Astrology is a vast science and Astrologers worldwide continuously keep looking into the major events happening across the globe. Given below are some of the major astrological events of November 2007:
1. The New Moon on November 9 occurred in Libra. Jupiter is also posited in Libra in India’s chart. This adventurous complex suggests that major new foreign policy actions are beginning, especially regarding the potential use of Indian armed forces.
2. Mars will turn retrograde on November 15, and stay in Gemini and will be finishing Gemini during April 2007, ensuring that uncomfortable family dynamics will be a top concern for many people, especially through the holiday season. Mars is posited in Gemini with 07.58 degrees in India’s chart, perhaps indicating a dramatic turn in military affairs due to new intelligence.
3. Venus squares Mars on November 20. While ordinarily this might be a non-event, the transiting Sun will be in Scorpio during November 17 to December 16, making this a dynamic interval for personal relationships. Watch for romantic triangles, how friendships interact with committed relationships, and bouts of jealousy, possessiveness and suspicion.
4. Jupiter will be finishing Scorpio on November 22. It will make 180 degree aspect from Natal Mars and 150 degree from Natal Sun and Saturn and Moon. Sudden Political change may arise in Union Government.
5. Saturn and Neptune are in conjunction in Navamansha chart. The medical world will work overtime to combat such threats, along with the omnipresent bio-terror risk. And Neptune, of course, rules chemicals, oil and the sea. The conjunction has not only spelt a changing of the guard for world leaders, but pointedly the Indian Royals.
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May Lord Ganesha bless this world with peace!
With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,