Taurus Yearly
As the year begins, the impact of Saturn may push you to shake off your complacency. Conditions may begin to improve and some pending financial issues may also get resolved gradually.
Things shall get better in your education and Mercury make you able to achieve your goals. There can be some phases of low vitality but you will be able to manage your health.
This can be difficult phase for your relationship as suggested by North Node though. You may have enough support of Venus and Mercury to make progress in the beginning of February.
But as the period progresses, you need to watch your step as the impact of the South Node can be very complex. This month may bring clarity and hence you may feel relaxed and confident about the future of your relationship.
You may face a little hiccup in your studies. Some minor health issues may bother you.
In the beginning of March, some uncertainty caused by Mars may leave you somewhat unsettled in your personal life and in your career as well. Gradually, though, things shall start falling in place due to the support of Venus.
During April, you may think about starting a new and more relaxed regime but finding a balance between your material responsibilities and internal desires shall be difficult due to impact of the North Node. Some good inflow of money is expected but, your extravagance side comes to the fore which might cause some problems.
Jupiter could prove to be a blessing for your studies and you are likely to enjoy success as well. Due to the impact of the South Node, your decision making ability may be affected adversely in the beginning of this May.
Some happenings in close relationships may put you under stress. As the month progresses, Venus may be bringing you fresh hope and renewed energy.
You may develop a strong urge to earn big money under the influence of North Node. Go slow, as it can cause illusions.
The beginning of June will be the time to put your plans and strategies under testing to see how viable they are in your current working scenarios. The trouble may be brewing on the relationship front due to the impact of the South Node.
There can be lots of positive energy around you and your enthusiasm may lead your way to success in your studies. Saturn is likely to bring some tough conditions during July.
Business person may look for new opening and plans to expand the business activities gradually. However, be extra attentive to financial matters as you need to remove bottlenecks.
This phase can change the equations of your relationship all of sudden. Mercury may help you to understand some complicated subjects easily and it is going to bring gradual improvement in your health.
At times your work environment may not be to your liking and hence there may be various issues due to the impact of North Node during August. For business persons, businesses connected with far off lands and foreign countries can flourish.
Mercury may bring some good financial gains. There may be conflicts over some past issues in your relation, suggests Mercury.
Saturn indicates that some old work relationships and associations shall fade away during September and, you shall be comfortably positioned in a new role or assignment. If you are doing business, you are in for some better times but be extra careful when you finalize deals or sign important documents.
Venus will help you to cement your relationship and take it to the next level of pleasure and satisfaction. On the business front, Venus is going to bring an encouraging opportunity to strike high worth deal during October.
But Mars indicates that your relationship may suffer a blow. Some mental pressure might cause physical problems this time around.
November looks much better for your career and Mercury indicates that you will be entrusted with an outstation assignment. Short term travel by business person will also yield encouraging results.
You may get attracted to someone. An old friend of yours may surprise you and there are chances of some old love coming back in your life.
Around the end of this year, Mars may bring the drive and energy both – at work. Business person may be able to remove some bottlenecks and Mercury may encourage to take some important financial decisions.
Venus may bring some great opportunities to show and express your love for your mate. It will be a favouarble phase for your studies as well.
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Yearly Horoscopes By Areas of Life
As the year begins, Venus will activate all your social contacts. You may have some wonderful romantic moments. However, North Node may cause some disruptions in your love life. Gradually, you can expect to have much better rapport with your beloved ones due to support of Venus. The first half of February may bring clarity and hence you may feel relaxed and confident about the future of your relationship. Venus may boost your love prospects. Though North Node may cast shadows on relationships. Be prepared for some strife and friction with your beloved ones. Give priority to resolving differences now. Things shall start falling in place due to the support of Venus during March. You need to control your temperament otherwise some disruption may cause problems in your love life due to the impact of Mars during April. Some happenings in close relationships around the month of May can put you under stress. As the period progresses, Venus may be bringing you fresh hope and renewed energy. Venus can get you a real opportunity and, there may be scopes for some romantic encounter with your beloved one around the end of June. Your love life will be exciting during July but, at times your impulsive approach under the influence of Mars is likely to make your relationship vulnerable. Issues related to your love life can be resolved amicably with the help of good friends. Some issues of past can manifest strongly in your personal relations around the month of August. Rather than reacting impulsively during September, try and keep your calm, during heated arguments as the phase may be important for your love life, indicates Mercury. Venus will gradually help you to cement your relationship and take it to the next level of pleasure and satisfaction. The relationships are quite likely to be all about how you act and react during October. Mercury indicates a tricky period hence think twice before you make any sort of negative comments about your beloved ones. You may get attracted to someone during November. An old friend of yours may surprise you and there are chances of some old love coming back in your life this time around. The blessings of Mercury may remain helping the matters concerned with your relationship. You will have to care for the needs of your beloved ones and family members. Venus around the year end may bring some great opportunities to show and express your love for your mate.
Read MoreThere can be some phases of low vitality in the beginning of this year but you will be able to manage your health well as the year progresses. With your health still somewhat delicate, focus on your fitness and diet. Some minor health issues may bother you hence you may have to take care of your health during February. There may be some fluctuations in your health status. But planets will help you to become fit and fine. The impact of South Node may not let you relax entirely during the first half of March but no major ailment is foreseen. Some old health issues may disturb you making you somewhat uncomfortable with your health this time around. A sensible health program is likely to help you improve your health as the year advances. Venus may be bringing you fresh hope and renewed energy around the month of May. Some old health problems may bother you but you may regain vitality gradually. There will not be any serious health issues envisaged but the period around July may be causing some seasonal health problems. The impact of planets may help you increasing your fitness standards and that is likely to lead you towards a healthy lifestyle around the month of August. However, you may suffer from digestive disorders in the beginning of September. Here, you must remain attentive as stress may lead you to low metabolism this time around. The latter part of this year may generally have positive impact on your health but you may be somewhat lazy and tend to ignore your exercise regimen. Hectic work schedules may tire you easily. Some stress and anxiety around the end of November might bring some uneasiness. You must not get overworked in order to maintain your fitness levels. The period around the end of this year will help you handle your health very efficiently.
