiter or Brihaspati create a strong and long-lasting effect on us and the transit of Jupiter would shape our life on the basis of different factors. Sagittarius, a fire sign tends to be positive even when things are not moving as per our wish.

Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius sign and the movement of Jupiter is supportive for obtaining spiritual knowledge and traveling to holy places. The planet is a significator of education, knowledge, spirituality, fortune, rewards, wisdom, and happiness. If the auspicious planet Jupiter is favorably placed in your Janampatri it would bless you with abundant knowledge, good fortune, and ethics. It would also keep a check on affiliated planets in your Janampatri.

  • The auspicious and beneficial planet is transiting to the ninth house in the horoscope of Aries ascendants. Jupiter is the lord of the house and it is a favorable planet for Aries ascendant. It would give favorable results to them unless it is associated with malefic planets in the individuals’ horoscopes.
  • The ninth house is ideal for travel and academics.
  • You would be more involved in reading and studying than usual. If you are not too involved in reading and studies now then you would be inclined towards it substantially says Ganesha.
  • You would travel very often. There are chances of traveling to holy places.
  • You would develop interest in subjects like Philosophy and Metaphysics to a great deal.
  • If you are an aspiring author, writer or script writer then this is a favorable time to execute and complete your work. During this period, your creativity will be enhanced and you will get desired results in your respective areas.

  • Jupiter is transiting through the eighth house in the horoscope of Taurus ascendants. Jupiter is the lord of this house and it is a malefic planet for Taurus ascendant. The transit would give favorable results mostly as it is transiting to its own house.
  • You would gain substantially from the people with whom you are closely attached. Your near and dear ones would hold your hand in adverse situations and help you to come out of it.
  • The transit period foresees that you either have to seek assistance from your close associations in tricky situations or they would come up with the opportunities for which you would have waited for a very long time. The opportunities would be beneficial for your career growth and you would gain financially from it.
  • This is the best period for applying for loans from banks and financial institutions as it would be sanctioned easily in this transit period. If you are planning to take loans for personal purposes, buying property, project execution, research and development, and product development then you can apply for it during this period.
  • The transit period also foresees the gains from inheritances, legacies, and tax rebates.

  • The outer planet of the solar system, Jupiter is transiting through the seventh house in the horoscope of Gemini ascendants. Jupiter is the lord of this house and it is a malefic planet for Gemini ascendant. The transit would give favorable results mostly as it is transiting to its own house.
  • Ganesha foresees you would get the opportunity to meet some important and influential people which would be beneficial for you. You are advised to use these opportunities optimally for your betterment.
  • The presence of influential people during this transit period in your life would have a positive impact on your personal and professional life. You might get new opportunities in professional life or benefit in the current area of work from them.
  • The transit period also foresees the assistance from experienced professionals at professional front. The assistance would help you in attaining desired results and accomplishing individual and company goals.

  • The generous planet, Jupiter is transiting through the sixth house in the horoscope of Cancer ascendants. Jupiter is the lord of this house and it is a favorable planet for Cancer ascendant. It would give favorable results to them, unless it is associated with malefic planets in the individual’s horoscope.
  • The effect of the transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius would be positive for your career and health. Your career would be outstanding during this period and you may get new opportunities to boost your growth.
  • Your efforts would be recognized and you would get desired results. This is the ideal time to concentrate on your health and fitness.
  • You should keep a watch on your eating habits and should do exercise and yogas regularly. The positive effect of the transit would help you to work on your long term goals for earning more wealth and enhancing your financial situations for a better comfortable life.
  • You would share an excellent and cordial relationship with your colleagues, co-workers, subordinates, and superiors.

  • The King of Gods, Jupiter is transiting through the fifth house in the horoscope of Leo ascendants. Jupiter is the lord of this house and it is a favorable planet for Leo ascendant. It would give favorable results to them unless it is associated with malefic planets in the individual’s horoscope.
  • The neutral planet would bring you pleasant experiences in the different areas of life during the transit period.
  • Your relationship with your children would be cordial and flourish during this period. You and your children would be emotionally attached and would be free to share inner feelings hidden for quite a long time.
  • If you are planning to be a parent, then this could be an ideal period to have the blessings of Ganesha for progeny.
  • Your creative skills and abilities would take center stage and get appreciation during this period. You would cherish artistic success with much ease comparatively.
  • The individuals who are involved in artistic and creative areas would flourish in their respective areas.

