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Astrological Signs, Bible and Jesus Christ

Astrological Signs, Bible and Jesus Christ

Very few astrologers like William Lilly have studied and presented in-depth Christian Astrology. His most comprehensive book on the subject was published in the year 1647 which was a book in 3 parts. Though Christian Astrology has been losing ground over the years, some points are pretty interesting, to the point and straight, which need to be studied and observed.

After William Lilly, there are many astrologers who have studied and put across their views about various aspects like Michael R. Molnar had written a book about The Star of Bethlehem (The Legacy of the Magi) and many other astrologers have written interesting books, articles based upon the subject; but William Lilly is the one who rediscovered Christian Astrology and he can be called ‘father of Christian Astrology’.

Ganesha would like to present a small peace of study from Kenneth Fleming’s God’s Voice in the Stars. These are more symbolic divisions having perfectly prophetic view.

Glory Out of Humiliation
Jesus Christ–the Crowned Lamb

His Glorious Coming
Jesus Christ–the Judge

His Rule on Earth
Jesus Christ–the King

His Possessions Held Secure
Jesus Christ–the Protector

His Enemies Destroyed
Jesus Christ–the Victor

The Seed of the Woman
Jesus Christ–the Incarnate Son

The Required Price
Jesus Christ–the Redeemer

The Mortal Conflict
Jesus Christ–the Sufferer

The Final Triumph
Jesus Christ–the Conqueror

Life Out of Death
Jesus Christ–the Sacrifice

Blessing Out of Victory
Jesus Christ–the Living Water

Deliverance Out of Bondage
Jesus Christ–the Liberator

These prophetic symbols are more like new angle to look at various signs. Ganesha doesn’t claim to have discovered this on his own but would like to draw attention of all the readers to this point that even in Christian Astrology, there is so much depth and insight. It is more like comparative study of various signs with Jesus Christ’s character and events of his life. Like there were Lord Krishna’s Dashavtaar Tarot Cards available in India some years back, this is also another angle to look at Astrological signs.

Bible and William Shakespeare’s dramas both have many references of stars, constellations and concerned matters. Ganesha would like to end this article just on one note widely used in the field of Western Astrology ‘The stars impel, they do not compel’.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
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