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What Is Numerology?

Numerology can be defined as the science of numbers, not in the mathematical sense, but in as much as it is a branch of astrology. Numerology means that each number has a deep significance of its own, and can be used to understand the inner traits of a person, their talents, their life goals, their hidden characteristics, and to predict the person’s future in all areas of life such as career, love and romance, financial situation, etc. Besides, Numerology can also be used by a person to better understand themselves and the world around them.

The History of Numerology

The history of numerology goes back thousands of years. Its variations are found in most cultures throughout history. Though many people promptly dismiss it as a fancy fashion, a lot of well-known mathematicians of all time have minutely studied it. The earliest records of Numerology are found in Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations. There is also evidence that Numerology was used in ancient times in Rome, China, Greece, and Japan. Modern numerology is usually attributed to Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher. Though it is unknown if Pythagoras invented Numerology, he definitely created some theories behind it, which took numbers to a completely different level. However, the man who actually coined the word ‘Numerology’ and also helped it gain recognition and awareness in modern times is Dr. Julian Stenton.

How Does Numerology Work

Numerology works on the premise that your life is governed by your birth date, which you use to find your life path number, which is a number that describes your characteristics and personality and who you are. It points out the opportunities you may get or challenges you may face in your future. Every life path number has a different meaning and basically reflects who you are. You can find your life path number from your birthday by adding up each number. For example, March 4th 1990, would be 3 + 4 = 7. Then add up the numbers in the year — 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 21, and reduce it to single digit, that is 2 + 1 = 3. Then, 7 + 3 = 10, which is your life path number. Once you have this number an expert Numerologist could tell you a lot of things about your life.

Numerology Basics

Numerologists recognise the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 22 as having their own specific significance. They reflect different personality traits, both positive and negative. For example, the number 4 signifies that you are practical, but lack imagination. The numbers 11 and 22 are the ‘master’ numbers which are considered to be very powerful amplifications of the numbers 2 and 4. Knowing the traits of the numbers 11 and 22 are also important for a complete understanding of Numerology. Besides, every letter of the alphabet is assigned a number, and the meaning of any word can be derived at by adding up the numbers assigned to them and then, as above, reducing them to single digits. Similarly, adding up the numbers in your birth name is a popular practice in Numerology.

Numerology Number Meanings

Now the numbers derived from your name and birth date tell you what your strengths and weaknesses are, and in turn what traits to continue developing, and what traits you need to keep in check. The following is a list of strengths and weaknesses of your number:

Number 1) Strength – Takes initiative; Weakness – Bossy Number 2) Strength – Soft-natured/artistic; Weakness – Nervous Number 3) Strength – Appealing; Weakness – No depth Number 4) Strength – Pragmatic; Weakness – unimaginative Number 5) Strength – Independent; Weakness – Anxious Number 6) Strength – Therapist; Weakness – Suppressed Number 7) Strength – Abstract; Weakness – Introvert Number 8) Strength – Commander; Weakness – Arrogant Number 9) Strength – Visionary; Weakness – Self-centered Number 11) Strength – Idealistic; Weakness – Lacks self-esteem Number 22) Strength – Creator; Weakness – Hypercritical.

We hope this has given you a workable understanding of the science of Numerology. However, if there is something more you wish to know, or wish to go deep into the subject, we recommend you to visit here.

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