‘Digital India’- the super ambitious and revolutionary project of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to be launched on the 1st of July, 2015. Around 400 corporate honchos and industry stalwarts are going to be present for the event. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani, Airbus Group CEO Tom Enders, Tata Group Chairman Cyrus Mistry, Wipro Chairman Azim Premji, Bharti Group Chairman Sunil Mittal and Gautam Adani, the Chairman of the Adani Group are amongst the high-level VVIPs who are going to be present. Focusing mainly on Digital Infrastructure as a Utility to Every Citizen, Governance & Services on Demand, Digital Empowerment of Citizens, as the key areas, the initiative seems to be a very promising one, in terms of long-term digital empowerment and all-round development. So, Ganesha with the help of Astrology, predicts how much positivity this program will be able to generate. Let’s take at Ganesha’s analysis….
Please Note that, in this article, we are considering the charts of Independent India as well as of the day on which the program is going to be launched, as it will give a clearer idea of how the initiative will impact India.
Date of Independent India: 15th August, 1947
Place: New Delhi, India
Astrological observations :-
- Currently on the day of Launch of Digital India Program, Jupiter is transiting over the planets of the 3rd house of India’s Natal Chart. It is aspecting Ketu posited in the 7th house of the chart, till 14th July 2015 and also the House of Gains(11th House).
- After that, it will begin its transit in the sign of Leo in the chart.
- Retrograde Saturn is transiting over Ketu through the 7th house. It will be aspecting Rahu, till 1st August, 2015.
- Rahu is transiting through the 5th house(Virgo) and Ketu is transiting through the 11th house(Pisces) till January 2016.
- India’s natal chart is under influence of major period of Sun and sub period of Venus till 10th September, 2015. Then Major and sub period of Moon will be till 10th July, 2016.
Interpretations of the observations:
We can observe that the 3rd house in the chart of India is powerfully activated with the ongoing transit of Jupiter over the stellium of planets; namely Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Saturn. The 3Rd House generally denotes communication, information-technology, Internet and all aspects related to the aforementioned fields. An interesting thing to note here is that, both the factors of communication and information-technology, that is the Planet as well as the House, namely Mercury and the 3rd House, are being blessed by the transit of Jupiter in Cancer. Thus, this initiative may be a hit, as so many Planets are receiving the enriching grace of Jupiter. And also, Jupiter is aspecting the 7th House(Public, Partnerships), 9th House(Fortune) and 11th House(Gains). So, all these houses, apart from the 5 aforesaid planets, are also under the positive influence of Jupiter. Thus, this initiative may be well received by people of all walks. It may also get a lot of support from various companies, businessmen and even other countries in the form of investments and technological support. Moreover, this planetary combination also indicates that this program will be helpful even in the long-term.
This initiative will see the coming together of the best minds in the field of business and industry.
Case Specific analysis of Digital India’s chart
Digital India’s details are based on the Solar Horoscope(Surya Kundli) with the help of the Program’s date and place.
Date of Launch: 01st July, 2015
Launching Place: New Delhi
Astrological predictions :-
- The transit of Venus(Ascendant lord of Independent India’s natal chart) and Jupiter through the 3rd house of communication over the Swagruhi Moon and their aspect on the house of fortune will make the Digital India Program achieve great success.
- We can see that the lords of the 3rd House(Sun), 6th House and 11th House(Mars) are in the sign of Gemini- ruled by Mercury(Planet of IT and Communication). So, as the Lord of the 3rd House (IT, Communication and Internet) and the Lord of the 11th House(Gains) are conjunct in the sign of Gemini, the program is going to benefit largely.
- Lords of the 5th House(Venus), 7th House and 10th House(Jupiter) are in the 2nd House(Wealth, Finances). And, the lord of the 2nd House(Moon) is in the 7th House, forming a mutual aspect with Sun and Mars. Ganesha also observes that there is an exchange of Houses(Parivartana Yoga) between Jupiter and Moon. As a result, there may also be high amounts of investments pouring in for the program and a lot of support from the influential industry honchos is also indicated. This may create an enriching digital experience for all the people.
- Therefore, all the above combinations seem to be highly benficial and auspicious for a great implementation and performance of the program.
- Phenomenal progress of the program and the desired targets will be achieved soon as India is under the influence of the minor period(Antar Dasha) of Venus which happens to be the Ascendant lord of the Natal Chart of India. Even after this, the major period of Moon begins from 10th September, 2015, which will further catalyse the process. However, due to the transit of Saturn, the progress may be a bit slow or there may be some unnecessary obstacles in the implementation till 1st August 2015, but it will not affect the program adversely.
- The initiative will beget a lot of enthusiastic response, resulting into new partnerships, business relations and technological collaborations. In turn it will improve the financial position of India and will provide great digital services to the people. This will result in increase of the fame and prestige of India on the International level also.
Ganesha wishes good luck to the ‘DIGITAL INDIA PROGRAM’ and hopes that the people benefit largely out of it.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team