Know All the Crucial Dates and Timings for the Auspicious Muhurats of 2024
All the 2024 Muhurats in one place! What are the best dates for marriage in 2024? Or to plan a ring ceremony or homecoming? Here is all the information you want on Subh Muhrats of 2024 according to the most accurate Hindu Panchang. You can find insightful details like the tithi, Nakshatra, and the specific auspicious timings of the day for the important events in your life! For personalized date, tithi, and Muhurat 2024 queries, you can Talk to an Astrologer

Abhijit Muhurat
In Hinduism, it is important to calculate the shubh muhurat before performing any important event. Conducting the event during the auspicious muhurat will give only positive results and success in the undertaking. But sometimes individuals don’t get enough time to check the right muhurat and they need to perform on an urgent basis. In such situations, people may end up confused when there are no available muhurats.
What shall be done in such cases? Do not worry. We have a solution for you. Have you heard of Abhijit Muhurat? Yes! This muhurat is auspicious for any work according to Vedic astrology. Even though this muhurat is not special for any significant condition, it is there every day. So performing events during such hours will give you good results. You might be thinking of performing some important ceremonies like vidyarambh, naming ceremony, marriage etc in 2024. Abhijit muhurat 2024 will help you with your desire with the right muhurat.
Read MoreAnnaprashan Muhurat
First time milestones achieved by every child are really precious to their parents. Most of the parents remember or record their baby’s first step, the first sound, first word, first food etc. For the first six months, children get only breast milk or formula milk. The first introduction of solid or semi-solid is very important. The first solid food or the transition from a liquid diet to a solid diet is always a celebration and is done by checking the good muhurat based on the baby’s birth star or zodiac sign.
The first food is also known as Annaprashan or Annaprasana, a Sanskrit word that means food feeding or food eating. Annaprashana marks the beginning of solid food in a child’s life. Annaprashan is celebrated in a Hindu traditional way and the baby will be given all types of food, say, salt, bitter, sour and spice. It is to be noted that parents won’t introduce the new food in larger amounts, but just for namesake. This celebration is followed in many parts of the country with slightly varied customs and rituals.
Read MoreGriha Pravesh Muhurats
Buying a new house is a big deal, especially for us Indians, as numerous Hindu rituals are performed before living in the new house. A Griha Pravesh Pooja is carried out to remove the pessimistic effects of the harmful planets. It is also used to get rid of the negative energy that may prevail and negate them with positive vibrations to live a peaceful life in the new house that you enter!
For performing this pooja, auspicious mahurats or dates are required to gain maximum profit from the Griha Pravesh rituals. Today, we are talking just about that. Here are the Best Griha Pravesh Muhurats in 2024 you should keep an eye on if you are someone who is eyeing that housewarming party. Astrologically, it can help you live an untroubled and soothing life in the new house!
Read MoreUpanayana Sanskar Muhurat
With many traditions followed in Hinduism, Janeu Sanskar (Upanayana Sanskar) is one of the most significant ones, even before marriage. It is the 10th sanskar described in ancient Sanatan Hindu Dharma. In this ceremony, the boy is made to wear a sacred white thread (Janeu) with various rituals. Various castes like Brahmins and Kshatriyas perform this Sanskar.
The word ‘Upanayana’ consists of two words; ‘Up” means near and ‘Nayana” means vision. Hence, this literally means keeping ourselves away from darkness (state of ignorance) and getting towards the light (spiritual knowledge). Thus, it is one of the most famous and sacred rituals. Today, we are talking about some auspicious 2024 Upnayan Sanskar Muhurats to plan for janeu sanskar.
Read MoreKarnavedha Muhurat
In Hinduism, every auspicious event will be done based on the muhurat given by expert astrologers. 28th day after childbirth, annaprasan, ear piercing and so on are such auspicious events for children. Karnavedha sanskar in Hinduism is the event that performs the first ear piercing of a baby. Karna vedha is two words in which karna means ear and vedha means piercing. Thus Karnavedha determines the process of ear piercing of a newborn baby. For every child born in a Hindu family is supposed to do ear piercing at a prescribed time. Karnavedha is done to eliminate all the negative energies. The event is done by making a small hole in the ear’s lowest part which will then be worn with beautiful earrings. The event is considered very auspicious.
