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Solar Eclipse 2024: Detailed Insights and Impact on Zodiac Signs

Solar Eclipse 2024

The year 2024 will witness its second solar eclipse, scheduled for October. Additionally, this event falls on the day of Sarvapitri Amavasya. We seek detailed information on the eclipse’s date, duration, whether it will be visible in India, and its impact on the twelve zodiac signs. Please provide comprehensive responses to these inquiries.

Second Solar Eclipse of 2024: Date and Significance on Sarvapitri Amavasya

The year 2024 will witness its second solar eclipse on October 2, coinciding with Sarvapitri Amavasya. This particular date holds great importance in Hinduism, marking the Ashwin Amavasya of 2024. It is a day dedicated to performing Shraddhakarma rituals for all ancestors. This eclipse will mark the final occurrence of a solar eclipse on Ashwin Amavasya in 2024.

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How Long Will the Second Solar Eclipse of 2024 Last?

According to Indian time, the solar eclipse occurring on Sarvapitri Amavasya 2024 will start at 9:13 pm and will end at 3:17 pm.

Will This Second Solar Eclipse of the Year 2024 Be Visible in India?

No. This solar eclipse won’t be seen in India so the Sutak period won’t hold any significance here. However, since a solar eclipse is a celestial occurrence, as per Indian astrology, it is believed to exert a unique influence on all individuals. Therefore, even though India won’t witness the eclipse, it will surely affect different zodiac signs.

Here we will know the results of Solar Eclipse 2024 based on the Zodiac sign.


Your earnings might take a hit because of the solar eclipse happening on October 2, 2024. You might find it tough to finish your work. For those in leadership roles, managing your team could become a challenge. Additionally, you might encounter health issues during this time. It’s crucial to prioritize your work and well-being during these circumstances.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Aries.


The solar eclipse 2024 could pose difficulties for students, leading to various academic hurdles. During this period, expectant mothers need to be particularly careful, as viewing the eclipse or any related videos could be detrimental to your health. Furthermore, this eclipse could also impact your romantic relationships. In such cases, disagreements with your partner might escalate.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Taurus.


The solar eclipse of 2024 could impact your personal life. During this period, it’s crucial to pay extra attention to your mother’s well-being and ensure peace in your relationships with them. It’s advisable to steer clear of any property transactions or house-hunting. Moreover, you might encounter setbacks in your construction projects. Individuals with heart conditions need to be particularly cautious.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Gemini.


The second solar eclipse of 2024 is expected to influence the lives of those born under the Cancer zodiac sign. In such circumstances, it’s wise to refrain from starting anything new. It’s also important to heed the advice of your siblings, as the risk of disagreements might rise. Avoid relying solely on fortune, as it could lead to disappointment.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Cancer.


The Solar Eclipse 2024 could also have an impact on the personal lives of individuals born under the Leo zodiac sign. It’s possible that your speech might become more blunt. In such instances, it’s important to stay vigilant when dealing with your family. It’s best to avoid making financial choices during this period. Instead, if you’re considering investments, ensure you have a solid plan in place before proceeding.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Leo.


The upcoming second solar eclipse in 2024 may impact individuals born under the Virgo zodiac. In this scenario, it’s crucial to address both minor and major issues with attention. Currently, a planetary alignment involving the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Ketu is occurring in your zodiac sign. It’s important to also focus on maintaining your mental well-being and strive to minimize stress.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Virgo.

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The Solar Eclipse 2024 is expected to lead to a significant increase in expenses for Libra individuals. During this period, it might be necessary to seek financial assistance from others. If you engage in work for a government entity or project, exercise caution. Additionally, there’s a risk of injury to the left eye or leg due to the eclipse’s impact. Stay vigilant.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Libra.


While the second solar eclipse of 2024 poses minimal risks to Scorpio, it’s advisable not to anticipate any extraordinary outcomes. However, if a friend or family member obtains a loan from a bank, it’s best to avoid being their guarantor. Doing so could lead to future complications. Moreover, engaging in unnecessary interactions with others could also create issues for you. Therefore, during this time, it’s important to keep to yourself.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Scorpio.


In 2024, the solar eclipse will demand extra caution from those born under the sign of Sagittarius. This eclipse will fall within the tenth astrological house of your birth sign, potentially leading to a rollercoaster of professional highs and lows. It’s also possible that you might make a decision you’ll later regret. Moreover, you could encounter challenges in working well with authorities during this period. It’s advised to approach your career with careful consideration.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Sagittarius.


The upcoming second solar eclipse of the year, taking place on Sarva Pitru Amavasya 2024, might lead to a sense of discontent for those born under the Capricorn sign. Given that this solar eclipse is occurring in your auspicious sign, you might perceive a lack of good fortune and feel that your efforts are not bearing fruit. Instead, during this period, the advice from your father might appear to be meddling.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Capricorn.


The 2024 solar eclipse will fall into the eighth slot for Aquarius. During this period, it’s crucial to prioritize your well-being. The solar eclipse’s influence might also lead to complications concerning family property. Avoid making any significant choices until the eclipse has passed. Additionally, exercise great caution while operating a vehicle.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Aquarius.


The solar eclipse happening on October 2, 2024, will take place in the seventh house of Pisces. This area represents a time of collaboration with your partner, during which you must pay close attention to your personal relationships. During this period, it’s important to steer clear of any significant conflicts. Additionally, it’s advisable to keep good relations with your business associate and honor their opinions.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Pisces.

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