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3 Mukhi Rudraksha – Three forms of Agni

In Hinduism, 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is considered to be a very auspicious bead. This bead is also known as the Prayer bead. 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is also well known as Blueberry bead as its seeds are protected by a blue outer shell. Do you know why this bead is known as 3 Mukhi Rudraksha? It is because this bead has three forms of Fire (Agni). As per mythology, 3 Face Rudraksha represents Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha. Well, It is believed that Rudraksha has the power of God and thus, brings changes in a person’s mind as well as the soul. It brings positivity to the lives of people. Three Mukhi Rudraksha represents the three face rudraksha,and one who wears this bead is blessed with the powers of three Gods. It is said that tin Mukhi rudraksha has Mars (Mangal Grah) as its controlling planet.

Astrologically Mars is a planet with flames of burning fire which helps to keep the wearer warm. One should wear 3 Mukhi Rudraksha mala with proper procedure to get the best results out of it. This bead is so strong that it can burn all the sins of the past. The three Gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, have all the powers to make a person strong and Rudraksha three Mukhi represents them. It is believed that one who wears it is free from all the sins of the past or all the sins past Karma are destroyed. Many times people are unable to achieve what they want, whether it is success or wealth, they face a lot of struggles due to their past Karmas, and once one wears this bead, the wearer becomes free from all the struggles. One starts attaining success with the blessings of the three Devas.

If one wants to see actual best results, one should go for the original 3 Mukhi rudraksha because it is best among all the rudrakshas. This bead has the power to purify the soul, because of which it is believed that it eliminates all the sins of the past. 3 Mukhi Rudraksha original also helps to boost self-confidence. According to Vastu, one can place rudraksha 3 Mukhi in the kitchen too for opening the doors to positive vibrations. Not only this 3 mugam Rudraksha also has many health benefits. This bead is well known for its medicinal values. Diabetic patients can wear 3 Mukhi Rudraksha bracelet to cure the disease. This bead has the power to cure cancer, blood infection, ulcers, cold, fever, skin diseases, etc. Original 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is found in Nepal as well as Indonesia.

One can wear this bead with proper procedure and should chant 3 Mukhi Rudraksha mantra “Om Mahajwalaaya Vidmahe Agni Madhayay Dhimahi Tanno Agnih Prachodayat” before wearing it. Beej Mantra of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is “Om Kleem Namah”.

Click Here to buy 3 Mukhi Rudraksha!

  • Three Mukhi Rudraksha is said to increase the memory power as well as the power of vision. Students with problems with vision should wear this bead.
  • One who wears three Mukhi Rudraksha has good self-esteem and is courageous to handle any kind of situation. With his/her positive attitude, he/she achieves success in life.
  • Three Mukhi Rudraksha has the power to lessen the negative impacts of Mars.
  • Astrologers suggest wearing 3 Mukhi rudraksha mala in a red silk thread to the children who suffer from some of the other kind of sickness.
  • Three Mukhi Rudraksha is a powerful bead and helps to burn the sins, past life memories, debts of the wearer.
  • This bead is an ideal bead for people who suffer from depression or generally live a stressful life. 3 Mugam Rudraksha helps to overcome inferiority complex as well as anxiety issues. This bead has the power to spread optimism.
  • Three Mukhi Rudraksha has shown health benefits to many people. It is very effective to cure skin diseases. This bead also improves blood circulation in the body of the wearer.

  • White tin Mukhi Rudraksha: White-colored Three Mukhi Rudraksha helps to build self-confidence in the mind of the wearer. People with a lot of problems and difficulties in life opt for white colour 3 Mukhi Rudraksha.
  • Red tin Mukhi Rudraksha: Red-coloured three Mukhi Rudraksha helps to eliminate all the sins of the past life of the wearer.
  • Yellow tin Mukhi Rudraksha: Helps the wearer to lead a pleasant life.
  • Black tin Mukhi Rudraksha: This color helps the person to gain all the benefits whether they are health benefits, wealth, success or spiritual benefits. It helps the wearer to reduce the overall stress and benefits in all aspects of life.

The best day to wear the original 3 Mukhi rudraksha is on Sunday. Original 3 Mukhi rudraksha price should be known from verified sources. One should wake up early in the morning and clean the worship area after having a shower. Then, one should face in the East direction and chant the 3 Mukhi Rudraksha mantra “Om Kleem Namah” 108 times.

After following the correct procedure, one should wear the Three Mukhi Rudraksha to gain the maximum benefit out of it. Once this powerful bead comes in contact with the skin of the wearer, it brings happiness in the life of the wearer, healing one’s mind and soul. This bead has the power to burn all the negativity of past Karmas and thus, should be handled with care. 3 Mukhi rudraksha for which Rashi may be more effective? It may be effective for several other zodiac signs, but this bead helps the Scorpio zodiac sign the most.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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