Nakshatra – Magha

As per Indian or Vedic Astrology, Magha Nakshatra is an important Nakshatra ruled by planet Ketu and corresponds to the star Regulus. It spans through the Leo and Virgo constellations. The Sanskrit word Magha means huge or grand. As the name suggests Magha Nakshatra imparts royal and respectable positions to its natives. It is the symbol of reputation, domination, authoritative status, and high social respect. The individuals belonging to Magha Nakshatra are considered to be born leaders in their respective fields. Individuals of Magha Nakshatra are strongly inclined to their ancestral beliefs and traditions because instead of being ruled by Devatas, it is ruled by Pitris, the ancestors of the human race. Also, since the demons control the Nakshatra the native finds themselves immersed in the material pleasures of the world. It can be said that this is directly connected to our as well as our ancestor’s past deeds.

Magha Nakshatra Astrology:

Regulus or Alpha-Leonis represents Magah in the night sky. It is the brightest star in Leo’s constellation. The meaning of the name Magha is ‘Magnificent’ and it is symbolized by a royal throne. Individuals who were born under Magha Nakshatra can use power and position to attain their highest goals. The core of this Nakshatra is honesty and achievement. Natives have a strong connection to their ancestral roots and often have the same grand expectations for their children. People take pride in where they came from and maintain established traditions. The Magha Nakshatra produces an appreciation for the traditions and rituals. It demands strong morals and can give honour and prestige if one follows the ethical code. Natives are generous and also have majestic lion-like demeanour. They are prone to worship ancestors and have a liking for occult sciences. The Magha Nakshatra ranges from 00°00′ to 13°20′ degrees in the Leo sign.

Magha Nakshatra Male Characteristics

The Male native of the Magha Nakshatra is very hard-working. He has great regard for the elders of the family. He is generally happy-go-lucky and an expert in various subjects. He is soft-spoken and while dealing with others, he will be careful not to hurt their sentiments. However, should he hurt someone unknowingly, he is prompt to apologize. Similarly, he does not like people who create nuisance wherever they go. Since he is honest and god-fearing, he is likely to make many hidden enemies who will keep trying to undermine him and his activities. He is very generous and does a lot of charitable activities, without expecting anything in return. This native will receive many awards and recognition. He will spend a lot of time pursuing cultural activities.

The male native of the Magha Nakshatra will be from a very rich background, though by himself he will not be able to do much either as a professional or a businessman. He is very hard-working, and whatever progress he makes is owing to this attitude of sincerity. He will likely keep changing his profession or business. But once he makes up his mind to do it, nothing can change his decision.

Magha Nakshatra Male: Compatibility and Family Life

Many of the Magha Nakshatra natives will enjoy a smooth and happy married life. Though he has to bear many responsibilities, including those of his siblings. The best thing is he does it quietly and without complaining.

Magha Nakshatra Male: Health and Well-Being

The Male native of the Magha Nakshatra is likely to suffer from night blindness. Depending on planetary positions, he may also suffer from serious ailments such as cancer, asthma, or epilepsy.

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Magha Nakshatra Female Characteristics

Though the Female native of the Magha Nakshatra is fond of quarrelling and is short-tempered, she is generous and god-fearing. This native will enjoy a lot of material comforts because she can perform exceptionally both her domestic and professional responsibilities. She is spiritually inclined and helpful.

It has been observed that if Jupiter is placed in this Nakshatra, its Female native will hold a very high post in her professional life. She is also likely to get married to a very rich man and will lead a luxurious life.

Magha Nakshatra Female: Compatibility and Family Life

One of the negative points of the Female native of the Magha Nakshatra is that she becomes the cause of all the friction in the family, which results in conflicts between her husband and in-laws, and generally a traumatic experience for all in the family. If she can control this mental tendency she can lead a very happy married life. She will have very smart and intelligent children, a son, and two daughters.

Magha Nakshatra Female: Health and Well-Being

The Female natives of the Magha Nakshatra are likely to have eye problems, hysteria, uterine trouble, blood disorders, and jaundice. If not treated in time, they may create severe problems in the future.

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Magha Nakshatra Padas

Magha Nakshatra 1st Pada: The first pada of the Magha Nakshatra falls in the Aries Navamsa ruled by Mars. It focuses on will-power. Here, the throne is secured after the slaying of the multi-headed serpent Ashlesha Nakshatra.

Magha Nakshatra 2nd Pada: The second pada of the Magha Nakshatra falls in the Taurus sun sign Navamsa ruled by Venus. The pada is focused on the king’s ascension to the throne. The emphasis here is on duty, materialistic organization, and creating a good image.

Magha Nakshatra 3rd Pada: The third pada of the Magha Nakshatra falls in the Gemini Navamsa ruled by Mercury. The focus here is on the pursuit of art and listening to the discourses of scholars. Knowledge and mental activities are paramount here.Magha Nakshatra 4th

Pada: The fourth pada of the Magha Nakshatra falls in the Cancer Navamsa which is ruled by the Moon. Magha’s liking for rituals, ancestor worship and family pride is in the focus.

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Some Interesting Facts of Magha Nakshatra

Translation: Benevolent, bountiful, magnificent

Symbol: Royal Throne or Palanquin

Lord: Ketu

Controlling Planet: Ketu

Ruling Deity of Ketu: Ganesha

Deity: The Pitris-the Ancestral Fathers

Body – VarahaMihira: Nose

Body – Parashara: Neck

Rashi / Zodiac Sign: Leo & Virgo

Nature: Ugra; The Fierce or Severe

Ganas: Rakshasa (Demon)

Mode: Active

Constellation: 5

Gender: Female

Dosha: Kapha

Element: Water

Lucky Color: Ivory/ Cream

Letter: Ma, Mi, Mu, Me

Lucky letter: M

Lucky Stone: Cats Eye

Lucky Numbers: 10

Animal Symbol: Male Rat

Bird Name: Male Eagle

Tree: Banyan Tree

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