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Effects of Sun Transit in Sagittarius on all Zodiac Signs

Effects of Sun Transit in Sagittarius on all Zodiac Signs

The king of all planets and the soul of the Universe, Sun is one of the most revered in Hindu culture. It is the source that illuminates the whole World. Sun represents honor, dignity, royalty, and power. It is said that offering water to the Sun early in the morning curbs malefic effects of it. It also helps elevate the confidence level in a person. The Sun transits in every zodiac sign each month and such a planetary transit is called Sankranti. This time, it is going to transit to the archer sign of the zodiac i.e. Sagittarius sign.

In astrology, the Sun plays a huge role and is the signifier of father, ancestors and government jobs. Sun rules the Leo zodiac sign, remains exalted in Aries and is debilitated in Libra. It is the lord of Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatras.

If the placement of Sun is positive in your Janampatri then it would give you desired results. You would be inspired to do good things and have complete control over yourself due to the benefic placement of the Sun. If the Sun is placed in the exalted sign, your flow of thoughts would be positive and you would have a positive approach towards life. However, a debilitated Sun in your horoscope can cause you mental disturbance and may give you unfavorable results. Hence, you should follow the remedial solutions given by an Indian astrologer to neutralize the malefic effects of the Sun.

Even if the position of the Sun in your birth chart is in a favorable house but you are not being in sound health, you are suggested to install Surya Yantra and worship it regularly. This would give you the beneficial results from the Sun. However, you need to consult the astrologers to get complete clarity on which remedies you can take.

Sun will be moving out from Scorpio and entering the Sagittarius zodiac sign on December 16, 2019, at around 3:44 pm. It will stay there for a month.

Sun transit in Sagittarius Effect on Zodiac Signs

A powerful Sun in a native’s birth chart gives them authority to rise above and become a great leader. It would have a vivid effect on each individual. Let’s read and find out whether the 2019 Sun transit in Sagittarius would be a boon or a curse for all zodiac signs.

  • Sun will be transiting to the ninth house of your sign and is joining with Ketu and Saturn. This house represents fame, long journeys, fortune, religious inclination and association with virtues.
  • Your importance in the society is likely to grow stronger. You would have a good influence over people who come in contact with you. This may also make you famous among everyone. There are chances of change in your location. A change of job is also predicted during this time.
  • The tasks which were pending for a long time may get a good start now. You would be able to successfully execute the decisions you would have taken before a long time. In addition, be careful as to not letting your intentions or plans be known to others. Keep them a secret until you are able to properly execute them.
  • There are chances of an opportunity to settle the differences you had with your folks, but if you are not observant, you may miss it. For every decision that you make during the transit, you are suggested to keep your family in the loop and take appropriate guidance.
  • The transit of the Sun in Sagittarius is likely to bring you stability in monetary matters. This would make it easy to handle your finances.
  • People who are aged may enjoy visiting pilgrimage places at this time. However, it is suggested that they should be given proper care for their health as they may require special attention.
  • In all, the transit period should be utilized by dealing with things carefully.

  • For Taurians, the Sun would be entering in the eighth house of your birth chart. This house is the signifier of sudden gains, obstacles, worries, theft, and secretive things.
  • There are chances that you may face unfavorable situations. You may not receive good support for the things that you wish to do. You are suggested not to lose your calm and vent out your anger on anyone, especially on your family members. Try to keep yourself alone and take time to settle your aggression with peace.
  • Despite your efforts to keep problems at bay, some unexpected issues may stem up in life. Hence, it is suggested that you be careful and resolve issues with proper understanding.
  • There are chances of expenses in family-oriented matters during the transit period. You need to keep a check on your finances to manage them well. Prioritizing them would help you curb unnecessary expenditures.
  • Your children may become a source of concern at this time. Hence, it would be good if you keep them engaged in extracurricular activities. You might be occupied due to domestic issues. If you are going to travel, you need to take extra care of health and belongings.
  • It is also suggested that adequate rest is taken to keep your energy levels intact. You would also need to give emphasis on adhering to a healthy lifestyle. Doing yoga and exercise would help you remain fit and release stress.
  • Overall, the transit may be a bit hectic for you. Consult our expert astrologers to tackle problems arising in your life.

