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The Most Worn Rudraksha – 12 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruled by the Sun, the 12 Mukhi rudraksha is the bead of light and power. It makes the wearer aware about the present moment. It evokes self-power and makes the person shine bright and radiant like the sun. The Manipura Chakra is affected with the 12 mukhi rudraksha and hence the wearer has high self-respect and is a convicted person. The mool mantra for 12 mukhi rudraksha is ‘Om Suryaye Namah, Om Kraum Shraum Raum Namah’. Feeling stuck? Speed up your success by removing unwanted obstacles with a
Rudrabhisehkam Puja.

Since the 12 mukhi rudraksha is ruled by the Sun, it makes the person radiant and youthful.

  • It helps the wearer to take timely action.
  • It pacifies the malefic effects of Sun.
  • It makes the wearer courageous and bold enough to
  • take strong and difficult decisions.
  • It helps in achieving name and fame.
  • It helps in prospering with abundance.
  • The wearer does not fear fire.
  • It reduces the bad karma effect of killing animals.
  • It works as a shield against black-magic.
  • It dispels ignorance and enhances knowledge and wisdom.
    It is used as a Vastu tool to attract positive energy.

  • Makes the wearer confident and courageous.
  • Instils self-respect in the wearer.
  • Makes the wearer mentally, physically and emotionally strong.
  • Makes the wearer self-dependent.
  • Reduces stress, grief and worry.
  • Helps in proper functioning of the digestive system.
  • Helps in curing the disorders related to liver, pancreas and stomach.
  • Reduces effects of diseases related to Vata and Kapha.
  • Helps in focussing on the present rather than worrying about the future.
  • Helps in addressing night blindness.
  • Cures urinary stones, heart diseases and skin diseases.
  • Best suited for businessmen, political leaders and people in administrative field.

The 12 mukhi rudraksha has lines running from end to end without breaking. These lines divide the bead into twelve discrete faces. If an individual is willing to buy a 12 mukhi rudraksha online, then he should make sure that the dealer is registered and authentic. It is very convenient and easy to buy rudraksha online, but one should always identify the authentic and genuine bead through the water test.

  • Take a glass of warm water.
  • Put the 12 mukhi rudraksha in the glass.
  • Leave the bead in water for around 2 hours in it.
  • Remove the bead from water and closely observe it.
  • If it gets discoloured or you observe any joints in it then it is not an original bead.
  • If the water changes colour and gets dirty, then also the bead is not genuine.

The rudraksha beads are blessed with the powers of Sun. But to gain its maximum advantages and benefits, it is advisable to energize the beads with the pran pratishtha. The 12 mukhi rudraksha should be worn on Sunday morning. The individual should wake up at dawn on Sunday and get ready for puja. Take a copper plate and keep nine peepal leaves in it. Wash the bead with gangajal and put it on the plate. Smear it with sandalwood paste and offer fresh flowers. Light a ghee lamp and dhoop stick.

The 12 mukhi rudraksha bestows the wearer with self-dignity, name, fame and abundance. It is immensely effective tool of Vastu Shastra. It has miraculous properties that protects its wearer from poverty and helps in leading a healthy and happy life.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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