Read MoreMarriage Muhurat
What is the significance of auspicious wedding dates? As one of the world’s most religiously and ethnically diverse land, India boasts unique and culturally rich wedding ceremonies for several decades, ranging from elegant and sophisticated to beautifully intricate weddings. Indian weddings have traditionally been considered the communion of two families. During these days, many different rituals that are part of an Indian wedding ceremony take place. One of them is finding a Shubh Muhurat (auspicious time slot of the day) before carrying out any major life event or an auspicious ceremony. Wedding Muhurat plays a significant role. Therefore, a quality amount of time to spend on Hindu wedding dates makes it a stress-free and error-free affair.
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Read MoreMundan Ceremony Muhurat
Mundan in Hindu culture or Tonsur in English is one of the most important rituals in Indian society. It is obligatory in Hindu tradition and is performed between four months and three years after the birth of a child. A barber is hired to get the child’s hair shaved. All these rituals are performed on a certain fixed date under the proper guidance of the Pandit. Special care is being taken to check the Mundan Muhurta. The Mundan date is decided according to the particular Mundan date of the Hindu calendar. The Mundan Sanskar Muhurta is specially taken care of when it comes to the welfare of the child’s life.
Read MoreNamkaran Muhurat
As per Hindu culture, the name you keep for your baby possesses particular energy that allows him/her to resonate with the apt cosmic energy. This aids in the comprehensive growth of the child in a materialistic and spiritual manner. In Hinduism, there are various rituals to be performed in one’s life right from birth. One of those important rituals is the naming ceremony at home which is the formal event in which a child is being named and welcomed to the family and community.
Read MoreOpening a new business Muhurat
So, you are ready with a plan! Ready to start a new business with great strategy, fresh and updated stock, skilled labour, sufficient capital, commercially profitable place and all that it takes to earn profit and get settled to achieve success. But wait, aren’t you missing something? Let us remind you.
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You missed on the shubh muhurat to start new work, isn’t it? No amount of hard work or money will be useful if you don’t begin your work considering the shubh muhurat for new business. Looking at the present scenario, when everything has become so unpredictable, we have noticed big firms shutting down in no time. All thanks to the pandemic. But, it’s not only the pandemic to be blamed. Many of the businessmen didn’t check for the auspicious day to start a business, and now when they are facing issues and losses, they are blaming the pandemic, which is not completely true. It is very important to know the shubh muhurat for starting new business as it reduces the risks in the business and enhances the chances of earning profit in the long run.
Read MoreProperty Purchase Muhurat
India is a land of tradition-bound people, who have been following the customs and traditions for centuries, tirelessly. These customs are being transferred from one generation to the next, and whether young or old, all seem to follow these age-old practices with zest and zeal. The Indians have always believed in the power of auspicious days and times and have called them the Shubh Muhurat. No Indian, especially Hindu, would start anything new without knowing the shubh muhurat for the event, whether it is about a new home, marriage, vehicle, or even shifting into a new city. Then how can someone purchase a new property without knowing the shubh din for property purchase?
Read MoreRing Ceremony Muhurat
Getting married and settling down is one of the biggest events in every person’s life. Families spend so much not only during the wedding but also on the pre-wedding celebrations. One such pre-wedding ceremony is the ring ceremony.
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We have got Ring Ceremony Muhurat in 2024 for all those who are planning to exchange rings in the coming year. The Sagai Muhurta 2024 given in the article is as per the engagement dates in 2024 Hindu calendar. Before noting down the auspicious time for engagement in 2024, let us see what happens during the engagement ceremony in India.
Read MoreVehicle Buying Muhurat
People in India consider the auspicious time before starting any kind of new work. Actually, the reason for this is the mythological belief prevalent in Hinduism, according to which the beginning of any auspicious work is auspicious time, then the chances of the work being accomplished increases greatly. It is our dream to buy a house, property or vehicle. Buy the best vehicles of 2024 at a good time. Let us know the auspicious time of the year 2024 for vehicle purchase-
Read MoreVidyarambh Muhurat
Vidyarambh ceremony is performed before a child joins the school for the first time. The Vidyarambh ceremony assures that the child will learn well and go on to fulfill all the expectations of his parents. Vidyarambh ceremony holds an important place in a child’s life, so knowing the auspicious time to start a child’s education in Hinduism is essential. In this article, we are providing all the important dates and timings for Vidyarambh Muhurta 2024.
Vidyarambh Sanskar 2024 not only helps your child to develop intellectually but also gives immense opportunities to get education in future. On Shubh Vidyarambh Muhurta, the priest along with the child and his parents worship Lord Ganesha and Maa Saraswati to bless the child with a bright future. It is only after this ceremony that the child learns to read and write for the first time.
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