  • The ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces sign, Jupiter is transiting through the fourth house in the horoscope of Virgo ascendants. Jupiter is the lord of this house and it is a malefic planet for Virgo ascendant. The transit would give favorable results mostly as it is transiting to its own house.
  • This is the best period for buying and selling properties. The period is also favorable for the maintenance of your existing assets and to make changes in it.
  • All the matters related to personal life would be favorable according to the aspects of houses in the horoscope. If there are some issues or problems ongoing in your family or some new issues have just come up, then it would be eased out.
  • This is the best period to sort personal issues as they will need little effort to be resolved.

  • The auspicious and commanding planet, Jupiter is transiting through the third house in the horoscope of Libra ascendants. Jupiter is the lord of this house and it is a malefic planet for Libra ascendant. The transit would give favorable results mostly as it is transiting to its own house.
  • The routine activities would keep you busier in this transit period than usual. You would be overloaded with day to day tasks and invest most of your time in completing it.
  • You would be surrounded by many people. Many people would arrive in your personal or professional life and many of them would depart from your life.
  • You would be more interested in the matters and things happening in your neighborhood.
  • Your relationship with your siblings would be relatively harmonious. The fights and issues of the past would be resolved slowly during this period. So try to talk about past issues and sort it out.
  • You would be highly active during this period. You would also experience abundant opportunities for traveling and may gain from those opportunities.

  • The biggest and spiritual planet, Jupiter is transiting through the second house in the horoscope of Scorpio ascendants. Jupiter is the lord of this house and it is a favorable planet for Scorpio ascendant. It would give favorable results to them unless it is associated with malefic planets in the individual’s horoscope.
  • Your financial position would be better during this period. You will get favorable results of your investment and your income and wealth will enhance.
  • Your earning potential would increase and there are chances for earning from new sources. The sincere efforts you put in the workplace would give you positive and favorable results.
  • There would be financial gains in this period but you should keep a watch on your spending habits. Your expenses would also increase during this period but it won’t be more than your income.
  • So try to cut out expenses on luxurious items to increase your savings which would be beneficial for you in the future.

  • The biggest planet, Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius sign and so the transit is going to happen its own sign. The planet is the lord of the first house, the house of ascendant and it is a favorable planet for the ascendant. It would give remarkable results to them unless it is associated with malefic planets in the individual’s horoscope.
  • You would be highly confident and self-assured during this period. People would admire your confident personality.
  • Ganesha advises you to utilize this favorable period to start new projects and put your innovative ideas in your workplace.
  • You should utilize the time in discovering your strengths and weaknesses. You should identify your skills and capabilities as this phase will help you stay motivated and focused towards enhancing them.
  • The enhancement of skills would help you to extend your intellectual abilities and capacity.

  • The biggest and auspicious planet, Jupiter is transiting through the twelfth house in the horoscope of Capricorn ascendants. Jupiter is the lord of this house and it is a malefic planet for Capricorn ascendant. The transit would give favorable results mostly as it is transiting to its own house.
  • You need to be extremely attentive while performing tasks at a personal and professional front.
  • You could be more inclined towards inner-self. You would be contented and satisfied with the basic comforts of life.
  • If you are in love-relationship or married, then you would love to enjoy personal time by going on a date to a place with a quiet ambiance.
  • You will also be inclined towards spirituality and may plan to go on a holy place. You would be more empathetic towards others.
  • You would understand the feelings of your closed ones quite well.

  • The auspicious and spiritual planet, Jupiter is transiting through the eleventh house in the horoscope of Aquarius ascendants. Jupiter is the lord of this house and it is a favorable planet for Aquarius ascendant. It would give favorable results to them unless it is associated with malefic planets in the individual’s horoscope.
  • You may experience the reverse shift during this period.
  • Your friends would become your supporters and your supporters would become your close friends. Hence, it is very important to stay in the company of positive people in personal and professional life.
  • You would cherish social activities more often during this period. You would offer greetings to your closed ones and receive greetings from them more frequently. Building new connections and staying in contact with old connections would be beneficial to you.
  • You would be connected with selected groups and societies. The connection with them would be beneficial for you.

  • The commanding and auspicious planet, Jupiter is transiting through the tenth house in the horoscope of Pisces ascendants. Jupiter is the lord of this house and it is a favorable planet for Pisces ascendant. It would give favorable results to them unless it is associated with malefic planets in the individual’s horoscope.
  • You would be more inclined towards your reputation on a public platform.
  • You would also be inclined towards accomplishing your personal objectives quite obsessively.
  • Ganesha foresees that period would be favorable for your personal and professional growth. Your sincere efforts in the workplace would help you to achieve success in your career. Your efforts would also be recognized during this period.
  • There is a possibility that your work can be internationally acclaimed and rewards and recognition of your hard work are foreseen.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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