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Ganesha foresees a year of turmoil for Kashmir Valley, post Afzal Guru’s hanging

Ganesha foresees a year of turmoil for Kashmir Valley, post Afzal Guru’s hanging

Mahammad Afzal Guru, convicted for knowingly helping the terrorists carry out attacks on the Parliament of India, was hanged till death on February 9, 2013. Convicted in the December 2001 India Parliament attack and sentenced to death by a special court in 2002. Ever since his arrest and prosecution, there had been certain sections in the society protesting against his sentence and criticising the Government for not giving Guru an opportunity for a fair trial. The sentence, originally supposed to be carried out on October 20, 2006, was put on a stay of execution, owing to mercy pleas and various other reasons. On February 3, 2013, Afzal’s mercy petition was rejected by the ruling President Pranab Mukherjee. And, all the speculation was finally put to rest on February 9, 2013. Afzal was hanged at Delhi’s Tihar Jail around 08:00 am on February 9, 2013. The operation was conducted in absolute secrecy to contain anticipated violations of the law an order situation in the Kashmir Valley, where Guru was born and brought up. A curfew was also imposed in Kashmir to prevent any sort of further protests.In spite of all the precautionary measures taken by the authorities in the Valley, protests flared up in some parts and things started to go from bad to worse. Even today, after so many days since the hanging, there are certain pockets in J&K where the situation has not returned to normalcy. How long will the situation in J&K remain as it is now? How will the Indo-Pak relations be over the Kashmir issue? Ganesha analyses the planetary alignments and finds out what’s in store for the Kashmir valley.

Ganesha’s astrological observations

Astrologically, the Sign of Libra has been assigned to the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. The exalted Saturn has been transiting through Libra since August 4, 2012 which should act as an advantage for the border state of India. But, ever since Rahu joined the transiting Saturn in Libra on 23rd December, 2012, the Kashmir valley has been in news for all the wrong reasons, whether it is tensions between India and Pakistan along the Line of Control (LoC), Kashmir girl band or the recent curfew, post Afzal Guru’s hanging.

The transiting Saturn is now moving retrograde in Libra along with the malefic Rahu. The forthcoming eclipses in April and May 2013 will also fall over the Sign of Libra. So, conditions in the state of Jammu & Kashmir look set to remain very critical, stressful and sensitive throughout the year 2013. The authorities will have to work extra hard to control the law and order situations in the state, during the upcoming elections in the state, due in the winters of 2013.

In the Pisces New Moon chart of year 2013, the Ascendant Lord Sun is placed with Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury in the 8th House of adversities and mass destructions. Adding to this, the retrograde Saturn is placed with Rahu in the 3rd House and Mars is aspecting it. It is really an ominous sign, as neighbouring countries may now influence the country’s internal security. It indicates heightened crisis in the border states, frequent clashes with the neighbouring countries, agitations and disruptions. Pakistan will definitely try to force the infiltration into the Kashmir valley to disrupt the peace and harmony of Kashmir and India. India-Pakistan tension on the Kashmir issue may crop up every now and then, during year 2013. The region hit by two decades of violence looks set to yet again face a year of unrest and turmoil ahead, feels Ganesha.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K. Thakar
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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