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Not the right time for Ashok Leyland to work on Expansion, instead focus should be on consolidation.

Not the right time for Ashok Leyland to work on Expansion, instead focus should be on consolidation.

Saturn’s restrictive influence and Rahu’s shadow on Mercury will not let the company get desired results; Q1 of FY ’16 Crucial for the company!Ashok Leyland is one of the biggest names in the field of automobiles manufacturing and commercial vehicles. The company was founded in 1948 by Raghunandan Saran. Factually speaking, it is the second largest commercial vehicle manufacturer in India, 4th largest manufacturer of buses in the world and 16th largest manufacturer of trucks globally. Of late, the company has been facing some problems in the partnerships and other areas. The problems facing Ashok Leyland’s joint ventures are forcing the company to review its investment plans. Over the past one year, its partnerships with Japan’s Nissanfor light commercial vehicles and with US-based John Deere for earth moving equipment have been gasping for growth. The company has now decided to write off nearly Rs 382 crore in the two ventures, and is evaluating whether to continue with the partnerships or not. What lies ahead for the company? How will the year 2016 be for the automobile giant? Let’s find out…

Ashok Leyland – Indian Automobile Manufacturing Company
Date of foundation:- 07th September, 1948
Foundation Place:- Chennai, Tamil Nadu, IndiaFoundation Time:- Not Known


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[Owing to the unavailability of credible foundation-time of the company, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of it’s foundation-date and place only.]

  • Jupiter is transiting over its Sun and Saturn in Leo, and is aspecting its Rahu in Aries.
  • Saturn is transiting over its Jupiter in Scorpio, and is aspecting its Natal Sun and Saturn.
  • Rahu is transiting over the Natal Mercury in Virgo, till 30th January, 2016.
  • Considering the influence of the transiting planets through the foundation chart of Ashok Leyland, Ganesha feels that the organization is under extreme negative influences of the transiting Saturn and Rahu from more than a year. These transitory influences would have been hampering the progress of the company or they might have been slowing down the pace of things. Unnecessary delays in new projects getting started, getting approval and clearances and prolonged paperwork would all have been the trends for the automobile giant.
  • The current Jupiter’s transit over the Natal Sun and Saturn will be highly favourable for changes and development at the administrative level for the company. Ganesha says that this is a good time to introduce employee-friendly policies. This will also be a good time to sort out impending problems, issues and complications. Long-term planning if done currently will yield good results in the near future.
  • The organization will be facing increased problems from the competitors. The time post 30th January, 2016 may prove to be a tricky one as there are high chances of some unexpected and unforeseen loss of prestige or misunderstandings with the tie-up partners and subsidiaries of the company. Transiting Jupiter will ensure things remain under control and that the faith of the company and its reputation in the Automobile Industry is intact to some extent. As a counter-measure to the complications that Rahu may cause, the company should make long-term investment plans and should set aside some funds for future exigencies. Future planning and strategy to deal with sudden emergencies will prove to be the key for Ashok Leyland.
  • Rahu’s transit over the Natal Mercury will prove to be a spot of worry for the company. Problems related to finance, accounts, communication may crop up anytime and if proper attention is not paid to these areas, then this area can cause collateral damage to the other key areas as well.

  • Jupiter will be transiting through Leo over the Natal Sun and Saturn, till 11th August, 2016.
  • Saturn will be transiting through Scorpio till January, 2017.
  • Rahu will be transiting over the Sun and Mercury post 30th January , 2016.
  • Ganesha feels that despite great enthusiasm shown by the management and administration, the expansion plans may not work as per the formulated plans. There will be new and unexpected problems that may arise post the period of 30th January, 2016.
  • The first quarter (Q1) of FY 2016 will prove to be a very crucial period for the company. The decisions, investments, commercial activities in this period will have a long-term impact on the company’s functioning.
  • Ganesha feels that expansion plans may not materialise till January 2017, as till then Saturn will enforce a restricting influence. The current period points towards the greater importance of consolidation and stability.
  • Even the financial coffers of the company may not swell much till 30th January, 2016.

  • Due to the benefic and expansive influence of the mighty Jupiter, there will be a lot of opportunities that may come the company’s way. There are even bright chances of overseas projects coming up and the subsidiaries of the company will also show some promise. New ideas, strategies and policies may get formulated. Though this may continue even in the next year, but things may start taking an altogether new turn post 30th January, 2016. Not all the plans made currently may materialise later.
  • A very bright phase for commercial progress and financial strength is foreseen post 11th August, 2016, when Jupiter will begin its transit over the Natal Mercury in Virgo. Things may start getting better overall post 26th January, 2017, when transiting Saturn moves out of Scorpio.

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Ganesha wishes good luck to the ‘ASHOK LEYLAND’ group for their future endeavors.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay and Aaditya Sain
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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