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How Indian Vedic astrology works?

Jyotish Vedic astrology

Saturday – Mar 29, 2025

Most of us have heard of Vedic astrology. But do you know it isn’t any western science? In fact, it is the modern name of very own Indian astrology.

Vedic astrology system originated in ancient India around 1500 – 2000 BCE by sages in Vedic scriptures. Most people refer to it as “Jyotish” – the science of light. The science that deals with the astral light patterns used to determine our destiny.

This is how Vedic astrology predictions are made for people born in certain zodiac or Nakshatra.

Now when you know what Vedic astrology is, let us find out how astrology works:

Astrology is an ancient science that is used to find out the probabilities of the future using the movement of celestial planets. In brief, we can say that Vedic astrology reading is based on astronomy. Astrologers need to know the exact positions of a planet among the fixed stars at a given time along with zodiacal fixed star signs concerning any place on earth at any given time. Using this information, astrologers prepare a chart for an individual, which helps in predicting several aspects of an individual’s life.

To determine the Vedic astrology signs compatibility, astrologers prepare your birth chart based on the time of your birth and position of stars in your zodiac.

However, Vedic astrology is used to understand one’s self and their karma chakra. In Vedic astrology, all things are interconnected. Everything or life has an energy that relates to each other and often has an influence.

Based on your cosmic design, your karma and fortune are determined. In Hindu astrology, your soul is immortal that incarnate on earth in the different body at different times.

Your life is a reflection of the greater whole in you. Briefly saying, Vedic astrology signs depict your life events and fortune based on the theory of your karma as a soul and position of stars and planets at the time of your birth.

Many astrologers can tell you about your previous life karma to justify the event happening in your current life. Your Janampatri works as a guidebook to know how your Graha Dasha and how it will affect each phase of your life.

How are your planetary transit and graha dasha for the year 2025 going to affect you?

Reading this, you might be wondering if Vedic astrology is accurate. The moment you were born and the place of your birth makes a chart called “birth chart” or “natal chart”. This chart tells your star position and Dashas arrangement, which reflects your entire life.

Vedic charts and Dashas give greater predictive accuracy to Vedic astrology compared to Western astrology. Thus, Vedic astrology signs and houses give you a better understanding of yourself and more deep predictions about what is happening in your life.

People usually get confused between Vedic and western astrology, so to give clarity, let us check out the major difference between Vedic and western astrology.

Western Astrology is all about the sun. It was devised from the Greek or Babylonian astrology. According to western astrology, the sun is the centre of the solar system and its relationship with the earth is very important.

Here, astrologers utilize tropical zodiacs to predict the future of and individual based on the month or day of their birth. Also, as per western astrology, the first sign is Aries, begin around the Vernal Equinox, and the other signs follow in consecutive order.

On the other hand, Vedic astrology is all about the stars and constellations. It utilizes the Sidereal or Stellar Zodiac by looking at the fixed stars of the constellations to determine the future.

Vedic astrology believes that evaluating the zodiac based on the fixed relationship between earth and the sun is not the right approach. Considering that earth is slightly tilted and continuously spinning, there is a 50-second difference every year.

Thus, every 72 years, we lose a day in our revolution. Resulting, Vedic astrology signs meaning shifts back a day after every 72 years.


Vedic astrology is a more profound and practical way of predicting the future. The use of planetary periods is very influential and offers great insight and accuracy. Our Ayurvedic astrology is also an exceptional way of learning about the relationship between energy, nature and oneself.

Vedic astrology signs give a clear analysis of the movement of stars and constellations. Also, to know what a person will experience in a certain planetary period, look to that planet in the chart and its sign, house, aspects, house lordship, conjunctions, and strength. To sum up the content, we can say that Vedic astrology is a wealth of knowledge based on the theory of karma.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team