Sun-Signs, Love, Romance, Dream Dates and a lot more – Find out all about them here!
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A Bright Cluster of Planets in the Sign of Pisces augments the artistic potential of Ustad Amjad!’s wonderful track record of delivering acurate predictions! and accuracy – an inseparable bond!
Doubt Astrology? Accuracy of these predictions will make you doubt your doubts!
Sun Signs, their skills, strengths and 2016 Overview – In Very Few Words!
The planets seem to be waving the green-flag for Sundar Pichai’s expansion plans @Google!
An Exalted Venus along with Mars and the Moon scripts the phenomenal success of Zakir!
Planets to adversely affect Azad throughout the year, feels Ganesha
Sun-Jupiter and Moon-Venus: factors for political success and artistic flourish of Vajpayee!
The Accentuated Gemini Element, Moon-Venus in 2nd House, Dharma-Karmadhipati Rajyoga – Highlights!
Power of the 3rd House, A Well-placed Moon, Saturn-Jupiter Exchange: Pandit Shiv Kumar’s Strengths!