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Chandrayaan- Flight To The Moon

Chandrayaan- Flight To The Moon

Introduction: Setting a benchmark in the history of space exploration in India, ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) is all set to launch the first lunar spacecraft, Chandrayaan-1. With an objective to unfold the mysteries behind the origin and evolution of the solar system in general and moon in particular, this remote sensing spacecraft will bring forth many facts related to the mineralogy of the moon. This unmanned exploration is going to be launched on October 22, 2008 and GaneshaSpeaks, with the help of numerology, explores the possibilities of this mission becoming successful.

Numerological Analysis:
The Moon Mission is interestingly associated with Moon’s number, that is 2 as per numerology. Let’s analyze the impact of number 2 on the Moon mission.

  1. The total of the name Chandrayaan comes to 2.
  2. The launching vehicle is PSLV and the total of PSLV is again 2.
  3. It will be launched from Satish Dhawan Space Centre and it’s total is 2.
  4. Satish Dhawan Space Centre is located in Sriharikota and the total of Sriharikota is also 2.
  5. It will be launched on Date 22 and 2 is repeated twice in 22. It will be launched at 0620 hours that is 360+20 minutes and the total of the minutes(5+6+0) is also 2.
  6. The mission includes five ISRO payloads and six payloads from the other international space agencies and the total of the payloads is 11 which when added comes to 2.

So, this moon mission is highly under the influence of Moon’s number 2. The year 2008 does not support the number 2. Thus, placing uncertainties and fear about the success of this mission. But, this is not the end of the story.

The total of the year 2009 is also 2! So, the year 2009 will be an important year for this mission.

May the Chandrayaan mission be successful and add to the pride of India, by the grace of Ganesha.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,

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