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Custom of Ancient times That Make Sense Even Today

Custom of Ancient times That Make Sense Even Today

How many of you have heard things like say Namaste or do Puja regularly from their elders? I bet almost everybody. Our elders have something to tell us about almost everything we do in our daily life. They have their long list of customs and traditions for us. We may find it annoying or irritating at times, but the fact is that some of these old rituals, which are part of our Indian culture are so true even today.
The world has changed a lot from what it was at the time of our ancestors. Now, we have 24/7 running electricity, automobiles to travel distance, television to know about the other corner of the world and lots of artificial intelligence technology. We are proud to say that today, we have reached the moon and space with our intelligence and science. However, we cannot deny that our Indian culture and heritage have been very instrumental in our journey so far. Some customs are still part of our life and do make complete sense.

Do you agree?

If not, let us check out these wonderful ancient traditions of our culture to find out how they are still a good practice for our better and healthier life.

1. Visiting Temple Everyday

Do your parents force you to visit a temple every now and then? Well, there is an absolute reason to do so. Eventually, visiting temple benefits you in various aspects. Temple’s infrastructure is designed in such a way that it has a maximum source of positive energy there. This positive energy is essential for us to feel better and live a healthy life. Therefore, most elders prefer to visit a temple every morning before starting their day.
To know how to pray and perform pooja- Talk To An Astrologer!

2. Always gulp Tulsi than chewing

Tulsi is considered pious and is available in almost every Prasad in Indian functions. One common Indian belief is that Tulsi leaves are holy and treated as wife of Vishnu; therefore, chewing it is disrespect to the goddess. However, the scientific explanation is that Tulsi has a lot of mercury and Iron content in it so chewing it can cause tooth decay or discolouration. See our ancestors knew this very well.

3. Fasting rituals

You might have seen your parents or elders fasting on certain days or occasion from time to time. This ritual is not baseless or sacrifice towards god. In reality, fasting is the best way to get rid of unwanted body toxins, and the digestive system gets enough rest to function properly. Fasting is also an effective part of our ancient medical system of Ayurveda. Our ancient customs and beliefs have science and help us in many ways.
To know the details of rituals for fasting Talk To An Astrologer!

4. The tradition of sitting on the floor to eat

One of the well-known Indian traditions is to sit on the floor and eat your food. The logic behind this tradition is simple; it helps the food to digest properly. The position to sit on the floor with crossed legs is a Yoga posture called Sukhasana. In this position, you feel relaxed and the too and fro movement while taking bites releases digestive juices for better digestion of food. Ultimately, it benefits your health.

5. Applying Bindi or Tilak

Nowadays, most people refrain from applying Bindi or Tilak, saying it’s too old fashioned. Think again, there is a scientific reason behind this. There is a particular point right in between two brows that stimulate nerves and helps in retaining energy. Moreover, applying pressure at that point helps you look younger and circulates blood to all your facial muscles efficiently. So, to look young, try applying Bindi or Tilak rather than buying expensive anti-ageing products.

6. Getting Ear piercing

In India, ear piercing is a very commonly accepted tradition. Even though it might sound scary ancient tradition to you. Once you read this, it makes absolute sense for you too. The idea behind piecing the earlobes is to awaken the intellectual power and to think as an individual. Also, it helps to prevent certain diseases among children such as respiratory problems and hernia. Therefore, most people in India get their baby’s ears pierced soon after their birth.

7. Touching your elder’s feet

How many times have you been poked to touch your elder’s feet? You may find it orthodox, but touching feet of an elderly or positive person can benefit you more than anyone else. When you bend down to touch someone’s feet, the positive energy of that person flows through your palms and enters your body. This practice facilitates the flow of positive energy in you. This is not only seen in India but also a worldwide tradition seen in many parts of the world.

8. Applying Henna

You might have seen women or even men applying henna on their hands during an important occasion in their life or on special festivals. Henna is a medicinal herb that has a cooling effect and relaxes the person. Therefore, on every special occasion in our culture, there is Indian tradition to apply henna or mehndi on hands, especially during weddings.

Wrapping Up
In India, cultural heritage is extremely colourful and has various rituals to help people in certain ways. Customs and traditions have a scientific explanation and are beneficial to us. With time, creepy traditions are changed and altered to suit the modern generation. It guides us to use our cultural customs to stay positive and motivated throughout our lives. One must always appreciate the importance of Indian culture and stay connected to their roots for better flourishment.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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