Our Expert Astrologer Team
The Chosen Ones…
Our commitment in the field of astrology is both to our customers and the empanelled astrologers, who are committed to provide excellent consultation via our platform. We select and hand-pick them carefully, so that you can get the best and most reliable guidance. Go on, get their services to see for yourself..

Acharya Anvveshi
Experience :15 Years
Expertise :
A stronghold on date wise predictions on important subjects of life -like profession, marriage, selection of right professional field. Hold on finding Vastu Doshas through horoscope. A long experience of teaching astrology and conducting online astrology courses. Very strong hold on and Mundane astrology.

Acharya Bharadwaja
Experience :22 years
Expertise :
Astro-psychology, relationship issues, timing of marriage, marital problems (delays, denial/divorce/demise), horoscope matching, professional matters, career management and other areas in relation to celestial phenomena.

Acharya Bhattacharya
Experience : 15 Years
Expertise :
Predictive Astrology, Spiritual Astrology, Vaastu Shastra, Dowsing and Pendulum, Reiki teaching and healing.

Acharya Dharmadhikari
Experience : 25 years
Expertise :
Stock Market, Commodity, Remedial Measures

Acharya Upmanyu
Experience : 10 years
Expertise :
Career guidance, family conflicts, love problems & finance.

Acharya Vyom
Experience : 11 Years
Expertise :
Career guidance, family conflicts, garbhavastha va garbhasanskaar, job or business-related issues, child-related issues, love problems & finance.