Read MoreAs the year begins, conditions may begin to improve and some pending financial issues may also get resolved. The investments that you make around the mid of this month are likely to get you handsome rewards in future. Mercury may boost your financial strength but if you make the mistake of squandering your money, you are likely to face pressure. You will be eager to bolster your finances around the month of February and trim expenses. But as the period progresses, you need to watch your step as the impact of the South Node can be very complex. Your long term financial prospects will start looking up from around the mid of March. You need to execute due discrimination while spending. Do not rely heavily on others otherwise you may get confused. Some good inflow of money is expected but, your extravagance side comes to the fore which might cause some problems during April. However, Venus will be positive and likely to have significant positive impact on your financial fortune. During month of May, take important financial decisions only post due deliberation, suggests Mercury. Also, there may be some pressure on your income during June due to some unexpected expenses, suggests North Node. As the period advances, it will be a better period for you and comfortable position in money matters. The influence of Mercury may remain beneficial for your financial growth and your desired goals will be fulfilled during July. Some extra gains, by the way of incentives or long held arrears, are also likely coming your way due to the blessings of Venus. But refrain from making any new investments during August and take time to review decisions taken earlier. Also, refrain from trying your luck or taking undue risks to boost your earnings during September. Venus and Mercury are likely to bring improvement in your position on the financial front during October. You must also remain disciplined with your investment planning and resource management. Mercury may make you able to have good earnings and also have good savings and security, and this will keep you on a stable ground. You may have enough funds at your disposal around the month of November. Expenses may increase though. The combined impact of Venus and Mercury may bring promising earning opportunities around the end of this year.
Read MoreIn the beginning of this year the impact of Saturn may push you to shake off your complacency. The favourable impact of Mercury may help you to make an intelligent move. Review past actions and strategy adopted and get a grip on your needs and desires. Sometimes your networks can become the bridge to new plans, ideas and even success. You may have enough support of Venus and Mercury to make progress around the month of February. Mars could however make you restless and impatient at times. Due to the support of Saturn and Mercury, opportunities will present themselves around the mid of March. But you will be able to avail of them, only through careful pluck and perseverance. As the month of April begins, you may think about starting a new and more relaxed regime but finding a balance between your material responsibilities and internal desires shall be difficult due to impact of the North Node. Also, due to the impact of the South Node, your decision making ability may be affected adversely in the beginning of May. Some happenings in close relationships may put you under stress. But gradually, Venus may be bringing you fresh hope and renewed energy. There may be some disruptions but, you will be back on track, focusing well on work and business. The month of June will be the time to put your plans and strategies under testing to see how viable they are in your current working scenarios. Saturn demands that what doesn’t work, but has a larger good at its core, needs to be altered. Business person may look for new opening and plans to expand the business activities gradually around July. There may be some opportunities for gain and growth in business but the efforts to chase high worth customer to strike major deal may face some delays. At times during August, your work environment may not be to your liking and hence there may be various issues due to the impact of North Node. Also, Saturn indicates that some old work relationships and associations shall fade away and you shall be comfortably positioned in a new role or assignment around September. Venus is going to bring an encouraging opportunity to strike high worth deal around October. November looks much better for your career advancement. Mercury indicates that you will be entrusted with an outstation assignment. If you handle this successfully, you will not only receive appreciation from your boss but are likely to better placed in your organization. Short term travel by business person will also yield encouraging results. During December under the influence of Saturn, you may be trying to make up for the mistake you committed earlier. Around the end of this year, Mars may bring the drive and energy both – at work. Business person may be able to remove some bottlenecks.
Read MoreAs the year begins, things shall get better in your education and Mercury make you able to achieve your goals. There may be some tough challenges in your education but Jupiter may be helping you perform well. You may have a quick grasp of things and have no issue in your studies. You may face a little hiccup in your studies in the month of February. Challenges can be blessings in disguise and likely to make you stronger and better. Saturn may require hard and sustained efforts for you to taste success in studies. During April, you are likely to be rewarded duly for your hard work due to the support of Mercury. The learning of new skills is likely to put you on the path to success in your studies. Powerful vibes of Mercury can help you lay down plans and ideas for the near future. However, North Node is supposed to leave you confused and lost at times, as it will bring in a dual impression on you mind. Jupiter could prove to be a blessing for your studies as the year advances. Due to some negligence or carelessness, your performance may not be up to the mark hence your progress in studies may suffer to some extent during the month of May. Gradually, during the month of June, there can be lots of positive energy around you and your enthusiasm may lead your way to success in your studies. Mercury may help you to understand some complicated subjects easily. But do not get tempted to take softer choices in your studies. Get guidance from mentors and seniors. The period around the month of August will be important on that account. You may proceed with your studies with great interest during the latter part of year. Your performance in studies may gain appreciation from your mentors. However, you may get busier but not with studies around the month of October. So, your performance may deteriorate and you may not receive success as per your abilities and potential. Some setbacks may make you aware of the importance of hard work and it may bring some positive changes in your education during the ending part of this year. The period around the end of this year will be a favouarble phase for your studies and to gain some valuable insights and advises from the people of excellent academic background.
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