26th January is celebrated as Republic Day in India every year. There is a long history attached to it. The constitution of India was formed on 26th January 1950 and India became a sovereign country. 26th January was initially celebrated as the Independence Day of India. But sine India’s constitution was formed on this day, it was declared as the Republic Day. Since then, Republic Day is celebrated in India every year on 26th January. It is declared as a national holiday like 15th august (Independence Day) and 2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti).
Today, Republic Day is celebrated with much zest all over India. In New Delhi, the celebrations start with the President and the general public remembering the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of their country. It is then followed by the distribution of awards for bravery to both armed forces as well as civilians, who have performed any act of bravery.
Every year a grand parade is organized, which starts from Rajghat, along the Vijaypath. The different regiment of Army, Navy and Air Force march in the parade. Many school children and N.C.C. Cadets also find it an honor to take part in the parade. Different states present the cultural display of their states in the form of JHANKIS. All this shows the diversity in Indian culture and tradition, thus proving the statement “Unity in Diversity”. The Air Force also organizes an air show on this occasion. The whole atmosphere gets filled with patriotism.
Here, we will see how safe India will be in the year 2007:
Is the nation safe in the year 2007?
On the occasion of Republic Day, a question that worries us is that “IS our nation safe in the year 2007?”
Saturn in Leo has always created problems for India and Indian government. We remember the problems of refugees or unsteady political scenario surfacing in the years 1949 and 1979. When Saturn stays in Leo, the city of Delhi seems to be in trouble.
In the middle of 2007, particularly in the month of August, Saturn Ketu conjunction in Leo with Mars in Taurus is the most threatening combination for the safety of India and the capital, Delhi.
The year is notable in which Mars retrogrades and stays longer than its normal
duration in two signs. We must remember this in year 2007 as well.
In the year 2007, the behavior of Mars, which will stay for long period in Taurus and Gemini and retrograde to go back into Taurus, is quite upsetting. This period between June 2007 and January 2008 needs close observation. Mars will be moving retrograde in November 2007 to get into direct motion only at the end of January 2008. Mind you, 2007=9 is an year of Mars.
Mars will be in Square position from Saturn-Ketu conjunction in Leo for many months. As Leo and Taurus are fixed signs, whatever flows from this will have a long-term effect. It also indicates threat of natural calamities like Earthquakes.
In the middle of December 2007, Saturn too will retrograde in Leo and may further worsen the condition.In the Hindu New Year horoscope of 2007, with Aries Ascendant rising and retrograde Saturn in the fourth house and Mars situated in the tenth house, the whole scenario looks gloomy for internal harmony and peace.
In August, Saturn will be in Leo with Ketu, Sun, Mercury and Mars in Taurus will be aspecting these planets. Saturn will be aspecting Mars. The mutual aspects of Mars-Saturn are to be feared, as they appear threatening.
Two partial solar eclipses of 19 March 2007 and 11 September 2007 and two total lunar eclipses of 3 March and 28 August will certainly ignite the negative influences.
India will, in any case, suffer some destruction, whether it is earthquake, terrorist activities or war and political instability. Months of March, April, August, September and December seem eventful in this regard.
May Lord Ganesha save India and our fellow countrymen! Consult Our Astrologer to get personalized soltion of your problem.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,