Ganesha advises the Zodiac Signs about the approach to adopt in 2016!
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Neerja is a One in a Million Cases; Sonam Will Be Able to do Great Justice to the Role!
Neerja is a One in a Million Case; Sonam Will Be Able to do Great Justice to the Role!
The Fiery Planet Sun Entering the Fiery Sign Sagittarius – How will You Be Affected?
Moon in Ascendant, Venus in 5th House, Mars-Saturn-Jupiter trio: Bright Spots in Disney’s Chart!
Not the right time for Ashok Leyland to work on Expansion, instead focus should be on consolidation.
Thakur will face obstacles, but will surely speed up the process of meting out justice!
In 2016, Struggles and fading fortunes may make things dull for Vishy – the Evergreen Genius…
Hollande will be able to deal with ISIS toughly; but strong policies will have to be implemented!
A very sensitive phase going on for Japan at least till 2017, more fluctuations foreseen!
The Great Rani of Jhansi is a perfect embodiment of Courage and ‘Nari-Shakti’!
CV Raman’s Horoscope: A Perfect Portrait of a Genius with a rebellious streak of the Nodes!