  • The glorious Sun is making a transit to the seventh house of your birth chart. This is the house of marriage, spouse, relation between life partners, recovery and journey.
  • It is predicted that there might be some issues in your relationship with your spouse suddenly. There are chances of arguments with your partner. However, you are suggested not to go overboard. You shall be able to tackle situations by regulating your emotions and thinking from a practical angle.
  • You would be actively participating in social gatherings during this time. This would make your mood light when you bring out the charming and witty side of you.
  • As far as your finances are concerned, they would remain stable. However, there are chances of some unknown expenses. You may experience physical ailments due to which your money would be spent. Hence, it is suggested that you keep a tab on your budget and plan it accordingly.
  • There may be an occasional trouble due to stomach related problems during the transit period. Make sure that you have a healthy diet and avoid any fast food.
  • People may make fun of you or criticize you during this phase. It is suggested that you remain focused on your work and do not take things personally. You need to act in a diplomatic manner while communicating with your colleagues.
  • Students who are aspiring to go abroad for higher studies may come across such an opportunity during the transit.
  • In a nutshell, this is going to be a bit troublesome time for you twins.

  • For the crabs, the Sun would be transiting to the sixth house of your birth chart. This house is the significator of enemies, injuries, oppositions, disease, loans, debts, obstacles, quarrels, eye disease, and subordinates.
  • At the workplace, your hard work and sincerity would give you fruitful results. There are chances of intense competition with your colleagues and you would be trying hard to win the limelight. Despite the competition, you would get rewarded for your work. This would earn you recognition among the subordinates and seniors. People who are looking for a change in job might get success in that.
  • There are chances of increment at this time or you might receive a good amount of incentives for the efforts you put forth in office. However, you might have to run your family expenditures and fulfill requirements with a limited source of income.
  • It is predicted that there might be some disputes in the family. It may be due to financial conditions or other issues. You are suggested to remain careful while dealing with financial transactions and plan your budget according to priorities.
  • Children are likely to bring good reports and shine in their respective fields of education.
  • Due to the change in season, you might experience common cough and cold problems. Take extra care to keep yourself warm. You are also suggested to pay special attention to your other health-related issues, especially eyes and hypertension-related problem.
  • In all, this transit phase of Sun in Sagittarius seems to be a bit unfavorable for you. Take extra care and resolve situational issues with proper understanding and calm mind. Get your personalized 2023 yearly report to know the problems arising in your life.

  • The ruling planet of the Leos, Sun is going to enter the fifth house in your birth chart. This is the house of progeny, mental ability, fame, position, knowledge, conception, and mind.
  • Those who are bachelors, be ready for some good news. Your wait is going to be over as you might get your right match for marriage at this time.
  • There are some large expenses for eye-related matter as foreseen by Ganesha. It is suggested that you take adequate and appropriate measures in your financial transactions. A close friend might lend their hand in support when you are in need of help.
  • During the Sun transit in Sagittarius, some events at the workplace may make you a bit uncomfortable. However, you will be able to surmount all difficulties and would come out to be a strong fighter. You are suggested to be careful from backbiters and secret opponents. They might try to get you down using their tactics in the office.
  • There are chances of falling into unnecessary arguments with family or with your colleagues. You should not speak any unpleasant words to anyone as they might hurt them. This would help you avoid any controversy that may occur at the workplace or in your family.
  • You would need to take extra care of your health and well-being of your progeny. Some physical ailments are likely to happen which can make you feel sluggish. Hence, you should keep up with your health and fitness goals.
  • Overall, the transit would bring a bit of uneasiness to your life.

