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The Sun In 7th House: Vedic Astrology

The Sun In 7th House

Well, the 7th house in Astrology is the house of partnerships. And the most important amongst the partnerships is the marital union between two individuals. Well, the 7th house is just the opposite of the ascendant (or the 1st house). The ascendant is all about self while the 7th house is about the partner. The 7th house determines everything related to marriage. Thus, attraction to the opposite gender, the desire to have a partner, sexual fantasies, passion, possessiveness, the level of understanding towards others are all influenced by the 7th house. The people who have Sun in 7th house have great potential but they need the support and bonding of their partners to actualize their dreams.

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The areas affected due to the Sun in the 7th house:

  • Love life and relationships
  • Profession or business
  • Health and physique
  • Attitude towards life
  • Social standing

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Positive Traits/Impact:

Well, those who have Sun in 7th house have a strong need for sharing, caring and bonding. If they get the right partner, they can rise very high in their personal and professional lives. On the contrary, if their partner is not of proper disposition, it can make them very rebellious and destructive. They invest a lot of time and energy in their relationship and expect a lot from their partners. This applies to both life partners as well as business partners.

The natives of Sun in seventh house may take some time to find the right partner. But once they find him/her, they can spend their entire life with him/her. In case, their life partner dies, leaves or goes somewhere else, they may feel shattered and their life may get badly derailed according to effect of Sun in 7th house on marriage.

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Besides, natives of Sun in 7th house are quite popular. They command huge respect and reverence from a wide cross-section of people in their lives. In fact, the natives of Sun in 7th house possess leadership qualities and they can guide their colleagues in the areas of work and even personal life. They feel powered by the warmth and affection which they share with others, as per Sun in 7th house Vedic astrology.

Negative Traits/Impact:

The natives of Sun in 7th house may find it very difficult to deal with conflicts. When challenges confront you, it is likely that you may take a backseat. You are neither willing to make a compromise nor face the situation fiercely. They may even become indecisive and get trapped into confusing thoughts. They are completely unable to choose one of the options while standing at the crossroads of life. Are you facing any confusion in life? Do you want a solution? You can buy the 2023 Detailed Yearly Report and get the clarity.

Besides, they always are striving to achieve balance in life. In fact, associating with their partner may be the way to keep up that balance all the time, as per marriage astrology of Sun in 7th house. For sure, you like bonding and gelling and you are strongly averse to an individualistic or an independent lifestyle.

Also, they want to be liked and appreciated by one and all. Thus, they are too secure and safe in their approach. So, they like spending time with their friends and family members rather than meet different people and make new friends. You strongly dislike the prospects of being rejected. Besides, you are advised not to judge your importance on how others see and perceive you.

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Well, the natives of Sun in 7th house are strongly dependent on their partners. They derive their strength and power from the bonding which they share with others. At the same time, you should ensure that you don’t expect too much from your partner. It will improve your relationship with others. And then you are bound to gain.

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Sun in the Houses

Importance of Houses in Astrology

1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House | 6th House | 7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House | 11th House | 12th House

Importance of Planets in Astrology

Sun Planet | Moon Planet | Mars Planet | Mercury Planet | Venus Planet | Jupiter Planet | Saturn Planet | Nodes (Rahu and Ketu)

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The GaneshaSpeaks Team
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