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PM Netanyahu shall enjoy the support and blessings of the heavens in the times to come!

PM Netanyahu shall enjoy the support and blessings of the heavens in the times to come!

PM Netanyahu shall enjoy the support and blessings of the heavens in the times to come!

PM Netanyahu shall enjoy the support and blessings of the heavens in the times to come

Surprisingly, Rahu shall be favouring Netanyahu strongly and shall ensure he emerges triumphant in his endeavors!
This is one leader, who makes for a commendable and strong Statesman. As his country – Israel has been constantly facing various problems from its surrounding countries, this man has been a terrific PM, who has never shied from dealing with any adverse forces with an iron-fist! Various nationalist and right-thinking people from across the globe have expressed their admiration for Netanyahu for his strong leadership. At a time when Israel and the politics pertaining to the country have started becoming extremely prominent and significant, Ganesha decides to take a close view of the Natal Chart of the dynamic and bold Prime Minister of Israel and predicts what may be the key trends for the him in the year ahead. Moreover, Mr. Netanyahu’s birthday is not too far away, so Ganesha wishes him a most happy birthday in advance!

Read on to know more…

Benjamin Netanyahu – Prime Minister, ISRAEL
Date of Birth :- 21st October, 1949
Time of Birth :- 10.16 Hrs.
Place of Birth :- Tel Aviv, Israel


What planetary influences make him such a powerful and formidable leader?

Important astrological observations :-

  • Rahu-Ketu will be in half return phase. Rahu will be transiting over his Moon, Mercury and Natal Ketu in the 11th House, till January, 2016. Post this period, Rahu will begin its transit over his Natal Mars and Saturn in his Natal Chart.
  • Jupiter will be transiting over his Mars and Saturn placed in the 10th House, till 11th August, 2016 in his Chart.
  • He is under the influence of major period of Mercury and sub period of Moon till 17th November, 2016.

Astrological Predictions :-

The emboldening effect of Jupiter:

  • Ganesha feels that Benjamin Netanyahu, the powerful PM of Israel, is currently under strong positive planetary influence owing to the transit of Jupiter in his Natal Chart. This has provided him great confidence and has blessed him with fearlessness. He is also under the influential Major-period of Mercury which gives him great belief in his own convictions and also a clear vision to think in an unscattered way.

Rahu’s Transit: A blessing in disguise!

  • The transit of Rahu through the 11th House in the sign of Virgo of his Natal Chart has been proving to be a great transit, as it is giving him great strength and also the ability to be victorious!

2) Already his country has been facing a lot of problems due to the surrounding countries, but are more threats in store for the Israeli PM?
Important astrological observations

  • Saturn will be transiting over his Venus through the sign of Scorpio, which is Ascendant House and will be aspecting his debilitated Jupiter in the 3rd House. Saturn will also be aspecting his Mars and Saturn in the 10th House of his Natal Chart till January 2017.
  • Rahu will be transiting over his Natal Mars and Saturn, post January 2016 in his Chart.

Astrological Predictions :-

Quick decision-making and alertnesss needed…

  • He will have to be alert and prepared and will have to be focused on important issues, as the transiting Saturn may cause some problems and some obstacles may be coming his way and this may be the general trend till around January 2017. His intervention and instant actions and decisions will be needed post January 2016.

Rahu playing spoilsport post January 2016?

  • Post January 2016, Rahu may throw spanners in the works of PM Netanyahu. Things may not be as they appear. There will be some confusion regarding important policies. He will be required to deal with the his security forces with patience and wisdom.

Dealing in a firm manner…

  • Caution and firmness will be required to deal with various issues. Not everything will be favourable for him, but he will have to get through to his goal with the help his will power and instinct. He will have to take early precautionary measures to deal with the disturbance which may be created from the other countries.

3) How long will he be able to be in power? Do the stars suggest a long ride for him?

Important astrological observations

  • Jupiter will be transiting over his Natal Moon, Mercury and Ketu through the Sign of Virgo, post 11th August, 2016 in his Chart.
  • As already mentioned earlier, Saturn will be transiting through the Sign of Scorpio and Rahu will be transiting through the Sign of Leo and Ketu through the sign of Aquarius, post January 2016 in his Chart.

Astrological Predictions :-

Netanyahu is here to stay!

  • Ganesha strongly feels that Benjamin Netanyahu has higher chances of continuing as PM of Israel as Jupiter will be highly favorable for him even post 11th August, 2016 for one more year. He will be facing various problems and difficulties due to the malefic planetary influences, but as Ganesha says, a strong person will get less affected by the negative influences as compared to the weaker ones. But as we all have been watching, Netanyahu is a tough nut to crack and he shall manage to emerge triumphant out of all problems.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Benjamin Netanyahu, PM of Israel.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay and Aaditya Sain
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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