Also Read: How will the Saturn transit in Capricorn affect Leo sign?

  • It’s the fourth house in which the powerful Sun is going to transit in your birth chart. This house represents mother, relatives, conveyance, treasure, house, domestic environment, land, education and hereditary tendencies.
  • This is a good time as you will find the path to success after some hard struggle and reality check. You may need to keep unity with others and make sure that you are not lagging behind. Yet, you would be able to finish tasks within the deadline with your sincere efforts. You will be handle stresses well both at domestic as well as professional fronts. Your hard work during this time would not go unnoticed.
  • This is an auspicious time for your financial matters. There are chances that they may get resolved and you would feel economically secure. Your investments might start giving you positive results and profits.
  • Those who are aged might make donations for charity and visit holy places. This will give them mental gratification.
  • There are also chances of getting sad news of bereavement of any close family member. You would be mentally stressed about the health of elderly members in your family.
  • In a nutshell, the transit of Sun in Sagittarius may be an average period of your life in personal matters and strengthening in the professional front.

  • The Sun will be transiting to the third house in the birth chart of Librans. This house is the signifier of younger brothers and sisters, relatives, courage, cousins, firmness, short journeys, and intellect.
  • This is a transitional phase for your relationship with siblings. They might turn sour due to some unhealthy arguments. Try to avoid any sort of misunderstanding to maintain cordial relationships with your siblings.
  • It is foreseen that you might be trapped in some redundant expenses and regret your decision later. Hence, it is suggested that you try to be practical in monetary matters. Apart from this, the finances would be handled normally during this time.
  • There are chances of change in location for a professional commitment. It might be a migration due to job transfer or traveling somewhere for business deals. You may find it hard in balancing between your personal and professional life. Hence, you need to remain calm and not let your professional life hinder your personal life.
  • You are likely to fall under some issues in your conjugal life directly or indirectly. To maintain peace with your spouse, try to avoid locking horns with them for any silly reason.
  • If you are traveling overseas, you should take precautionary steps and be a bit careful in your journey.
  • Students have to be more attentive towards their studies as there are chances of distraction and delay in self-realization.
  • Overall, this phase might be a bit tough for you and you would need to be logical while dealing with things.

  • The transit of the magnanimously energetic Sun is going to be in the second house of your birth chart. This is the house of family, wealth, ambition, speech, imagination, observation power and loss.
  • You are suggested to evaluate all details before taking any big or major risk during the transit and try to maintain the status quo. People who are working in an organization would be endowed with additional responsibilities. Hence, you may need to manage your work accordingly. Any type of speculation must be avoided to maintain positivity.
  • There are chances of increase in financial gains. However, you need to keep a tab on the increase in your expenses as well. Your savings are likely to get drained due to some sudden expenditures.
  • You should avoid sulking on others for petty issues and need to think well before you communicate with anyone. There may be some occasional outbursts of arguments with your family members. But your positive attitude will help you maintain family harmony and tranquility.
  • Occasionally you might feel low on vitality and spirit. You are suggested to take care of ear, nose, and throat problems. You should also have your health checkup done to avoid any issues from occurring.
  • In all, the transit of Sun in Sagittarius would be average for you.

Also read: How will Mercury transit in Scorpio affects your zodiac sign?

  • The soul planet Sun is going to transit in your own sign, Sagittarians. This is where the significator of first house, Sun itself would be posited. This is the house of self and represents appearance, body, personality, health, intellect, fortune, honor and prosperity.
  • People who are employed and working for a long time in an organization may opt for a change of professional allegiance. Those who are engaged in research work will notice very slow progress in their field. If you manage to remain cautious then no one would be able to deceive you.
  • You are suggested to stay away from fictitious or inappropriate things. This would protect you from the chances of getting blamed for embezzlement. You must also not trust anyone blindly as some people may try to lure you by flattery. Hence, you need to understand their pretentions and not get carried away.
  • It is also suggested that you stay away from fair weather friends.
  • There are chances of confronting problems in your marital life. You would need to pay special attention to your relationship with your significant other.
  • You would also need to give the utmost importance to your health during the transit phase. You are suggested to avoid spicy and oily food as there are chances of acidity problems. The imbalance in wind might also trouble you now and then. Eye related issues may also trouble you at times.
  • In a nutshell, the archers need to take high precautionary measures during this Sun transit.

