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Know How Wearing 6 Mukhi Rudraksha Can Bring Prosperity!

What is the meaning of “Rudraksha”? Many people are curious to know what this term means, and it may help them in the long run. “Rudraksha” refers to the “eyes of Lord Shiva”.Many people go to some of the other kind of Ratna/stones, but we must say that Rudraksha has its powerful benefits as well as is more dominant than any kind of Ratna/stone. One should go for the original rudraksha as it gives the best benefits to the one who wears it. One should take care while buying rudraksha because it gives benefits only if it is the original one.

Here we will talk about 6 Mukhi Rudraksha and its benefits. Six Mukhi rudraksha is governed by Lord Kartikeya, who is the son of Lord Shiva. Lord Kartikeya is a six-headed son of Lord Shiva and represents senses. Lord Kartikeya had a strong personality as well as was a great fighter. He had supreme qualities of being a soldier with great command, boldness, and kindness. It is believed that one who wears six Mukhi rudraksha gets all the optimistic vibrations towards life as well as develops confidence like that of Lord Kartikeya.

Where can we find the seeds of Rudraksha? The seeds of Rudraksha are found in Nepal and Indonesia. What many don’t know is that the tree of rudraksha takes nearly 18 years to grow. The wearer needs to know that 6 Mukhi rudraksha is worn for prayer and power. 6 Mukhi rudraksha power helps the wearer to fulfil all the desires. The benefits of 6 faced rudraksha doesn’t end here; it helps one to lessen the stress, gives a young appearance to the wearer, helps to maintain physical health by regulating the body fluid.

The ruling planet of six Mukhi rudraksha is Venus which is also known as Shukra. Six Mukhi rudraksha effects are well known; its wearer can regulate anger, resentment as well as physiological emotions. 6 Mukhi rudraksha power doesn’t end here; it also comes with great health benefits removing all the types of diseases of one who wears it. 6 Mukhi rudraksha mantra has the power to remove one’s sins. It helps to comfort the wearer and brings happiness in his/her life.

6 Mukhi rudraksha effects are known for their wisdom and intelligence. The person who opts to wear six Mukhi rudraksha is saved from the traumas, and he/she remains far from all the sorrows. It helps one in the learning process and is best for students who face problems in the learning process. Six face rudraksha benefits the one who wants to gain wisdom and success in life. One should know that six Mukhi rudraksha helps in the suppression of the negativity of Venus. One who wears six Mukhi rudraksha leads a happy life and is blessed with all the pleasures.

It is believed that one who wears the six Mukhi rudraksha gets the power to attract people towards him/her. This can also be termed as the Power of Vashikaran. One is filled with positive vibrations, and his/her thoughts are uplifted due to this bead. Many successful actors opt to wear six Mukhi rudraksha for all its known benefits. Generally, people who are more indulged in public meetings follow the six Mukhi rudraksha mantra.

There are many benefits of wearing 6 Mukhi rudraksha. Here we have prepared a list of some benefits that a person experiences when he/she opts for six Mukhi rudraksha:

  • 6 Mukhi rudraksha power supports the wearer in bringing balance in life which helps in securing happiness in life. Moreover, it bounds one to the mother earth.
  • It develops optimistic vibrations in a person who wears it. This enhances the person’s personality, and more people get attracted to the wearer.
  • It reduces the destructive effects of Mars, and in astrological terms, this effect plays an important role in any person’s life.
  • One who wears six Mukhi rudraksha attains the mental piece, robustness as well as proficiency in all the fields.
  • Many people suffer a lot due to their Mangal dosha. This is where six Mukhi rudraksha plays an important role; it eliminates all the negativity of the impacts of Mangal Dosh in a person’s life. It brings success to those people and benefits them in all the fields.
  • The benefits of wearing 6 Mukhi rudraksha doesn’t end here; it also has magnetic powers that builds confidence in a person and increases his/her dedication towards the work.
  • Many people opt six Mukhi rudraksha to erase all the negatives like depression, sadness, hollowness in life.
  • People also wear it to attain a happily married life as it helps to bring positive thoughts in a person’s mind.
  • Six Mukhi rudraksha helps in building confidence in one’s personality. Thus, it cures stammering problems.
  • In all, it is useful for the person with all professions like the teacher, scientists, speakers, students. All can wear it enjoy its benefits in their life.
  • It is used to cure urinary problems, kidney failure, cancer, indigestion, eye problems and many other diseases too.

As per astrology, six Mukhi rudraksha is responsible for engrossing the sacral chakra that is also known as Svadhisthania Chakra, which clears all the kinds of destructive energies around the wearer as well as helps to strengthen oneself in life.

It is rightly said health is wealth. No matter how much wealth you have but only your health helps you look good. Six Mukhi rudraksha benefits those people who are struggling with some of the other kind of health issues. Here are some of 6 Mukhi rudraksha benefits and the health problems it cures:

  • Many diabetic patients struggle to maintain their diabetic levels. Six Mukhi rudraksha helps to balance the diabetic levels and relief them from this disease.
  • It is also worn by many people who want to control the thyroid.
  • Many women face gynaecological problems; six Mukhi rudraksha plays an important role here too by smoothening the process of reproductive organs.

  • People who go with white six Mukhi rudraksha build strong confidence towards life. They are granted all the courage of Lord Kartikeya. Also, it helps to attain good physical health to the wearer as well as helps people to get rid of all the complications in life.
  • Red six Mukhi rudraksha has the power to eliminate the past sins of a person. Many people face issues in life to their sins committed in the past. Red-coloured six Mukhi has the burning power and burns all the negatives of the past.
  • Yellow six Mukhi rudraksha helps a person to lead a comfortable life.
  • Black six Mukhi rudraksha sums all the benefits of health, spirituality, wealth as well as prosperity. One wearing black six Mukhi rudraksha have a positive attitude and gets all the benefits in life.

” Om Hreem Hum Namah” is a 6 Mukhi rudraksha mantra and should be chanted 108 times while wearing six Mukhi rudraksha. It helps in inculcating positivity in one’s life.

Monday is said to be the best day to wear 6 Mukhi rudraksha as per the scriptures. Thus, it is believed that 6 Mukhi rudraksha wearing day is monday. One should take a shower before wearing six Mukhi rudraksha. Monday is said to energise the body. The wearer should wake up early in the morning and take a shower. After taking a shower, one should clean the temple in the house as well as take blessings of Lord Shiva and decorate it with flowers, Agarbatti, Diya etc. After the Puja of Lord Shiva, one should chant the 6 Mukhi mantra “Om Hreem Hoom Namah” 108 times.

One should wear the six Mukhi rudraksha on the right hand. Which Mukhi rudraksha is powerful? Black six Mukhi rudraksha has all the benefits and is said to be the most powerful one. It calms a person’s soul and helps in various situations of life. You can buy your authentic 6 Mukhi Rudraksha here.

Things To Keep In Mind While Wearing Six Mukhi Rudraksha

There are some 6 Mukhi rudraksha wearing rules one should follow. One shouldn’t forget to wash six Mukhi rudraksha with clean water after buying it. One should dip it in cow’s milk for one day before following all the rituals of wearing it. One shouldn’t take off their trust in it. People who can wear 6 Mukhi rudraksha already face a lot of problems in life because of which they opt for it. One shouldn’t lose hope in the bead. Also, one should avoid oneself eating non-vegetarian food and liquor. One should remove it while visiting any funeral. One shouldn’t wear it while sleeping and keep it at the worship place whenever one removes it due to any kind of situation.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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