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Yoga Day: Do yoga according to the zodiac

योग दिवस: राशि चक्र के अनुसार करें योगासन - GaneshaSpeaks

In astrology, as auspicious day, auspicious color, auspicious date and auspicious number etc. have been determined for each zodiac sign, similarly many other things can also be determined according to the zodiac sign. Along with your personality, physical appearance and flaws can also be revealed in your horoscope. On the basis of this, yoga asanas can also be prescribed for you. Doing yoga without knowing which yoga is beneficial and which is harmful for your physical nature can also cause harm. With the help of Rashi, you can know which part of the body you need to awaken. Here you should know that each zodiac has relation with different parts of the body. In such a situation, assessing the effects of the planets on this basis, yogasanas have also been prescribed. So come, you too should try to keep yourself fit and healthy physically and mentally by doing yoga according to your zodiac sign.


The element of Aries is fire and the lord is Mars. There is a lot of energy and enthusiasm in them. Uttanasan, Janushirshasan and Shavasan yoga are a better option for them. Apart from this, Virbhadrasan Yoga should also be done. This increases stability and balance in the body. Apart from this, Uttanasana is beneficial for the spine, neck and back and also calms the brain. Similarly, Janushirshasan increases digestive power and blood circulation. Shavasana strengthens the knees and spinal cord, while downward breathing makes the blood circulation smooth and activates the brain.


The element of Taurus is earth and the lord is Venus. It is beneficial for men with this zodiac to lift weights and for women to go to the gym. Gomukhasana relieves them from stress and brings softness in their nature. Apart from this, they should also do Vrikshasana. This strengthens the muscles of the thighs, shoulders, calves and feet, and also removes disorders of the nervous system.


The element of Gemini is air and the lord is Mercury. They have a tendency to overwork, due to which they get tired quickly. Bhujangasan is right for them. This removes the problems of the shoulder and lower back. They may have problems related to nerves. It is necessary for them to take care of their respiratory system. Halasan proves effective in this.

Cancer zodiac sign

The element of Cancer is water and the lord is Moon. They are imaginative and emotional. They are prone to stomach problems like gas and indigestion as well as water related diseases and leg pain. They should do Nataraja Asana and Ardha Chandrasana. This improves physical balance. Meditation, Yoga, Anulom-Vilom and Pranayama are also beneficial for them.

Leo sun sign

The element of Leo zodiac is fire and the lord is Sun. Due to mental exertion, they have headache and eye problems as well as back pain. For these, Marjari Asana with cat’s pose should be done. Apart from this, Surya Namaskar, Matsyasana are also beneficial. This improves the respiratory system and develops muscles. In particular, they should do heart related exercises and yoga.


The element of Virgo is Earth and the lord is Mercury. They are likely to have diseases related to stomach and digestive system. For this they should do Mayurasana. Apart from this, opposite Karni posture is also beneficial. In this asana, both the legs are kept up with the support of the wall. This removes stress and restlessness. Along with this, it is also correct to do headstand. Light and comfortable exercises are especially beneficial for them.


The element of Libra zodiac is air and the lord is Venus. They want to look younger, attractive and beautiful than their age. They often have back pain, kidney / kidney and headache problems. Mental balance is attained by Vrikshasana. The practice of Nadi Shodhan Pranayama is also important for them. This improves the respiratory system and relieves stress. Gym, Tauraki and meditation are also important for them.


The element of Scorpio is water and the lords are Mars and Ketu. They are passionate and sensual in nature and love to go to the gym, just for show. Padmasan is better for them. This increases concentration. Apart from this, Ustrasana and Baddha Konasana are also important. Ustrasana strengthens the muscles of the back, while Baddha Konasana improves blood circulation and keeps the heart healthy, and also benefits in private parts problems. They should also focus on sports.


The element of Sagittarius is fire and the lord is Jupiter. They also have complaints of sciatica, joint and hip pain. Kapotasana and Supta Matsyendrasana are better for them. It gives relief from hip joint pain, backache and tension. Apart from this, Supta Padangusthasana is also beneficial. It also provides relief from back pain, back pain, tension in the veins of the thigh etc. They should also focus on sports.


The element of Capricorn is Earth and the lord is Saturn. Because they are hardworking. In such a situation, Tadasana is better for them. This strengthens the legs. They have complaints of indigestion, rheumatism, leg pain and epilepsy. In such a situation, Utkatasana is also beneficial for them. This gives a feeling of strength and energy in the body.


The element of Aquarius is air and the lords are Shani and Rahu. People of this zodiac can also have blood pressure, stomach and nerves problems and anemia. Downward dog posture is better for them. This strengthens the legs, arms and shoulders. Apart from this, Ardha Matsyendrasana posture and Bhujangasana should be done. This improves the digestive system and blood circulation. Running is also beneficial for them.


The element of Pisces is water and the lords are Jupiter and Neptune. Pisces people should do Balasan so that their positivity remains. Apart from problems related to nerves, they have insomnia, anemia and diseases related to stomach or water. They also benefit from Halasana, Pranayama and Sarvangasana. It gives relief from back pain, insomnia and anemia etc. Along with swimming, walking in the morning and evening is also beneficial for them.

With the blessings of Ganesha,


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