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Pisces Yesterday Horoscope

Pisces Yesterday


Your fount of creativity spouts everyday like there is no tomorrow. However, you need to be organised and in position to implement all those revolutionary ideas that occur to you in a jiffy, that lesser mortals take aeons to dream up.

Your oratory will win you many admirers today, so let go of your inhibitions, says Ganesha..

Yesterday Horoscopes By Areas of Life

As the evening approaches, you’d be in a tearing hurry to go back home and spend quality time with your family. You might please your loved one with some humorous acts or jokes, feels Ganesha. Preparing delicious foods with your spouse would be a nice idea.

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This day looks to be unusual. Expect a tug of war between your head and heart. You shall try to control your mind, but your heart will prove to be stronger. Your tired mind needs some rest – take a break.

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Today, you may spend money on ‘home’ or ‘family members’. You may also spend on friends or those who are very close to your heart. The day does not indicate very good earning potential.

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Ganesha advises you to draw a line between personal and professional life. You’ll be neck-deep in work, and won’t get any breaks today. In meetings, since you won’t have any views of your own, you may have to agree to others’ agendas.

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