  • The Sun will be entering the 12th house the birth chart of Capricornians. This house is the significator of expenditure, harm, paying fines and enjoying luxuries.
  • During this transit phase, you would be caught by surprise due to sudden expenses. Hence, it would be wise to make your budget planning in advance and keep saving your income. There might be an increment in remuneration but it would not be felt due to the unwanted and high expenses. You should avoid short-term investment in share and stock trading.
  • It is likely that you may be fascinated by unproductive plans and ideas and you will meet people who may not have a positive influence upon you. Hence, it is suggested that you look at the minor details and analyze them logically.
  • There are chances that you would be dragged into unnecessary litigation related trouble. People who are suffering from hypertension and high blood pressure should take proper care. It is advisable to get your health checkup done.
  • You are suggested to pay attention to your children by trying to bridge the communication gap with them. This would bring you closer to them. You need to take charge of family-related concerns and try to resolve them with understanding and care.
  • There are chances of bodily injury. Hence, you are suggested to remain careful while driving or walking on the road.
  • In all, the transit of Sun in Sagittarius would bring some troubles in your life.

Check your relationship compatibility with your significant other.

  • For the water bearers, it’s the 11th house of your birth chart in which the Sun will be transiting. This house represents prosperity, friends, gains, fulfillment of desires, recovery from illness and success.
  • There may be a delay in the return of your favors from the people you owe money. There are chances of financial improvement, however, it might be negligible and fall short of your expectations. You are suggested to avoid taking any loan as there might be a delay in repayment of the loan amount.
  • You should not complain about trivial matters and not fall into arguments without any obvious reason. There might be intense competition with colleagues. There are chances of facing criticism and embarrassment from detractors. Hence, it suggested that you remain calm and take things easily.
  • You may be unable to enjoy your marital life to the fullest during this phase. There might be tension between you and your spouse. Try to spend some quality time with your significant other to maintain harmony in your relationship.
  • Before taking any decision, you are suggested to discuss the situation with your family members. You should take a step forward only after consultation from elders. Adventurous or spontaneous movement must be curtailed during this phase.
  • Overall, this transit of the Sun in Scorpio gives you a caution before doing any major things in life.

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  • The mighty Sun is going to enter the tenth house in your birth chart. This is the house which signifies profession, honor and authority, governmental service, business, status, fame, progress, and father.
  • During the Sun transit, there might be a slow progress in career. It may make you tensed and there are chances of mental dissatisfaction at times. Nevertheless, you are suggested to perform all your assigned tasks with sincerity and dedication.
  • While speaking with any seniors, you need to make sure that you are not trapped in emotions. In addition, maximum cooperation with colleagues would help you avoid any disturbances at the workplace.
  • There are chances of delay in financial gains. You may not get the monetary outputs as per requirement. Business individuals are suggested to carefully do investment in any projects or tie-ups to avoid incurring any losses. All the important works may become dilatory for execution.
  • Those who are in love relationships need to remain careful in emotional issues from stemming up. You are suggested to avoid lengthy discussion with your partner and show understanding in your relationship.
  • Trouble related to feet is likely to come up. Hence, it is suggested that you keep a check on your health.
  • There are chances of occasional disturbances in your family-related matters. You may also have to run hither and thither during this period.
  • In a nutshell, the Sun transit may delay things for you in your personal and professional life.

Sun can prove to be the blessing of your life if posited in a favorable house of your birth chart. For those who are facing the ill effects of the Sun transit, our expert astrologers can help neutralize them with the remedial solutions.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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