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Venus in The Tenth House : Vedic Astrology

Venus in The Tenth House

Venus is about love, beauty, sophistication, sensuality and so on. While the tenth house caters to work, profession, occupation, fame, honour and so on. When Venus inhabits the 10th house, the person may rise high in the profession and also become very popular. The natives also have a strong desire to be admired and adored.

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The areas affected due to Venus in the 10th House:

  • Hobbies and interests
  • Work and profession
  • Attitude towards people
  • Social image

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Positive Traits/Impact:

The natives of Venus in the 10th house love being the centre of attention, having a good social position and making a good career from their hobbies. Many will consider them pretentious because they want to live the high life and get together with influential people. However, this doesn’t reveal who the natives truly are, because they’re around the natives just to have some doors open for themselves and to advance at work.

Others tend to respect them for their charming manner, and they have many admirers, although some of these are admirers from afar, as there is an aura about them that is charming yet strangely (and intriguingly) distant. The natives of Venus in tenth house have a great need to be recognized or admired for their charm, beauty, or loving manner, but should be careful not to become too wrapped up in what others think of them. Some natives of Venus in the 10th house are “married” to their work or to their image. This may take some toll on their actual marriage. Besides, these natives are good at making contacts and organizing social events.

The natives of Venus in the 10th house also want that their partner should appreciate their wealth and material possessions. The natives enjoy their status and want to show it off to others to receive admiration. However, these natives dislike flashy or gaudy items and gestures.

The natives of Venus in the tenth house have the best things that can enhance their lifestyle. It also is part of their charm and confident manner. They exhibit a strong personality and their stamina in bed is incredible. Their partner may have a tough time adjusting with them.

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The natives of Venus in tenth house take time in developing a relationship. This is often why they don’t begin a serious commitment until they are well-established in their career. They want to have a solid home and a secure nest egg before starting a family. Their slow and steady pace takes time and effort. And no one can change their mind once they have decided to go on their path.

Those who see and meet the natives of Venus in tenth house for the 1st time may find them distant and aloof. But those who stick around to get to know the natives will find them trustworthy, solid and caring individuals who take very good care of their family members and fully perform their responsibilities. This kind of trustworthiness goes a long way in strengthening their bonding.

Negative Traits/Impact:

The natives of Venus in the 10th house from lagna have to be careful that their need for validation doesn’t get in the way of finding that special someone. Not everyone is as concerned with status as they are. So, these natives should not have too many expectations. Rather they should find someone with similar interests and the rest will fall into place.

The natives of Venus in tenth house (all the more when Venus is debilitated) should be careful about people. Some of them may want to come close to these natives just for their money. These people may not have any interest in having a deep and fulfilling partnership. It’s true that the natives of Venus in 10th house long for the admiration of other people. But they also want to be happy themselves. The loved ones of the natives understand this and offer them true praise. However, the natives may not get it from outsiders always.

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The natives of Venus in tenth house may rise high in profession. They may also become quite popular. However, they should not become excessively concerned about what others think and talk about them.

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Effects of Venus in different houses

Venus in 1st House | Venus in 2nd House | Venus in 3rd House | Venus in 4th House | Venus in 5th House | Venus in 6th House | Venus in 7th House | Venus in 8th House | Venus in 9th House | Venus in 10th House | Venus in 11th House | Venus in 12th House

Importance of Houses in Astrology

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Importance of Planets in Astrology

Sun Planet | Moon Planet | Mars Planet | Mercury Planet | Venus Planet | Jupiter Planet | Saturn Planet | Nodes (Rahu and Ketu)

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The GaneshaSpeaks Team
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